2 No more the sovereign eye of God O'erlooks the crimes of men;
His heralds are despatch'd abroad, To warn the world of sin.
3 The summons reach through all the earth, Let earth attend and fear; Listen, ye men of noble birth, And let your households hear.
4 Together in his presence bow, And all your guilt confess; Embrace your Saviour's offer now, Nor trifle with his grace. 5 Bow ere the awful trumpet sound, And call you to his bar; For mercy knows the appointed bound, And turns to vengeance there!
6 Amazing love! that yet will call, And yet prolong our days: Our hearts subdued by goodness fall, And weep, and love, and praise.
By the law is the knowledge of sin. This corruption doth remain, yea in them that are regenerate.
1 OH! how secure my conscience was, And felt no inward dread;
I was alive without the law,
And thought my sins were dead.
2 My hopes of heaven were firm and bright, But since the precept came, With a convincing power and light, I find how vile I am.
3 My guilt appear'd but small before, Till terribly I saw
How perfect, holy, just, and pure, Was thine eternal law.
4 Then felt my soul the heavy load, My sins revived again; I had provoked a dreadful God! And all my hopes were slain.
5 I'm like a helpless captive sold, Under the power of sin; I cannot do the good I would, Nor keep my conscience clean. 6 My God, I cry, with every breath, For some kind power to save; To break the yoke of sin and death, And thus redeem the slave!
Exod. xxiv. 8-11. Draw near in faith.
1 SPRINKLED with reconciling blood, I venture near thy throne, O God, Thy face no frowning aspect wears, Thy hand no vengeful thunder bears. 2 Th' encircling rainbow, peaceful sign, Does with refulgent brightness shine; And while my faith beholds it near, I bid farewell to needless fear.
3 Let me my grateful homage pay, With courage sing, with fervour pray; And, though myself a wretch undone, Hope for acceptance through thy Son:-
4 Thy Son, who on th' accursed tree Expired to set the vilest free; On this I build my only claim, And all I ask is in his name.
267. Grateful acceptance of Salvation.
1 ENSLAVED by sin, and bound in chains, Beneath its dreadful tyrant's sway; And doom'd to everlasting pains, We wretched guilty captives lay.
2 Jesus the Lord, the mighty God, An all-sufficient ransom paid; Invalued price-his precious blood For vile rebellious traitors shed.
3 Jesus the sacrifice became,
To rescue guilty souls from hell; The spotless bleeding dying Lamb, Beneath avenging justice fell!
4 Amazing goodness! love divine ! O may our grateful hearts adore The matchless grace, nor yield to sin, Nor wear its cruel fetters more.
5 Blest Saviour! let thy love pursue The glorious work it has begun ; Each secret lurking foe subdue, And let our hearts be thine alone.
1 NOT by the laws of innocence Can Adam's sons arrive at heaven; New works can give us no pretence To have our former sins forgiven.
2 Not the best deeds that we have done Can make a wounded conscience whole; Faith is the grace, and faith alone, That flies to Christ and saves the soul.
3 Lord, I believe thy heavenly word, Fain would I have my soul renew'd; I mourn for sin, and pray the Lord To have it pardon'd and subdued.
4 O may thy grace its power display, Let guilt and death no longer reign; Save me in thine appointed way, Nor let my humble faith be vain.
Not by works of Righteousness which we have done. 1 LORD, we confess our num'rous faults, How great our guilt has been; Foolish and vain were all our thoughts, And all our lives were sin.
2 But O my soul, for ever praise, For ever love his name!
Who turns thy feet from dangerous ways Of folly, sin, and shame.
3 'Tis not by works of righteousness, Which our own hands have done; But we are saved by sovereign grace, Abounding through the Son.
4 'Tis from the mercy of our God That all our hopes begin; 'Tis by the water and the blood Our souls are wash'd from sin.
5 'Tis through the purchase of his death, Who hung upon the tree, The Spirit is sent down to breathe On such dead souls as we.
6 Raised from the dead, we live anew!
And justified by grace, We shall appear in glory too, And see our Father's face.
1 GIVE me the wings of faith to rise Within the veil, and see
The saints above, how great their joys, How bright their glories be.
2 Once they were mourners here below, Wetting their couch with tears; They wrestled hard, as we do now, With sins, and doubts, and fears.
3 Ask them from whence their vict'ry came, They with united breath Ascribe their conquests to the Lamb, Their triumph to his death.
4 They mark'd the footsteps which he trod, His love inspired their breast; And following the incarnate God, They enter'd into rest!
1 FAITH adds new joy to earthly bliss, And saves us from its snares; Fresh aid in every duty brings, And softens all our cares.
2 Faith mortifies the love of sin, Kindles the sacred fire
Of love to God, and heavenly things, And fills the heart's desire.
3. The wounded conscience knows its power,
The healing balm to give; That balm the saddest heart can cheer, And makes the dying live.
4 Faith draws aside the veil of heaven, Where unknown glories reign; And bids us seek our portion there, Nor bids us seek in vain.
5 Faith holds to view the promise, seal'd With the Redeemer's blood; And helps our feeble hope to rest Upon a faithful God.
6 There, there unshaken may we rest, Till this vile body dies; And then on faith's triumphant wings, To endless glory rise!
Add to your faith knowledge.
ISRAEL in times of old Not only heard and knew How Sinai's thunder roll'd, But learn'd the Gospel too; The types and figures were a glass, In which they saw the Saviour's face. 2 The paschal sacrifice,
And blood-besprinkled door, Seen with enlighten'd eyes, And once applied with power, Would teach the need of other blood, To reconcile an angry God.
3 The lamb, the dove set forth His perfect innocence; Whose blood of matchless worth Should be the soul's defence; For he, who can for sin atone, Must have no failings of his own.
4 The scape-goat on his head The people's trespass bore, And to the desert led, Was to be seen no more:
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