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4 Sweet were his words, and kind his look,
When mothers round him prest;

Their infants in his arms he took,
And on his bosom blest.

5 Safe from the world's alluring harms,
Beneath his watchful eye;
Thus in the circle of his arms
May we for ever lie!


1 WHEN Jesus into Salem rode,

The children sang aloud

For joy, they pluck'd the palms and strow'd
Their garments on the ground.

2 Hosanna our glad voices raise,
Hosanna to our king;
Should we forget our Saviour's praise,
The stones themselves would sing.

3 Help us, O Lord, to love thy name,
That name divinely sweet,
Let every pulse through life proclaim,
And our last breath repeat!


1 THE sons of Abram call'd to pass
Under the bloody seal of grace,
As young disciples bore the yoke
Till Christ the painful bondage broke.

2 By milder ways doth Jesus prove
His Father's covenant, and his love;
He seals to saints his glorious grace,
And ne'er forbids their infant race.

3 Their seed is sprinkled with his blood,
Their children set apart for God,
His Spirit on their offspring shed
Like water poured upon the head.

4 Let every saint with grateful voice,
In this large covenant rejoice,
And children in their early days,
Give to the God of Abram praise.


1 FROM the first dawn of infant life,
Thy goodness we have shared,
And still we live to sing thy praise,
By sovereign mercy spared.
2 To seek thy grace, to do thy will,
O Lord our hearts incline;
And o'er the paths of future life,
Command thy light to shine.
3 While taught to read the word of truth,
May we that word receive;
And when we hear of Jesus' name,
In that blest name believe.

4 Let not our feet incline to tread
Sin's broad destructive road,
But trace those holy paths which lead
To glory and to God.


1 RETURN, O wanderer, return
And seek thine injured Father's face,
Those new desires which in thee burn
Were kindled by reclaiming grace.

2 Return, O wanderer, return,

He hears thy deep repentant sigh;
He sees thy soften'd spirit mourn
When no intruding ear is nigh.

3 Return, O wanderer, return,
Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live;
Go to his feet, and grateful learn,
How freely Jesus can forgive.
7 Return, O wanderer, return,
And wipe away the falling tear;
Thy Father calls "No longer mourn,"
'Tis mercy's voice invites thee near.


Before Service.

1 GREAT Saviour! who didst condescend

Young children in thine arms to take,
Still prove thyself the children's friend,
And save us for thy mercy's sake.

2 Lord! by the guidance of thy hand,
We now within thy house appear;
And in thy awful presence stand,
To hear thy word, and join in prayer.

3 Like precious seed in fruitful ground,
Let the instruction we receive
With fruits of righteousness abound,
Oh let us to thy glory live.

4 While in the slippery paths of youth,
Be thou our guardian and our guide;
That we directed by thy truth
May never from thy precepts slide.

5 To read thy word our hearts incline,
To understand it light impart,
Oh Saviour, let us all be thine !
Take full possession of each heart.


Sunday School Anniversary.

1 THY throne, O God, in righteousness
For ever shall endure :

We bow before it-deign to bless
The children of the poor.

2 Thy wisdom fixed our lowly birth,'
Yet we thy goodness share;
Still make us while we dwell on earth,
The children of thy care.

3 Strangers to thee, though thine by name,
We heard thy welcome voice;
And gather'd from the world became
The children of thy choice.

4 Thou art our Shepherd, glorious God!

Thy little flock behold;
And guide us by thy staff and rod,
The children of thy fold.

5 We praise thy name that we were brought

To this delightful place,

Where we are watched, and warned, and taught,

The children of thy grace.

6 May all our friends, thy servants here,
Meet all our souls above;

And we and they in heaven appear
The children of thy love!

Grace before Meat.

The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib.
BE present with thy servants, Lord!
Be here and every where adored;
These creatures bless, and grant that we
May feast in Paradise with thee!

Grace after Meat.

WE thank thee, Lord, for daily food,
But most of all for Jesu's blood;
O grant that to our souls be given
The bread of life sent down from heaven.


Yes, verily! and by God's help so I will.-CATECHISM.


1 "AND will you be bound by what others have


Enslaved from the outset, with liberty none ? Not even allow'd your own judgment to useFor shame! break the yoke, and subjection



2 Oh spare your compassion, on me it is lost, Advice comes too late, I have counted the cost; There's now no debating, 'tis unsafe to delay, "Yes surely"-without hesitation, I say.

3 Nor think that in haste this my purpose is made, Its toil, or the sweets of your service un


They 're present, yet greater are laid up in


My eyes are now open'd, so tempt me no more.

4 I've tried in the balance this world with the next,

The labour required, with the wages affix'd; Now fully prepared "Am I bound" do you cry? "Yes verily,"-thus my soul hastes to reply.

5 Such zeal I derive from the cross on my brow,
If not bound already, I'd bind myself now;
But-chosen beforehand! my Captain to serve,
I'll ne'er be behindhand his praise to deserve !


6 O Lord! in thy strength be all my vows made,
Upheld by thy hand, I will not be afraid;
But thou hast forewarn'd me of pride to beware,
Vain-glory to shun, and to seek thee in prayer.


7 Yes verily! words I may well make my own,
Such wonderful mercy to me hath been shown!
A member of Christ!-made a child of my God!
An heir to a kingdom, -a royal abode !

8 My Father above I will heartily thank,
Who first called me up to this heavenly rank;
A prize set before me, a struggle proposed,
With which I may safely rejoice to have closed.

9 "Salvation!"-see beck'ning a hand from above, And he who now calls me, most faithful will


My course ere I knew, he had for me begun,
Now all things provides me, securely to run !


10 This hope and rejoicing, held firm to the end,
Is promised a recompense none shall transcend;
I 'mbrace this salvation with steady accord,
Yea, boast me the slave of my crucified Lord!

11 I now have an object my powers to employ,
Sufficient for all I can do, or enjoy;
For God I'm created-ennobling thought!
Of worth in his sight-for eternity bought!

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