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1 ALMIGHTY Father, God of grace,
We all, like sheep astray,
In folly, from thy paths have turn'd,
Each to his sinful way.

2 Sins of omission and of act

Through all our lives abound;
Alas! in thought, and word, and deed,
No health in us is found.

3 Oh! spare us, Lord! in mercy spare,
Our contrite souls restore;
Through Him who suffer'd on the cross,
And man's transgressions bore.

4 And grant, O Father, for his sake,
That we, through all our days,

A just and godly life may lead,
To thine eternal praise.



1 FATHER of all, eternal Mind !
In uncreated light enshrined,

Immensely good and great!
Thy children, form'd and bless'd by thee,
With filial love and homage, we

Fall prostrate at thy feet.

2 Thy name in hallow'd strains be sung;
Let every heart, and every tongue,
The solemn concert join;
In loving, serving, praising thee,
We find our chief felicity,

But cannot add to thine.

3 Thy righteous, mild, and glorious reign,
Throughout creation's ample plain,
Let every being own;

Lord, in our hearts, where passions rude,
With fierce tumultuous rage intrude,
Erect thy peaceful throne.
4 As angels round thy seat above,
With joyful haste and ardent love
Thy blest commands fulfil;

So let thy creatures here below,
As far as thou hast given to know,


Perform thy sacred will.


1 LORD! from thy hand each earthly good,

Our raiment and our daily food,

In rich abundance come;
O give us still a fresh supply;

If thou withhold thy hand we die,
And fill the silent tomb.

2 Pardon our sins, O God, which rise,
And call for vengeance from the skies;
And while we are forgiven,
Grant that revenge may never rest,
Nor malice harbour in that breast,
Which feels the love of heaven.

3 Protect us in the dangerous hour,
And from the wily tempter's power,
Oh! set our spirits free !
But if temptation shall assail,
Thy mighty grace o'er all prevail,
And lead our hearts to thee.

4 Thine is the power; to thee belongs
The constant tribute of our songs;
All glory to thy name!
Let every creature join our lays,
In one resounding act of praise,
And all thy love proclaim.

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1 TO him who loved the souls of men,
And wash'd us in his blood;
To royal honours raised our head,
And made us priests to God.

2 To him let every tongue be praise,
And every heart be love;
All grateful honours paid on earth,
And nobler songs above.

3 Behold on flying clouds he comes,
His saints shall bless the day;
While they who pierced him mourn and wail,
In anguish and dismay.

4 I am the first, and I the last,
Time centres all in me;

Th' Almighty God, who was, and is,
And evermore shall be.



TO-MORROW, Lord, is thine!
Lodged in thy sov'reign hand;
And if its sun arise and shine,
It shines by thy command.
2 The present moment flies,
And bears our life away;
Oh! make thy servants truly wise,
That they may live to day.

3 Since on this winged hour
Eternity is hung;
Awaken, by thy mighty power,
The aged and the young.


One thing demands our care,
Be that one thing pursued;
Lest slighted once, the season fair
Should never be renewed.

5 To Jesus may we fly,

Swift as the morning light;
Lest life's young golden beams should die,
In sudden endless night.



Friday, (Fast Day).

LIKE sheep we went astray,
And broke the fold of God;
Each wandering in a different way,
But all the downward road.
2 How dreadful was the hour,

When God our wanderings laid,
And did at once his vengeance pour,
Upon the shepherd's head.

3 How glorious was the grace,



When Christ sustain'd the stroke;
His life and blood the Shepherd pays,
A ransom for the flock.

His honour and his breath
Were taken both away;
Join'd with the wicked in his death,
And made as vile as they.

But God shall raise his head
O'er all the sons of men,
And make him see a num'rous seed,
To recompense his pain.
6 I'll give him, saith the Lord,
A portion with the strong;
He shall possess a large reward,
And hold his honours long.


1 OH the transcendent love
Which Christ our Saviour shows!
For enemies his bowels move,
And bleeding mercy flows.

2 Jesus inviteth near

The vilest of our race; He bids stout-hearted sinners hear The Gospel of his grace. 3 If pride of man disclaim, And all this grace despise, Yet let us love the Saviour's name, 'Tis wondrous in our eyes. 4 Yes! to life's utmost end, Thy grace, Lord, let us show, And own thee for the sinner's friend, But sin's eternal foe.


1 GOD'S holy law transgress'd
Speaks nothing but despair;
Burden'd with guilt, with grief oppress'd,
We find no comfort there.

2 Not all our groans and tears,


Nor works which we have done,
Nor vows, nor promises, nor prayers,
Can e'er for sin atone.

Relief alone is found

In Jesu's precious blood;
'Tis this that heals the mortal wound,
And reconciles to God.

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1 LORD, cause thy face on us to shine,
Give us thy peace, and seal us thine;
Teach us to prize the means of grace,
And love thy earthly dwelling-place.

2 May we in truth our sins confess,
Worship the Lord in holiness;
And all thy power and glory see
Within thy hallow'd sanctuary.

3 O King of Salem! Prince of Peace!
Bid strife among thy subjects cease:
One is our faith, and one our Lord,
One body, spirit, hope, reward.

4 One God and Father of us all,
On whom thy Church and people call:
Oh may we one communion be,
One with each other, and with thee !

5 Bless all whose voice salvation brings,
Who minister in holy things;
Our Bishops, Priests, and Deacons bless,
Clothe them with zeal and righteousness.

6 Let many, in the judgment-day,

Turn'd from the error of their way,
Their hope, their joy, their crown appear:
Save those who preach, and those who hear.

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