face, and the propitious looks of his blessed eyes, shine and dart their rays into thy heart: healing and health will attend the glorious rising, and the secret manifestation. Thou knowest not yet what thou art born to see; the Saviour will manifest himself to them that the Father hath given him out of the world. Hitherto thou hast drank of the bitter cup, and hast experienced the days of adversity; but there is a cup of salvation, and days of the Son of man before thee; days of prosperity. And you shall see the curtains of Solomon as well as the tents of Kedar, and sing of mercy as well as of judgment. God will not contend for ever, nor be always wrath; his anger endureth but a moment, in his favour is life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning: so I predict, and so thou shalt be brought to confess. Be diligent, be much in private prayer, and be thankful for what he hath done. If conscience or satan accuse, confess; if grief overflow, pray; if any glimpse of life or favour, be thankful, and acknowledge every hint dropped, or every encouragement given; this pleases God in Christ Jesus. And by attending daily to these things do I keep my soul alive, while numbers, unobservant of these operations, neglect their books, omit taking stock, and are daily running back in the heavenly trade, though godliness with contentment be such great gain, yea, better than gold, and the revenues of wisdom are better than choice silver. No mention must be made of coral, or of pearl, for the price of wisdom is above rubies. I bless my God, he is still with me, and precious to my soul; I make up all my happiness in my shield, and in my exceeding great reward. Let me encourage thee, my dear daughter, to seek after, to cherish and encourage righteousness, meekness, quietude, peace, faith, love, humility, tenderness, diligence, watchfulness upon the hand of God, and gratitude for what he has done, knowing that we have all sold ourselves, and are enemies and rebels. While thou art mourning after greater things, do not despise the day of small things, but acknowledge with thankfulness what thou hast; this is the fault of not a few, which God resents by keeping them in bondage, and making their chains heavy, Read 2 Chron. xxxii. 25. Tender my duty to mother, and love to my companion in villany, in misery, and in mercy. Ever thine, S. S. : I HAD a good mind to have called on you yesterday, but knowing how you was left, and not knowing how God has prospered the widow, I was afraid. However I have no doubt but her heart is with us, and the hand will shew it, if she can afford it. God does most wonderfully bless his work in the new place; he has made it the banquetting house, the wedding chamber, and the nursery; and it shall be said when God writeth up the people, that this and that man was born there. Betty, the Coalheaver saluteth thee. LETTER VII. W. H. S. S. My poor little Dears, ALL hail! TO MISS A. T. Glad was my soul last night to hear that the snare is broken, the little fox that spoils the vines is discovered; and my dear little ones delivered: and sure I am that you shall see greater things than these. You will soon see what a generation of vipers there are in a profession, and your souls, as well as mine, shall praise him with joyful lips, who has made us thus to differ. All your angels of light will turn into fiends before you, and the more God shines upon your souls, the blacker will they appear. We all rejoiced together last night, and blessed the Lord God of Israel. And how do I long to see my poor dears at Cricklewood. I have been rejoicing with you at B. all this morning, nothing but my carcase and clothes are here. The Lord send us a little fine weather, that-I may once more see you under my roof; surely death itself will never separate you from me. Be sure keep up prayer, in every thing seek God's guidance and assistance, and you shall find there is such a thing as a heaven upon earth; if it had not been for prayer, the wicked would have swallowed me up, and my soul had dwelt in silence. Pray for me, and excuse haste. I am going once more to bear tidings in the city. Kind respects to father. God Almighty bless, preserve, and keep my poor little ones, for if I am bereaved I am bereaved. Grace and peace. Ever thine, W. H. S. S. LETTER VIII. TO THE SAME. Was very sorry to hear of the sad disaster of, hope she has received no material damage; for although I was a little angry with her at my setting off to B. mine anger is turned away, and I do earnestly remember her still in every poor prayer of mine, and hope I ever shall. Poor - is very ill, and I have no hope for him, but in the almighty arm of God, through the poor, feeble petitions of faith. There is much sickness among us at present, and indeed this world is nothing but an hospital, and every ward has got some that are sick; some of whom their sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified thereby. It is too far for me to come to the harvest home, but I wish a plentiful crop, and safe in the barn. And now how does my little one go on? Does she find the door of hope open to her, so as for a little confidence and expectation to enter in, and to bring out tidings of better days, better things, and better tidings? Is there ever any such a thing felt as the spouse describes, a little sweet swelling myrrh upon the handles of the |