My Dear Friend, LETTER Χ. TO THE SAME. 1 HAVING been informed that thou wast in the country for the benefit of thy health, I drop these few lines to enquire after that invaluable blessing. The true causes of all real sickness, according to the service of the established church, are sins of commission and omission, We have done those things which we ought not to have done, and we have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and there is no health in us. But God's way of healing is but little known, and those methods of healing which men have devised are little worth. David's prayer to God, is, that he would make known the way that he has devised of healing sick sinners; "That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations." This prayer was answered, this re quest was granted when the following orders were given, namely, "That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." In the gospel, Mary, the ancient prophecy is fulfilled, "I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth." This abundance of peace and truth in bringing health and cure, is taken from the name of the Lord proclaimed before Moses, "Abundant in goodness and truth, pardoning iniquity, transgression, and sin." Wherever pardon is proclaimed, there the name of the Lord is declared, as Christ says, "Father, I have declared thy name unto the men which thou hast given me, and I will declare it," again and again. Wherever pardon is obtained, there the truth of God's promise is verified. Our health lays in the atoning blood of Christ; "The blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin:" and where this is applied by the Holy Spirit, there sickness is removed and health restored. This, Mary, is the glory of mount Zion, and of all the citizens of that mystic city, as it is written; " And the inhabitants shall no more say I am sick, for the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity;" and this health and cure is to be attended with the abundance of peace. This our great Physician always proclaimed to every one of his patients where the balm of Gilead was internally applied; "Son, Daughter, be of good cheer, thy sins are given thee, Go in peace." Thus he brings health and cure, and cures us, and reveals to us the abundance of peace and truth. Peace with God, peace with conscience, peace with one another, and peace within Zion's walls, and prosperity within her palaces. In this city, and in the enjoyment of this blessing I conclude, with Peace be unto thee. Ever thine in Christ. : W. H. S. S. LETTER XI. TO THE SAME. 1 To his Daughter Mary, wishing grace, mercy, and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ. I was sorry to hear that thou hadst been ill, and that thy cough was worse; I have called every Tuesday on the Widower to know how Mary did, and the last time I called was informed thou wast better. A daily cross is appointed for all those who are ordained to wear the crown, "If we suffer with him, we shall reign with him." The cross is intended to mortify and subdue the old man, that the new man may be uppermost; and the new man oft appears, when the old man is the most debased. Sometimes liveliness appears, "In all these things is the life of my spirits;" sometimes meekness appears, sometimes deep humiliation, sometimes self-abhorrence, sometimes contrition, sometimes godly sorrow, sometimes hope of better days, sometimes gratitude to God, and sometimes strong faith that we shall never be moved. Mary, observe these things, and thou shalt understand the loving-kindness of the Lord. Faith exercises itself on the various attributes and perfections of God, and our sensations under them are various also. Faith in the law, and in the justice of God, brought fearfulness and trembling upon David. Faith in the holiness of God made Isaiah cry out, "Wo is me." Faith in his anger and terrible majesty, sinks us in deep waters where there is no standing. Faith in the sure mercies of God in Christ Jesus melts the soul, and softens the heart like wax before the flame, and fills it with the deepest compunction. But faith in the eternal love of God, displayed in the gift of Christ Jesus, swallows up all-this sinks us into nothing, into the drop of a bucket, or the small dust of a balance. But so it is, "We have believed," says John, " the love that God hath to us; is; God is love." This love is brought into the heart by the Spirit; "We receive the promise of the Spirit through faith;" this faith in the love of God is the highest act of faith that ever was acted in this world, and the effect of it is most wonderful, for " He that loveth dwelleth in God, and God d ell eth in him." Oh! stupendous grace, unparalleled condescension; and such humiliation in the Almighty as the heart of man could never conceive but by the Holy Spirit. But though he be high yet hath he respect unto the lowly; he humbleth himself to behold the things done in heaven, and to dwell with the contrite upon the earth. These things, my dear Daughter, the universal profession of the present day knows nothing of, and yet there is no salvation without them; but, " We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen," and but few, very few, receive our witness, John, iii. 11. Those that do receive it, set to their seal that God is true; true to his word though it be published by a Coalheaver. Dear Daughter, farewel; be of good cheer, be of good comfort; keep Christ and conscience in friendship, and the devil himself shall never dissolve the union. So I write, and so you believe. Ever thine in him. W.HUNTINGTON. |