HUMAN FRAILTY. I. WEAK and irresolute is man; The purpose of to day, Woven with pains into his plan, II. The bow well bent, and smart the spring, Vice seems already slain; But Passion rudely snaps the string, And it revives again. III. Some foe to his upright intent Finds out his weaker part; Virtue engages his assent, But Pleasure wins his heart. IV. 'Tis here the folly of the wise Through all his art we view; And, while his tongue the charge denies, His conscience owns it true. V. Bound on a voyage of awful length And dangers little known, A stranger to superior strength, VI. But oars alone can ne'er prevail, The breath of Heav'n must swell the sail, Or all the toil is lost. THE MODERN PATRIOT. I. REBELLION is my theme all day; I only wish 'twould come (As who knows but perhaps it may?) A little nearer home. II. Yon roaring boys who rave and fight I always held them in the right, III. When lawless mobs insult the court, That man shall be my toast, IV. But O! for him my fancy culls Who constitutionally pulls Your house about your ears. V. Such civil broils are my delight, Though some folks can't endure them, Who say the mob are mad outright, A rope! I wish we patriots had Such strings for all who need 'emWhat! hang a man for going mad! Then farewell British freedom. ON OBSERVING SOME NAMES OF LITTLE NOTE RECORDED IN THE BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA. Он, fond attempt to give a deathless lot REPORT OF AN ADJUDGED CASE NOT TO BE FOUND IN ANY OF THE BOOKS. I. BETWEEN Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose, II. So Tongue was the lawyer, and argued the cause With a great deal of skill, and a wig full of learning; While chief baron Ear sat to balance the laws, So fam'd for his talent in nicely discerning. III. In behalf of the Nose it will quickly appear, And your lordship, he said, will undoubtedly find, That the Nose has had spectacles always in wear, Which amounts to possession time out of mind. IV. Then holding the spectacles up to the courtYour lordship observes they are made with a straddle, |