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2 In long complaints he spends his breath,
While hosts of hell, and powers of death,
And all the sons of malice join
To execute their base design.

3 Yet, gracious God, thy power and love
Have made the curse a blessing prove,
Those dreadful sufferings of thy Son
Atoned for sins which we had done.

4 The pangs of our expiring Lord,
The honours of thy law restored,
His sorrows made thy justice known,
And paid for follies not his own.

5 Oh for his sake our guilt forgive,
And let the mourning sinner live;
The Lord will hear us in his name,
Nor shall our hope be turn'd to shame.


1 HASTE, haste, O my God, to my aid,
My sins and my sorrows control,
Let those be dismay'd and afraid,
Who wait but to ruin my soul.
Command, and my foes shall retreat,
And turn with confusion away;
Thine arm shall their malice defeat,
Thy hand shall deliver the prey.

2 Let all in thy favour rejoice
Who seek thee with diligent prayer,
Thy servants shall lift the glad voice,
And anthems of triumph prepare.
Let those who the Saviour adore,
Who love his salvation still cry,
"Exalt ye his grace and his pow'r,
Let God be exalted on high!"

3 But I am afflicted and poor,
With sin and with sorrow opprest,
Then haste, O my God, and secure
My refuge where sorrow may rest!

Thou, thou, art my helper alone,
O thou, my deliverer be near,
Jehovah now bow from thy throne,
And quick for salvation appear.

God our guardian through life.

1 MY Saviour, my Almighty Friend,
When I begin thy praise,
Where will the growing numbers end,
The numbers of thy grace?

2 Thou art my everlasting hope,
I live upon thy truth,
Thy hands have held my childhood up,
And strengthen'd all my youth.

3 My flesh was fashion'd by thy power,
With all these limbs of mine,
And from my mother's painful hour
I've been entirely thine.

4 Still has my life new wonders seen
Repeated every year;
Behold my days that yet remain,
I trust them to thy care.

5 My feet shall travel all the length
Of the celestial road,

And march with courage in thy strength
To see my Father God.

6 Cast me not off when strength declines,
When hoary hairs arise,
And round me let thy glory shine
Whene'er thy servant dies.
7 Then in the history of my age
When men review my days,
They'll read thy love in every page,
In every line thy praise.


The Church's growth like a grain of mustard seed.
1 GREAT God! whose universal sway
The known and unknown worlds obey,
Now give the kingdom to thy Son,
Extend his power, exalt his throne.


2 Thy sceptre well becomes his hands,
All heaven submits to his commands,
His justice shall avenge the poor,
And pride and rage prevail no more.

3 With power he vindicates the just,
And treads the oppressor in the dust;
His worship and his fear shall last,
His Name till years and time be past.

4 As rain on meadows newly mown,
So shall he send his influence down;
His grace on fainting souls distils
Like heav'nly dew on thirsty hills.

5 The heathen lands that lie beneath
The shades of overspreading death,
Revive at his first dawning light,
And deserts blossom at the sight.
6 As seed on lofty mountains shed,
Or trees on Lebanon's high head,
His widely spreading Church shall grow,
And soon its plenteous harvests show.
7 The saints shall flourish in his days,
Dress'd in the robes of joy and praise;
Peace like a river from his throne
Shall flow to nations yet unknown.


1 GOD, my supporter and my hope,
My help for ever near,
Thine arm of mercy held me up
When sinking in despair.

2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet
Through this dark wilderness,
Thy hand conduct me near thy seat,
To dwell before thy face.

3 Were I in heaven without my God,
'Twould be no joy to me;
And while this earth is my abode,
I long for none but thee.

4 What if the springs of life were broke,
And flesh and heart should faint,

God is my soul's eternal rock,
The strength of ev'ry saint !

5 For sure there is a righteous God,
Nor is religion vain,

Though men of vice may boast aloud,
And men of grace complain.

6 But to draw near to thee, my God,
Shall be my sweet employ,
My tongue shall sound thy works abroad,
And tell the world my joy.


1 WHY dost thou, Lord, withdraw so long
From those who to thy care belong?
Why burns thy wrath against thy sheep,
Why doth the Shepherd distance keep?

2 Think on the people of thy fold
Which thou hast well redeem'd of old,
Are they not still in covenant thine?
Oh, think on Zion's hallow'd shrine!

3 By thee creation's work begun,
Thou did'st prepare the light and sun,
Earth's borders thou didst first assign,
Seasons, and days, and years, are thine.
4 The floods thy mandate did obey,
And for thy people made a way,
Cool fountains from the hard rock flow'd,
Their food the wilderness bestow'd

5 Arise, O God! thy cause maintain
'Gainst those who take thy name in vain,
But let the needy give thee praise,
The righteous triumph in thy ways.


1 TO thee, eternal God, we raise
The tribute of repeated praise;
Our lips thy wonders shall proclaim,
And spread the glories of thy name!

2 Jesus, Immanuel, David's son,
Is seated on his Father's throne;
To his own care his Church consign'd,
His justice and his truth shall find.

3 Earth trembles to its utmost bound,
And guilt dissolves the nations round;
His arm alone, his people's hope,
Bears the world's mighty pillars up.

4 Let not the fool his power defy,
Nor sinners lift their horn on high;
Against his just dominion speak,
With lofty and unbending neck.

5 But Jesus, Zion's King alone,
Shall triumph on his heav'nly throne;
Shall break the rebel horn of power,
While saints on high his grace adore.


1 THY glories, mighty God!
Alone our rev'rence claim;
Thy terrors spread abroad-
How awful is thy Name!
Thine anger shown, thy judgments near,
Who dares appear before thy throne ?

2 Let man his anger raise

With persecuting rage;
His wrath shall work thy praise,
The rest thy hands assuage:
Then still obey th' Eternal King,
Your off'rings bring and VOwS


3 Let all, who round his throne
With holy gifts draw near,
There lay their off'rings down,
Jehovah claims their fear:
Before his word the world shall bow,
And princes know thy terrors, Lord.

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