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By THOMAS HARDY, D. D. one of the Ministers of Edinburgh.

Preached in the High-Church of Edinburgh after the celebration of the Lord's Supper, March 1785.

MATTH. Xxviii. 6.

He is not here: for he is risen, as he said: Come, Jee the place where the Lord lay.


RIENDS and disciples of the Lord Jefus, ye have this day attended your beloved Master in the scenes of fuffering; ye have seen his body broken and his blood shed. When, standing at the foot of the cross, ye look. ed up to the Man of forrows, what were the emotions of your souls? Ye beheld his countenance beaming with affection to his friends, and with compassion to his enemies. Ye heard his generous interceffion amidst the extremity of pain and reproach, and his expression of final fatisfaction in the moment of retreat. He VOL. IV. faid,


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