in word only, but in the power of the Spirit; the one is called the word of the kingdom, and the other the power of the kingdom, hence we read of the kingdom coming with power. J And as we are said to receive a kingdom which cannot be moved, therefore these things must stand the fire, though the dross and tin consume in the flame; and when this dross goes we are left with so small a treasure that we conclude that the gold, silver, and all the treasure is gone, as well as the base metal; but all that comes from Christ's fulness shall endure, shall reign, and shall abide with us to the end. The Spirit is God, and all God's work is perfect; nothing shall be added to it or taken from it, and God does it that men should fear before him. I shall only add my poor prayers, and conclude with the Apostle, "Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking nothing." Yours most respectfully, W. H. S. S. Beloved, LETTER XV. TO THE SAME. : In the Cabin, on board the Providence, bound for the Fair Havens, round the Friendly Islands, by the Cape of Good Hope. I INTEND if the Lord permit to lay at anchor till Tuesday forenoon, when I intend to set sail whether the wind be fair or foul. If you could venture on board I should be glad to see you to-morrow, being Monday, about three or four o'clock, to drink a dish of tea, coffee, a glass of grog, or whatever the ship affords-to talk over the dangers of the voyage, and the best way to steer, in order to make the land of the Celestial Regions. GRACE, mercy, and peace be with thee. I was sorry to hear of the soul-conflicts which will perform wonders, for I have known the time when I was engaged in the same fightthat as fast as I shifted my ground the devil shifted his. When I had made a thing clear by the word of God, he attacked the word also, and told me that the scriptures were a device of his to puzzle, baifle, and confound mankind. When I flew to the Divine Being, he told me as the fool says in the Psalms, "There is no God." When I fled to the works of creation, and asked, Who made these things? he told me plainly that he did. When I asked, Who made me? he answered in the affirmative, that he did. When I asked why men worshipped God, he told me he received worship and I must pray to him, for there was no other to pray to-thus was my mind followed, harassed, confused and confounded; but not one of these lies could fasten on my conscience, though I was dumb and without an answer. Nothing, my dear Friend, can keep us upon this ground and in this conflict, but the almighty power of God, and by that power are we kept through faith; "I will water it every moment, and I will keep it night and day." The following passages from the Old Testament and the New, are sufficient for faith; "Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace," Isai. ix. 6. " I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty," Rev. i. 8. "The Word was with God, and the Word was God; all things were made by him," &c. John, i. 1. 3. God, the mighty God, the Almighty, the First, the Last, and the Creator of all things is, and ever must be the object of worship, of hope, of confidence, and of all trust-but as I before said, nothing but divine power can keep a soul in the fiery trial. Holy Adam fell, and valiant Peter fell, and wo be to every one that is alone when he falleth, Eccles. iv. 10. God's power alone must keep us if we are kept, and this power must be fetched in by constant prayer; "Watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation." And again, "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Ever yours, W. H. S. S. LETTER XVIII. TO THE SAME. I HOPE my dear Friend caught no cold at her return from Cricklewood. The weather now is wonderfully mild, which suits the inva old age. lids, and helps off the long, dreary, and cold winter, which is so fatal to the infirmities of "The outward man," says Paul, "decays, but the inward man is renewed day by day.” This one particular I have long watched, and I have perceived it in the following things: by the activity or inactivity of faith, by the risings and fallings of hope, by fresh joy after sorrow, by meekness and humility after a dead and stupid frame, by fresh rays of light after gross darkness, by sweet peace after disquietude, and by a glowing love after many hard heart-risings. I know of nothing at present that shews the going on of the good work like this. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of all grace, the planter of all grace, and the life of every fruit which he produces; and hence he is called a wind to move his own plants, and to make them emit their scent, their savour, and their odours. He is called dew to refresh and enliven, water also to moisten and give rooting. But upon love and joy he operates as the Spirit of burning; warming, enflaming, and enlarging; and these to me are the most sweet. These are a few scraps to exercise, amuse, ponder over, and make out-but after all it is but little we know of what we have got within. THE COALHEAVER. |