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tion of spirit, but in my God solid peace and everlasting felicity. I know not why heaven should stoop so low as to look on such mortals, but it is the most high God's doings, and it is marvellous in our eyes. I envy no man's happiness; mine all lays in a bleeding Saviour, he is and shall be the portion of my soul in this house of my pilgrimage. The rich, the gay, the polite, the wise, and all pass me on the road, and pass me in silence. I am out of the world and not worthy of this world's notice, and indeed this world is dead to me.

My mind is kept remarkably pure, and all my happiness is alone in my God; indeed I think this will be the happy and undeserved end of my worthless soul-all glory be to the free and sovereign grace of my most blessed Father. The very nights are sweet to me, and no company like that of my God. Why I am so highly favoured I know not, I have done nothing worthy of this his notice, but he will be gracious to whom he will be gracious. I am in a place where there are many professing people, still I find but very few who see what I see; I much fear many in the end will meet with the disapprobation of my Lord and Master. Few, indeed very few, understand the good fight of faith, heaven is easily obtained by them; but the real saint must take it by force, and if these do not I doubt they will cry, Lord, Lord, when it will be too late.

I do not enjoy my comfort alone, I call you and the little ones up with me to prayer in my faith, and surely my desire is that you and the little ones may be saved. I keep close to my study, and commune alone with my own heart. I sit from morning till night in my own room, except when I eat my meals, or walk by my highly favoured river, the Trent. Give my love to Ruth and Naomi, and all, if they can read this. If you choose you may write me a line, use your own liberty in it, as I know not when I shall return home; but I shall not write to you any more except I hear from you. Fare you well, grace be with thee and thine; from

Your affectionate husband in Christ,
W. H.



Dear Sir,

I RECEIVED yours and read it with pleasure, for God has been your Guardian and Banker as well as mine, and I must confess that the children of God's providence and grace are the greatest wonders to me in the whole creation.

It has been my daily and hourly employ for upwards of thirty years, to watch the hand and handiworks of the Almighty in directing my steps, supplying my wants, fixing my residence, supporting my soul, instructing my mind, shining upon my way, and delivering me out of innumerable adversities. He hath caused his goodness daily and hourly, constantly and invariably to pass before me, while I have followed him believing and hoping, watching and waiting, weeping and wondering, trembling and rejoicing, confessing and acknowledging, blessing and praising; and with astonishment at his undeserved goodness asked him where he would lead me to.

These things in our days are matters of jest and ridicule, but I am at a point, yea more than sure, that all short of God and the fear of him is destruction and misery, vanity and vexation of soul. You may believe me when I say, despicable and despised as I am, God knows that I envy not the angels of God in heaven; nor is there a human being in existence whose felicity I crave, whose state I covet, or with whom I would exchange my hope. My poor prayers have already been, and shall be, that you way share in this blessed portion of God from above, and in this blessed inheritance of the Almighty from on high, Job, xxxi, 2; for

such shall rest, and stand in their lot at the end of the days, Dan. xii. 13.

The passage you allude to in Isaiah can by no means be applicable to you; you do not live in pleasure, dwell carelessly, much less deal in sorceries and enchantments. The contents of the whole chapter is levelled at Babylon in Chaldea, and will have its final accomplishment in mystical Babylon or Rome, but is by no means to be understood of any individual person. Nor does the Lord ever threaten poor sensible sinners, who look to his dear Son for pardon and acceptance, with evil, mischief, and desolations. God dearly loves all poor penitents who come to Christ, and declares there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents-Repentance leads to life and salvation, not to evil and mischief. Make the Lord thy refuge, and no evil shall befall thee, Ps. xci. 10.

Let my unknown friend take the advice of a fool, Give thy mind to reading divine things, meditate on them, and with all simplicity crave God's help, guidance, and assistance through a Redeemer-then watch the displays of his power, and acknowledge his care, and the bounties of his hand. Nothing, no nothing ennobles the mind, enriches the soul, or fortifies the man, like a hope and trust in God through Jesus Christ,

This is the character of the best man in the world, He is a terror to the wicked, a pattern to the youth, and a distressed soul's counsellor; he is the envy of the world, the enemy of satan, the admiration of angels, and the darling of God. Paul was of more value on board the ship that he sailed in, than the whole two hundred mariners with all their skill; they all worked, but none could promise safety but Paul, though he was the last that the Commander credited, Acts, xxvii. 11. However, God will own them that honour him. All the crew are given to Paul, and not one hair shall fall from one sailor's head because a servant of Christ was on board and Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, to-day, and for ever, Heb. xiii. 8.

I thank my God, and under God I thank you, for the contents of your's. Should you think proper I should be glad to see you at my house, where you will meet with a cordial reception, good homely fare, an honest heart, and a hearty welcome.

From your most obliged and

humble servant in Christ Jesus,

W. H.

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