ΤΟ THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD, JAMES, LORD BISHOP OF LINCOLN. MY LORD, I HAD no sooner resolved upon making these papers public, than I persuaded myself of a favourable reception, should I beg leave to present them to your Lordship; who are always, ready to encourage industry in your Clergy, and countenance what is honestly designed; and whose known candour, and obliging treatment of us, give us great reason to look upon you, not only with awful veneration as our Bishop, but with affection as our Friend. We cannot but be sensible what great need there is of keeping up a lively sense of religion in our people; which decays and cools so fast, that it is well if our repeated applications can preserve it in some tolerable degree of warmth, and prevent its being quite destroyed by profaneness and infidelity. And therefore it is questionless our duty, upon all' accounts, to contribute what we can to this great good work, and every little will help. |