| John Ray - 1714 - 430 pages
...the firft Creation, he faith, Thou covered ft it with the Deep as*K>ith a Garment^ the Waters flood above the Mountains. At thy Rebuke they fled, at the Voice of thy Thunder they hafted away (the Mountains afcend, the VaUeys defeend) unto the place thou haft prepared for them. Thou haft fet... | |
 | John Ray - 1717 - 430 pages
...at the firft Creation, he faith, Thou covered]} it with the Deep of with a Garment, the Waters flood above the 'Mountains : At thy Rebuke they fled, at the Voice of thy Thunder they hafted away (the Mountains afcend, the Valleys descend ) unto the Place thou haft prepared for them. Thou hafl... | |
 | John Ray - 1735 - 428 pages
...at the firft Creation, he faith, Thou coverd'ji it with the Deep as with a Garment, the Waters jicod above the Mountains: At thy Rebuke they fled, at the Voice of thy Thunder they bajted away (the Mountains afcend, the Valleys defcend] unto the Place thou haft prepared for them.... | |
 | Charles Rollin - 1742 - 418 pages
...fingle expreflion, is a dreadful menace, and a thunder according to the prophet. * The waters Jlood above the mountains. At thy rebuke they fled: at the voice of thy thunder they hajled away. Inftead of running off gently, they fled with fear ; they hailed to precipitate themfelves,... | |
 | John Hutchinson - 1749 - 588 pages
...jball never fail for ever. Thou cover edjt it with the Abyfs as with a Garment -, the Waters flood above the Mountains : At thy Rebuke they fled; at the Voice of thy Thunder they haftened away ; the Mountains rife up, the tallies fink down, unto the Tlace which thou didft found... | |
 | Cheyney Hart - 1761 - 274 pages
...above the Hills. 5. He laid the Foundations of the Earth, that it never Humid move at any time. 7. At thy Rebuke they fled; at the Voice of thy Thunder they hafted away. 8. They go up as high as the Hills, and down to the Valleys beneath, even unto the Place which Thou... | |
 | James Burgh - 1767 - 516 pages
...Who " laid the foundation of the earth, that it mould " not be moved for ever. Thou coveredft ic " with the deep, as with a garment: the waters " ftood...fled; at the voice of thy thunder they " hafted away. They go up by the mountains v *' they go down by the vallies unto the place " thou haft founded for... | |
 | James Burgh - 1767 - 538 pages
...not be moved for ever. Thou coveredft it €t with the deep, as with a garment : the waters " flood above the mountains. At thy rebuke "they fled ; at the voice of thy thunder they " hafted away. They go up by the mountains ; *' they go down by the vallies unto the place " thou haft founded for... | |
 | John Ogilvie - 1769 - 336 pages
...is nobly animated, in order to difplay the Omnipotence of God : *' The waters (fays the " Pfalrnift) ftood above the mountains ; at thy rebuke " they fled, at the voice of thy thunder they hafted " away." FROM this fimpk and impartial view of the Lyric Poetry of the Ancients, confidered as one branch of... | |
 | 1772 - 456 pages
...ever. Т1юи " coycreft. the deep as with a gar*« ment, the waters ftpod above the '*> ipountaips, at- thy rebuke they '* fled ; at the voice of thy thunder" they halted away : They go up " by the mountains, they go down " by the v .illies; unto the plate " where... | |
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