Reflection. 12 A station so high circumspection demands, Since now all I do in full scrutiny stands; Entrusted a watchlight for others to burn, Assured each good deed to my profit shall turn. Challenge and Parting. 13 This helmet, my hope, guards the life of my soul, This balsam-the wounds of my spirit makes Amid wreck of worlds, ask you "What can Rely on those arms which shall bear me safe 14 But duty forbids me to parley with thee, Lest my Captain should rashness or negligence see; His pleasure permits me each triumph to gain, 15 Wealth, honour, and pleasure, he warns me to fear, Above the world's frown my own conscience revere; To serve God and man, I must reckon my meat, Contented in faith for enjoyment to wait. 16 The prize full in view, and companions around, 17 But should I, Christ's purchase, make ship wreck of all, What multiplied anguish upon me must fall! HYMNS FOR PRIVATE MEDITATION. ONE FOR EVERY FRIDAY IN THE YEAR, (OR OTHER DAY.) WITH A DOZEN SUPPLEMENTARY PIECES. Many of the following hymns are only suited to particular cases, and are not intended for the generality of persons to pore over, in order to work upon their feelings. This is a dangerous practice, and by all means to be checked, especially in the young, as having a direct tendency to blunt the feelings and harden the heart, any unnatural excitement being followed by corresponding depression. There cannot be a more mischievous practice than for persons religiously disposed, especially if much alone, to make the hymn book a book of constant reading, as by the continual exeitement it produces, the mind soon loses its tone and becomes unfit for any exertion. Some hymns are exempt from this tendency, such as the Morning and Evening Hymn, most of the Psalms, and the hymns selected for family worship. These are of a domestic nature and soothing tendency; they calm the passions, pacify the mind, and bring it into a proper frame for real devotion (by some thought cold). They bring a man down from soaring in the clouds to his proper place as a member of society, and of a family, reminding him of the more simple and common duties of domestic life, which, after all, are the very work appointed for him to do. 1 GOD of our lives! thy various praise 2 To thee shall annual incense rise, 3 In every scene of life thy care, 4 Still may thy love, in every scene, 384. Spending the day in the fear of God. 1 THRICE happy souls, who born from heaven, 4 As sanctified to noblest ends, 5 When to laborious duties call'd, + Prevent, i. e. Go before, or be beforehand with. 7 At night we lean our weary heads 385.Caution against self-complacency, and what is called worldly prudence, or in other words, covetousness and selfishness. 1 MUST all the charms of nature then 2 The man who sought the ways of truth, 3 But mark the change! thus spake the Lord, 4 Poor virtues which he boasted so, 5 Ah! foolish choice of treasures here, 6 In vain the charms of nature shine, 386. Encouragement to persevere. 1 REJOICE believer in the Lord, Who makes your cause his own; 2 Though many foes beset your road, 3 Weak as you are, you shall not faint, 4 Though sometimes unperceived by sense, 5 As surely as he overcame, And triumph'd once for you; 1 WHEN all thy mercies, O my God, 2 Unnumber'd comforts to my soul 3 When in the slippery paths of youth, 4 When worn by sickness, oft hast thou 5 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts That tastes those gifts with joy. |