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5 But they shall fly at thy rebuke,
And Satan hide his head;
He knows the terrors of thy look,
And hears thy voice with dread.

6 Since I have always placed my trust
Beneath thy mercy's wing,
Thy saving health will come, and then
My heart with joy shall spring.

7 Then shall my song with praise inspired
To thee my God ascend;
Who to thy servant in distress
Such bounty didst extend.


1 THERE is a God all nature cries;
None but the fool the truth denies;
On all God's works it stands exprest,
By vivid arguments confest.

2 From heaven the mighty Lord look'd down,
From heaven his high exalted throne,
Enquiring on this world's abode,
Who understands and seeks their God.

3 From his appointed righteous way,
Alas! they all are gone astray :
The ways of peace they have not known;
And none is righteous, no not one.

4 Guilty, condemn'd, depraved, and lost,
Who before God hath aught to boast ?
Arise, O King of Zion, rise,
And bring salvation from the skies!

5 Then shall thy saints rejoice and sing,
And each glad heart its tribute bring;
Pardon and peace shall then be given,
And thousands soar from earth to heaven.


The great aim of the Gospel is to produce true morality.
1 JEHOVAH! who in bliss supreme,
Shall his eternal dwelling claim
Within the heavenly dome ?

Who fix with thee beyond the skies,
Where Zion's sacred hills arise,
His everlasting home?

2 The man who, filled with sacred awe,
Directs his conduct by thy law,
His heart and words sincere :
His soul abhors the sland'rous joy
That dares a neighbour's fame destroy,
Nor lends the indulgent ear.

3 Though arm'd with power or clothed in state,
Ungodly deeds provoke his hate,
He scorns the scorner's smile,
But loves to seek the humble cot

Of pious poverty the lot,
Its sorrows to beguile.

4 He swears-nor shall his word be broke;
His promise stands, 'twas truth that spoke,
Though dangers spread the way:
He loaths the gold which avarice gains,
Nor-for his hand the bribe disdains-
Will innocence betray.


1 GOD of our life! our souls defend,
On thee our stedfast hopes depend;
Thee, Lord, we bless, our faithful guide,
Whose counsels o'er our life preside.
2 In all our acts, in each intent,

Thee to our minds our thoughts present;
And, undismay'd, we see thee stand,
A tower of strength at thy right hand.
3 For this our heart, for this our tongue,
Shall meditate the joyful song;
Hope, e'en in death, shall be our guest,
And smooth the pillow of our rest.

4 Thou from the grave thy saints shall free, For though their flesh corruption see, Waking from death, before their eyes The opening paths of life shall rise.

5 To those blest paths thy servants lead,
That they from all their sorrows freed,
Fulness of joy, in heaven may share,
And everlasting pleasures there.


Applied to Christ.

1 "I SET the Lord before my sight," The dying Saviour said,

"Near my right hand my Guardian stands, When sinking 'midst the dead.

2 "My heart is glad, my soul exults,
My flesh in hope shall rest;
Soon shall my frame triumphant wake
With life and glory blest !

3 "Not hell detains my raptured soul,
His love shall set me free;
Thy Just, thy Holy One, shall rise
Nor e'er corruption see.

4 "Up from the tomb! the path of life,
My faithful God shall show ;
At thy right hand, before thy face,
Eternal pleasures flow!"




ARISE, my gracious God,
And make the wicked flee,
They are but thy chastising rod,
To drive thy saints to thee.
Behold the sinner dies!
His haughty words are vain;
Here in this life his pleasure lies,
And all beyond is pain.

3 Then let his pride advance,
And boast of all his store;
The Lord is my inheritance,


My soul can wish no more.

Let me behold the face

Of my forgiving God;

And stand complete in righteousness,

Wash'd in my Saviour's blood.


There's a new heaven begun,
When I awake from death;

Drest in the likeness of thy Son,
And draw immortal breath.


1 LORD, I am thine; but thou wilt prove My faith, my patience, and my love; When spiteful men against me join, They are the sword, the hand is thine.

2 Their hope and portion lie below, 'Tis all the happiness they know, 'Tis all they seek: they take their shares, And leave the rest among their heirs.

3 What sinners value, I resign,

Lord 'tis enough that thou art mine;
I shall behold thy blissful face,
And stand complete in righteousness.

4 This life's a dream, an empty show,
But the bright world to which I go,
Hath joys substantial and sincere;
When shall I wake and find me there?

5 O glorious hour! O blest abode!
I shall be near, and like my God;
And flesh and sin no more controul
The sacred pleasures of the soul.

6 My flesh shall slumber in the ground
Till the last trumpet's joyful sound;
Then burst the chains with sweet surprise,
And in my Saviour's image rise!



God appearing in majesty to avenge his own elect. 1 O GOD, my strength and fortitude, Of force I must love thee:

Thou art my castle and defence,
In my necessity.

2 My God, the rock in whom I trust,

The worker of my wealth,
My refuge, buckler, and my shield,
The horn of all my health.

3 The Lord descended from above,
And bow'd the heavens most high;
And underneath his feet he cast
The darkness of the sky.

4 On cherub and on cherubim,
Full royally he rode;
And on the wings of mighty winds
Came flying forth abroad.

5 When thou, O Lord, with great rebuke
Thine anger dost declare;
The springs and the foundations of
The world discover'd are.

6 And from above the Lord sent down,
To fetch me from below;
And pluck'd me out of waters great,
That would me overflow.

7 He brought me forth in open place,
That so I might be free;
And kept me safe, because he had
A favour unto me.

8 He sat serene upon the floods,
Their fury to restrain;
And He as sovereign Lord and King
For evermore shall reign.


1 WE love thee, Lord, and we adore,
Now is thine arm reveal'd;
Thou art our strength, our heav'nly tower,
Our bulwark and our shield.

2 We fly to our eternal rock,
And find a sure defence;
His holy Name our lips invoke,
And draw salvation thence.

3 When God our leader shines in arms,
What mortal heart can bear
The thunder of his loud alarms,
The lightning of his spear?

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