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1 YE saints and servants of the Lord,
The triumphs of his name record,
His name for ever bless;
Where'er the circling sun displays
His rising beams or setting rays,
Due praise to him address.

2 God through the world extends his sway,
The regions of eternal day
To him but darkness are:
To him whose majesty excels,
Who made the heav'n wherein he dwells,
No creature can compare.

3 Though 'tis beneath his state to view
In highest heav'n what angels do,
Yet earth he makes his care;
He takes the needy from his cell,
Advancing him in courts to dwell,
And angels' bliss to share.


1 WHEN Israel, freed from Pharaoh's hand,
Left the proud tyrant and his land,
The tribes with cheerful homage own
Their King-and Judah was his throne.

2 Across the deep their journey lay,
The deep divides to make them way;
Jordan beheld their march and fled
With backward current to its head.

3 What pow'r could make the deep divide?
Make Jordan backward roll his tide?
Why did ye leap, ye little hills?
And whence the fright that Sinai feels?

4 Let ev'ry mountain, ev'ry flood,
Retire and know th' approaching God,
The King of Israel: see him here!
Tremble, thou earth, adore, and fear!

to it that we do not put out of sight those numerous plain texts of Scripture which enforce the practice of good works, and promise rewards to the performance of them. Let our religion be such as is honourable to God, and useful to our fellow men.

5 He thunders, and all nature mourns,
The rocks to standing pools he turns;
Flints spring with fountains at his word,
And fires and seas confess the Lord.


1 NOT unto us, but to thy name,
Great God! be glory giv'n;
Thy praise shall be on earth begun,
And perfected in heav'n.

2 Thy wisdom and thy boundless love
Contrived the wondrous plan,
Of rescuing from eternal death
Th' apostate race of man.

3 Why then should heathen scorners say,
"Where is their God now gone?"
Our God he is in heav'n, and what
He will'd, that he hath done.

4 Let all who truly fear the Lord
On him they fear rely,
Who them in danger will defend,
And all their wants supply.

5 The Lord of us hath mindful been,
And all his saints will bless,
E'en all his chosen ransom'd Church,
Who his great name confess.

6 These are the blessed of the Lord,
E'en of the Lord most high;
Who both the heav'ns and earth did make,
And fix immoveably.

7 They who in death and silence sleep
To him no praise afford;
But we will bless for evermore
Our ever-living Lord.


1 WHAT shall I render to my God
For all his kindness shewn?
My feet shall visit thine abode,
My songs address thy throne.

Among the saints that fill thine house
My off'ring shall be paid;
There shall my zeal perform the vows
My soul in anguish made.

3 How much is mercy thy delight,
Thou ever-blessed God!
How dear thy servants in thy sight,
How precious is their blood !

4 How happy all thy servants are,
How great thy grace to me!
My life, which thou hast made thy care,
Lord, I devote to thee.

5 Now I am thine, for ever thine,
Nor shall my purpose move;
Thy hand hath loosed my bands of pain,
And hound me with thy love.

6 Here in thy courts I leave my vow,
And thy rich grace record;
Witness, ye saints, who hear me now,
If I forsake the Lord.


1 FROM all that dwell below the skies,
Let the Creator's praise arise;
Let the Redeemer's Name be sung,
Through every land, by every tongue.
2 Eternal are thy mercies Lord,
Eternal truth attends thy word;
Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore,
Till suns shall rise and set no more.

3 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


1 O PRAISE the Lord, for he is good, His mercies ne'er decay;

That his kind favours ever last,

Let his Redeemed say.

2 Their sense of his eternal love,
Let all his Saints express;
And, that it never fails, let all
That fear the Lord confess.

3 Far better 'tis to trust in God,
And have the Lord our friend,
Than on the greatest human power,
For safety to depend.

4 He by his own resistless arm,
Hath endless honours won;
The saving strength of his right hand,
Amazing works hath done.

5 This is the joyful day, O God,

Which Thou thyself hast made;
O, may we all give thanks, and sing
Thy love to man display'd.

6 Let all give thanks to God the Lord,
Who still does gracious prove;
And let the tribute of our praise
Be endless as his love.


1 THIS is the day the Lord hath made,
He calls the hours his own;
Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad,
And praise surround the throne.

2 To-day he rose and left the dead,
And Satan's empire fell;
To-day the Saints his triumphs spread,
And all his wonders tell.

3 Hosannah to the anointed King,
To David's holy Son !

Help us, O Lord! descend and bring
Salvation from thy throne.

4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men,
With messages of grace;
Who comes in God his Father's name,
To save our sinful race.

5 Hosannah in the highest strains,
The Church on earth can raise,
The highest heavens in which he reigns,
Shall give him nobler praise.


(Twenty-fourth Evening of the Month.)


1 HOW blest are they who always keep
The pure and perfect way;
Who never from the sacred paths
Of God's commandments stray !

2 Thrice blest who keep his righteous laws,
And shun each wicked deed;
Who, by the guidance of his truth,
With constant care proceed.

3 Thou strictly hast enjoin'd us Lord,
To learn thy holy will,
And all our diligence employ,
Thy statutes to fulfil.

1 INSTRUCT me in thy statutes Lord,
Thy heav'nly paths display;
And grant from them, through all my life,
My footsteps may not stray.

2 Eternal and unerring rules
Thy testimonies give;
Teach me the wisdom that will make
My soul for ever live.

3 Thy righteousness shall then endure,
When time itself is past;
Thy law is truth, unchanging truth,
Which shall for ever last.

+ The Psalm is divided into twenty-two parts, each part in the original beginning with one of the letters of the Jewish alphabet, in their proper order.

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