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Gen. xviii. 19; Job i. 5.

Maxim of the world

Business must be attended to, and re

ligion when I can find time for it.

Maxim of the Christian Religion must be attended to, and business when I can find time for it.

He that provideth not for his own, is worse than an infidel. But it is no part of any man's duty to make his fortune. Having food and raiment, be therewith content.

All these things do the nations of the world seek after.


Sunday Morning.

1 COME, let us join our souls to God
In everlasting bands,
And seize the blessings he bestows,
With eager hearts and hands.
2 Come, let us to his temple haste,
And seek his favour there,
Before his footstool humbly bow,
And pour out fervent prayer.
3 Come let us seal, without delay,
The covenant of his grace;
Nor shall the years of distant life
Its memory efface.

4 Thus may our rising offspring haste
To seek their fathers' God;
Nor e'er forsake the happy path
Their youthful feet have trod.




O THOU that hearest prayer,
Attend our humble cry;
And let thy servants share

Thy blessing from on high :
We plead the promise of thy Word,
Grant us thy Holy Spirit, Lord.

If earthly parents hear

Their children when they cry;
If they, with love sincere,

Their children's wants supply;
Much more wilt thou thy love display,
And answer when thy children pray.

3 Our heavenly Father! Thou-
We-children of thy grace-
Oh let thy Spirit now


Descend, and fill the place:
That all may feel the heavenly flame,
And all unite to praise thy name.

Then shall thy kingdom come
Among our fallen race,
And the whole earth become
The temple of thy grace;
Whence pure devotion shall ascend,
And songs of praise, till time shall end.


1 LORD, when we bend before thy throne,
And our CONFESSIONS pour,
Teach us to feel the sins we own,
And hate what we deplore.
Our broken spirits pitying see,
True penitence impart,
Then let a kindling glance from thee
Beam hope on every heart.

2 When we disclose our wants in PRAYER,

Oh let our wills resign;

And not a thought our bosom share
Which is not wholly thine.

Let faith each weak petition fill,
And lift it to the skies;
And teach our hearts 'tis goodness still
Which grants it or denies.

3 When our united voices strive

Their cheerful hymns to raise,
Let love divine within us live,
And lift our souls in PRAISE.
Then on thy glories while we dwell,
Thy mercies we'll review,
Till love divine transported tell,
Thou, God, art Father too.


1 TO-DAY God bids the faithful rest,
To-day he showers his grace;
Seek ye my face, the Lord hath said, -
Lord, we will seek thy face.

2 Come, let us leave the things of earth,
With God's assembly join;
Lo! heaven descends to welcome man
To taste the things divine.

3 We thirst, we fly to thee, O Lord,
Thou fountain-head of good;
Guilty we come, and all unclean,
O cleanse us in thy blood.

4 O may we please our God to-day,
May that be all our care;
Give, Lord, thy grace, lest evil thoughts
Should mingle in our prayer.

5 Amidst th' assembly of thy saints
Let us be faithful found;
And let us join in humble prayer,
And in thy praise abound.
6 O may thy Spirit help our souls
With faith thy Word to hear;
Be with us in thy temple, Lord,
And let us find thee near.


1 AGAIN the day returns of holy rest,

Which when he made the world, Jehovah blest;
When like his own he bade our labours cease,
And all be piety and all be peace.

2 Let us devote his consecrated day
To learn his will, and all we learn obey;
In pure religion's hallow'd duties share,
And join in penitence and join in prayer.

3 So shall the God of mercy pleased receive
That only tribute man has power to give;
So shall he hear, while fervently we raise
Our cheerful harmony in songs of praise.

4 Father of heaven! in whom our hopes confide, Whose power defends us, and whose precepts


In life our guardian, and in death our friend,Glory supreme be thine, till time shall end.


Sunday Evening.

1 SOON shall the evening star, with silver ray,
Shed its mild lustre on this sacred day;
Resume we then, ere sleep and silence reign,
The rites that holiness and heaven ordain.

2 Still let each awful truth our thoughts engage,
That shines reveal'd on inspiration's page;
Nor those blest hours in vain amusement waste,
Which all who lavish shall lament at last.

3 Here humbly let us hope our Maker's smile
Will crown with meet success our weekly toil;
And then, on each returning Sabbath join
In prayer, in penitence, and praise divine.

4 Father of heaven! in whom our hopes confide, Whose power defends us, and whose precepts


In life our guardian, and in death our friend,Glory supreme be thine, till time shall end.

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