FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP. COLLECTED FROM VARIOUS SERVICES, IN USE AMONG PROTESTANT DISSENTERS. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, TWO SERVICES, CHIEFLY SELECTED FROM THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. SALISBURY: PRINTED BY B. C. COLLINS, 1794. 138. i. 1. THE right of Chriftians to judge for themselves in religious matters, and to worship God according to the dictates of their own confciences, must be allowed by all enlightened Proteftants. Some Societies among Proteftant Diffenters, in the exercise of this invaluable right of private judgment, have deviated from their ufual mode of worship, and introduced fome printed Devotional Services, in which they themselves may take a vocal part with the Minister. THIS has given rife to the publication of many judicious Liturgies for the ufe of fuch congrega tions. THE compilation contained in this Volume was occafioned by the wish of a respectable Society, to make a trial of this mode of public worship. THEIR principal reafons for it are briefly thefe. By the congregation taking a part in the devotional fervices, the attention of the worshippers is more easily kept up, and proper devotional affections are more likely to be excited, by a whole congregation uniting their voices, in fome parts of the various folemn addreffes to the Divine Being. IN |