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I said it is mine own infirmity.
1 MY overwhelming sorrows grew,
'Till I could speak no more;
Then I within myself withdrew,
And call'd thy judgments o'er.
2 I call'd back years and ancient times,
When I beheld thy face;
My spirit search'd for secret crimes
That might withhold thy grace.

3 I call'd thy mercies to my mind
Which I enjoy'd before :
And will the Lord no more be kind?
His face appear no more?
4 Will he for ever cast me off?
His promise ever fail?
Has he forgot his tender love?
Shall anger still prevail ?

5 But I forbid this hopeless thought,
This dark despairing frame,
Rememb'ring what thy hand hath wrought :
Thy hand is still the same.

6 I'll think again of all thy ways,
And talk thy wonders o'er;
Thy wonders of recov'ring grace,
When flesh could hope no more.

7 Thy way is in the sea; thy paths
In mighty waters lie;
Thy wondrous passage, where no sight
Thy footsteps can descry.


1 GREAT God, how oft did Israel prove
By turns thine anger and thy love!
There, in a glass, our hearts may see
How fickle and how false they be.

2 How soon the faithless Jews forgot
The dreadful wonders God had wrought!
Then they provoke him to his face,
Nor fear his power, nor trust his grace.

3 Oft, when they saw their brethren slain,
They mourn'd, and sought the Lord again;
Call'd him the Rock of their abode,
Their high Redeemer, and their God.

4 Their prayers and vows before him rise,
As flatt'ring words or solemn lies;
While their rebellious tempers prove
False to his cov'nant and his love.

5 Yet did his sov'reign grace forgive
Those who deserved not to live;
His anger oft away he turn'd,
Or else with gentle flame it burn'd.


Jerusalem trodden down of the Gentiles.

1 BEHOLD, O Lord, the heathen hosts
Have thy possessions seized !
Thy sacred house have they defiled,
Thy holy city razed.

2 Thou ever-gracious God and kind,
Oh, cast our sins away;
Nor call our former guilt to mind,
Thy justice to display.

3 On foreign lands, that know thee not,
Thy heavy vengeance show'r;
Those sinful nations let it crush
Who will not own thy pow'r.
4 To us thy tend'rest mercies show,
Thy richest grace prepare,
Ere yet, with guilty fears laid low,
We perish in despair.

5 O save us, Lord, from guilt and shame,

Thy glory to display;

And, for the great Redeemer's name,
Wash all our sins away.

6 Let infidels, that scoffing say,

"Where is the God they boast?" In vengeance, for thy slaughter'd saints, Now see thee to their cost.

7 Lord, hear the sighing pris'ner's moan

Thy saving pow'r extend;

Preserve the captives doom'd to
From an untimely hely end.


8 So we, thy people and thy flock,
Shall ever praise thy name;
And with glad hearts, our grateful thanks,
From age to age, proclaim.


1 GREAT Shepherd of thine Israel,
Who didst between the cherubs dwell,
And led'st the tribes, thy chosen sheep,
Safe through the desert and the deep.

2 Thy Church is in the desert now-
Shine from on high, and guide us through;
Turn us to thee, thy
love restore,
We shall be saved, and sigh no more.

3 Great God! whom heav'nly hosts obey,
How long shall we lament and pray,
And wait, in vain, thy kind return?
How long shall thy fierce anger burn?

4 Instead of wine and cheerful bread,
Thy saints with their own tears are fed :
Turn us to thee, thy love restore,
We shall be saved, and sigh no more.


Applied to Christ.

1 LORD! when thy vine in Canaan grew,
Thou wast its strength and glory too;
Attack'd in vain by all its foes,
'Till the fair Branch of Promise rose.

2 Fair Branch! ordain'd of old to shoot
From David's rock, from David's root;
Himself a noble vine, and we
The lesser branches of the tree.

3 'Tis thy own Son-and he shall stand,
Girt with thy strength, at thy right hand;
Thy first-born Son, adorn'd and blest
With power and grace above the rest.

4 O, for his sake, attend our cry,
Shine on thy Churches, lest they die;
Turn us to thee, thy love restore,
We shall be saved, and sigh no more.


1 TO God, our strength, your voice aloud,
In strains of glory, raise;
High to Jehovah, Jacob's God,
Exalt the notes of praise

2 With psalms of honour and of joy,
Let all his temples ring;
Your various instruments employ,
And songs of triumph sing.

3 Now let the Gospel trumpet + blow
On each appointed feast,
And teach his waiting Church to know
The Sabbath's sacred rest.

4 This was the statute of the Lord
To Israel's favour'd race;
And still his courts preserve his Word,
And we too wait his grace.


Against heathen rulers.

For thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people.
1 AMONG th' assemblies of the great,
A greater Ruler takes his seat;
The God of heaven, as Judge, surveys
Those gods on earth, and all their ways.

2 Why will ye then frame wicked laws?
Or why support th' unrighteous cause ?
When will ye once defend the poor,
That sinners vex the saints no more?

3 They know not, Lord, nor will they know,
Dark are the ways in which they go;
Their name of earthly gods is vain,
For they shall fall and die like men.

+ Trumpets were used before the invention of bells, and for the same purpose.

4 Arise, O Lord, and let thy Son
Possess his universal throne,
And rule the nations with his rod;
He is our Judge, and he our God.


1 O GOD of righteousness, awake!
Thy long-protracted silence break;
Nor let thy hand supinely rest,
Regardless of thy Church oppress'd.

2 For lo! with tumult's clam'rous noise,
The foe thy weeping Church destroys;
And the vain men, who hate thy name,
Their pride with lifted head proclaim.

3 Their secret arts, with subtle care,
Against thy people they prepare;
Vain rage! thy Church shall safely stand,
Hid in the shelter of thy hand.

4 Behold, O Lord, at thy right hand,
Jesus, the mighty Saviour, stand !
Of David's race but own'd thy Son :
Thy power has raised him to the throne.

5 Now let thine arm his throne sustain,
And fix his everlasting reign;
Then in his name we'll venture nigh,
Nor dread thy wrath, nor shun thine eye.


The Pleasures of Divine Worship.

1 LORD of the worlds above,
How pleasant and how fair
The dwellings of thy love,
Thy earthly temples are !
To thine abode my heart aspires,
With warm desires, to see my God..

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