Enter Pedant with fervants, Baptista, and Tranio. Tra. Sir, what are you, that offer to beat my fervant? Vin. What am I, Sir! Nay, what are you, Sir? Oh, immortal Gods! oh, fine villain! a filken doublet, a velvet hofe, a fcarlet cloak and a copatain hat: oh, I am undone! I am undone! while I play the good hufband at home, my fon and my fervants spend all at the univerfity. Tra. How now, what's the matter? Bap. What, is this man lunatic? Tra. Sir, you feem a fober ancient gentleman by your habit, but your words fhew you a madman. Why, Sir, what concerns it you, if I wear pearl and gold? I thank my good father, I am able to maintain it. Vin. Thy father! oh villain, he is a failmaker in Bergamo. Bap. You mistake, Sir, you mistake, Sir; pray, what do you think is his name? Vin. His name? as if I knew not his name: I have brought him up ever fince he was three years old, and his name is Tranio. Ped. Away, away, mad afs! his name is Lucentio : and he is mine only fon, and heir to the lands of me Signior Vincentio. Vin. Lucentio! oh, he hath murdered his mafter lay hold of him, I charge you in the Duke's name; oh, my fon, my fon, tell me, thou villain, where is my fon Lucentio ? Tra. Call forth an officer; carry this mad knave to the jail; Father Baptifta, I charge you, fee that he be forthcoming. Vin. Carry me to jail! Gre. Stay, officer, he fhall not go to prifon. Bap. Talk not, Signior Gremio: I fay, he fhall go to prifon. Gre. Take heed, Signior Baptifta, left you be coneycatch'd in this business; I dare swear this is the right Vincentio. Ped. Swear, if thou dar'ft. Gre. Nay, I dare not wear it. Tra. Then thou wert best say that I am not Lucentio ? Gre. Yes, I know thee to be Signior Lucentio. Vin. Thus ftrangers may be hal'd and abus'd; oh, monftrous villain ! Bion. Oh, we are spoil'd, and yonder he is; deny him, forfwear him, or elfe we are all undone. [Exeunt Biondello, Tranio, and Pedant. SCENE Luc. Pardon, sweet father. Vin. Lives my fweet fon? III. [Kneeling. Bap. How haft thou offended? where is Lucentio ? That have by marriage made thy daughter mine: Gre. Here's packing with a witness to deceive us all. That fac'd and brav'd me in this matter fo? Luc. Love wrought thefe miracles. Bianca's love Made me exchange my state with Tranio, While he did bear my countenance in the town: Unto the wished haven of my blifs: What Tranio did, myself inforc'd him to; Then pardon him, fweet father, for my fake. Vin. I'll flit the villain's nofe that would have fent me to the jail. Bap. But do you hear, Sir, have you married my daughter without afking my good-will? Vin. Fear not, Baptifta, we will content you, go to: but I will in, to be reveng'd on this villain. [Exit. Bap. And I, to found the depth of this knavery. [Exit. Luc. Look not pale, Bianca, thy father will not frown. [Exeunt. Gre. My cake is dough; but I'll in among the rest, Out of hope of all but my share of the feast. [Exit. [Petruchio and Catharina, advancing. Cath. Hufband, let's follow, to fee the end of this ado. Pet. Firft kifs`me, Kate, and we will. Gath. What, in the midst of the street? Cath. No, Sir, God forbid ! but afham'd to kifs. away. Cath. Nay, I will give thee a kifs; now pray thee, love, ftay. Pet. Is not this well? come, my fweet Kate; Better once than never, for never too late. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. Changes to Lucentio's apartments*. Enter Baptifta, Petruchio, Hortenfio, Lucentio, and the reft. Bap. Now, in good fadnefs, fon Petruchio, I think thou haft the veriest shrew of all. -apartments. Enter Baptista, Vincentio, Gremio, Pedant, Lucentio, Bianca, Tranio, Biondello, Petruchio, Catharina, Grumio, Hortenfio, and widow. Tranio's fervants bringing in a banquet. Luc. At last, tho' long, our jarring notes agree: My fair Bianca, bid my father welcome, While I with felf-fame kindness welcome thine And thou, Hortenfio, with thy loving widow, Pet. Nothing but fit and fit, and eat and eat! Hor. For both our fakes I would that word were true. Pet. You are very fenfible, and yet you miss my sense, I mean. Hortenfio is afeard of you. Wid. He that is giddy, thinks the world turns round, Pet. Well, I fay, no; and therefore for affurance, Let's each one fend unto his wife, and he Whose wife is moft obedient to come first, When he doth fend for her, fhall win the wager. Cath. Miftrefs, how mean you that? Wid. Thus I conceive by him. Pet. Conceives by me, how likes Hortenfio that? I pray you, tell me what you meant by thạt. Wid. Your hufband, being troubled with a fhrew, Cath. A very mean meaning. Wid. Right, I mean you. Cath. And I am mean, indeed, respecting you. Pet. To her, Kate. Hor. To her, widow. Pet. A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down. Hor. That's my office. Pet. Spoke like an officer; ha' to thee, lad. [Drinks to Hortenfio. Bap. How likes Gremio thefe quick-witted folks? Gre. Believe me, Sir, they butt heads together well. Bian. Head and butt? an hally-witted body Would fay, your head and butt were head and horn. Bian. Am I your bird? I mean to shift my bufa: And then purfue me, as you draw your bow You are welcome all. [Exeunt Bianca, Catharine, and Widow. Pet. She hath prevented me. Here, Signior Tranio, This bird you aim'd at, tho' you hit it not; Therefore a health to all that shot and miss'd. Tra. Oh, Sir, Lucentio flipp'd me like his grey-hound, you there? Hor. Content,- -what wager? Luc. Twenty crowns. Pet. Twenty crowns! I'll venture fo much on my hawk or hound, Hor. Content. Pet. A match; 'tis done. Hor. Who fhall begin? Luc. That will I. Go, Biondello, bid your mistress come to me. Bion. I go. [Exit. Bap. Son, I'll be your half, Pianca comes. Re-enter Biondello. How now, what news? Bion. Sir, my mistress fends you word That he is bufy, and cannot come. Pet. How? fhe's bufy, and cannot come, is that an anfwer? Gre. Ay, and a kind one too : Pray God, Sir, your wife send you not a worse. Hor. Sirrah, Biondello, go, and intreat my wife to come to me forthwith. [Exit Biondello. Pet. Oh, oh! intrcat her! nay, then she needs nust come. Hor. I am afraid, Sir, do you what you can, Enter Biondello. Your's will not be intreated. Now, where's my wife? She will not come : She bids you come to her. Oh vile, intolerable, not to be endur❜d. Hor. I know her answer. Pet. What? Hor. She will not. d; [Exit Gru. Pet. The fouler fortune mine, and there's an end. |