PROVINCIAL STATUTES OF CANAD A. ANNO REGNI QUARTO ET QUINTO VICTORIÆ, DEI GRATIA, BRITANNIARUM REGINÆ. HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HONORABLE CHARLES, BARON SYDENHAM, GOVERNOR GENERAL. Being the FIRST Session of the FIRST Provincial Parliament of CANADA. (RESERVED ACTS To which the ROYAL ASSENT was subsequently promulgated by His Excellency SIR CHARLES BAGOT, G. C. B. &c. &c. &c. GOVERNOR GENERAL.) An Act to regulate the Inspection of Beef and Pork. 18th September, 1841.-Presented for Her Majesty's Assent and reserved" for the 19th March, 1842.-The Royal Assent signified by the Proclamation of His Excel- WHEREAS it is expedient that the regulations now in force in those parts of Preamble. "Act of L. C. Ordinance 2. er Canada, and the Ordinance of the Legislature of the said late Province, passed in Vict. c. 15. the second year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled An Ordinance to regulate the Curing, Packing and Inspection of Beef and Pork intended for exportation, suspending the said Act, and also an Act of the Legislature of the late Province of 45 Geo. 3. c. Upper Canada, passed in the forty fifth year of the Reign of his said late Majesty 8. King Act of U. C. 5 3 Vict. c. 25. The said Acts King George the Third, and intituled An Act to regulate the Curing, Packing and Inspection of Beef and Pork, and also an Act of the said Legislature, passed in the Act of U. C third year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, and intituled An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the forty fifth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act to regulate the Packing, Curing and Inspection of Beef and Pork,' and all other Acts or parts of any Acts relating in any manner to the Packing, Curing or Inspecting of Beef and Pork, or the remuneration the inspection of the Inspectors thereof, immediately before the passing of this Act in force in off and this Province, or in any part thereof, shall be and each of them, and every part thereof is hereby repealed; and all and every the powers vested by them or any of them, or under any authority conferred by them or any of them, in any person or persons whomsoever, shall cease and determine. and all other laws regulating Beef Pork, repealed. Boards of Examiners how appointed. per II. And be it enacted, that from and after the passing of this Act, it shall be lawful for the Board of Trade in the Cities of Quebec, Montreal and Toronto, and in the Town of Kingston, respectively, and for the Municipal authorities in other places where Inspectors may be required for the purposes of this Act, to appoint a Board of Examiners of applicants for the office of Inspector of Beef and Pork, and from time to time to remove such Examiners and appoint others in their stead; and such Board of Examiners shall in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, respectively, consist of five, and in other places of three fit, proper and skilful sons, resident in the place or in the immediate vicinity of the place for which they are respectively to act; and such Examiners shall before acting as such, severally take and subscribe the following oath, before any one of Her Majesty's Justices assigned to keep the Peace within the District in which such Examiners shall respectively reside, and such Justice is hereby required and authorized to Oath to be administer the same: "I, A. B. do swear, that I will not, directly or indirectly, personally or by means of any person or persons in my behalf, receive any fee, reward or gratuity whatever by reason of any function of my office of Examiner, and that I will therein, well and truly in all things, act without partiality, "favor or affection and to the best of my knowledge and understanding. So help (6 me God." taken by the members. Inspectors III. And be it enacted, that the Mayor of the said City of Quebec Monhow to be aptreal or Toronto, or of the Town of Kingston, respectively, for the time being, and pointed. the Warden or chief municipal Officer of any other place as aforesaid for the time being, shall and may, from time to time, by an instrument under his hand and the seal of the Corporation, nominate and appoint an Inspector of Beef and Pork for each of the said Cities, Town, or other places as aforesaid, and may from time to Must be exa- time, remove any such Inspector and appoint another in his stead; but no person shall be appointed as such Inspector who shall not previously to his appoint mined. ment |