444. 1 2 The Labourer's Song †. GOD'S word relieves our toil, When we are bended down, 3 O God, our God, regard, And shew the way of peace; + Labour was originally imposed as the punishment of sin; but in man's present condition it becomes a blessing, certainly, when compared with idleness and its consequences; and when it is considered that those who have nothing to do are of all men most unhappy. Different orders and ranks are wisely ordained of God that we may feel ourselves dependent on each other, that we may learn subordination and self-denial, and may have those to whom we may look up for advice, consolation, and protection, which advantages would be lost in a state of equality: were all equal, every man would be taken up necessarily in tilling his own piece of land, and there could be no trade, no shop, no physician, no magistrate, or minister. If the operatives, or producers of wealth, were made rich, they would leave off producing, and the husbandman the same, till, the crops failing, nothing would be left us but to chew our gold. In this country the possessions and privileges of the rich ought to be no cause of discontent and jealousy, as they are the rewards and incitements of industry; and the highest dignities and honours are in general open to the attainment of all classes, even the lowest, (the son of a blacksmith having been Chancellor of England, and many other like cases.) The rich should remember that the way to preserve their superiority is not by pomp and show, and lavish expenditure; but by hospitality, charity, and general benevolence. 445. Meditation on the receipt of Money †. 1 IS my treasure, Lord, with thee, 2 Is my treasure here below, 3 Is my treasure all secure, 4 Treasures in thy word I find, 446. A NATIONAL ANTHEM. 1 BLESS, Lord, our gracious King, † What numerous species of fraud and overreaching are not only tolerated, but even justified and applauded among us, as quite fair in the way of business! because the love of money has besotted men's understanding, and blinded their eyes. 2 Let him his people see Blest as thine own; 3 Streams of thy blessings give, 4 Let all our daughters shine, With cheering eyes. 5 Bless those who guard our coast, 6 Prosper thy Church, O Lord, 7 Let purest incense rise, That we may grateful prove, (In time of trouble.) O Lord, now grant us peace, NOTE ON PAGE 262. At the cleansing of the leper, as described Lev. xiv. 4-7, and 52, the following ceremonies were enjoined. The priest was to take two birds, and to kill one of them over a vessel of running, or spring water, so that the blood of the victim became mingled with the water. This bird was a type of the sacrifice of Christ, and of the water and blood which flowed from his side. Then the priest was to take the living bird, and with a scarlet thread to fasten it on a stalk of hyssop, or a branch of cedar wood, (a type of the cross perhaps, or it might be for the purpose of reaching the leper at a distance,) and to dip the bird in the water tinged with the blood of the other bird which he had killed, and to sprinkle the leper therewith. This as clearly typifies the office of the Holy Spirit, (who at our Saviour's baptism descended upon him in the form of a dove,) viz. To take of the things of Christ and to shew them to us; to apply with efficacy to the conscience the blood of Christ, mingled, and mysteriously hidden, as it were, in the waters of the baptismal font. The living bird also typifies the resurrection, and consequent removal, of sin; and represents to us how we, buried with Christ in baptism, rise again at liberty, new-born into a state of grace, privilege, and power. Still the office of the Holy Spirit, to apply the benefit to the individual, must not be forgotten. |