1 2 Lord, I desire with thee to live In joys the world can never give, 30 Jesus, come and rule my heart, K HYMN 146. с. м. WATTS. Decrees of God. EEP silence-all created things, 2 Life, death, and hell, and worlds unknown 3 Chain'd to his throne, a volume lies, 4 His providence unfolds the book, Each op'ning leaf, and ev'ry stroke, 5 Here, he exalts neglected worms 6 Not Gabriel asks the reason why, 7 In thy fair book of life and grace, 1 HYMN 147. L. M. BEDDOME. WAIT, O my soul, thy Maker's will! Nor let a murm'ring thought arise, 3 In heav'n, and earth, and air, and seas, : 4 Wait then, my soul, submissive wait, Prostrate before his awful seat: And 'midst the terrors of his rod, HYMN 148. L. M. J. STEWARD. Depravity, 1 GOD, from his throne, with piercing eye, Naked does every heart behold; 2 Should sin, in naked form appear, 4 Sin in its nature would appear 6 The fiery lake will hotter grow 1 HYMN 149. L. M. J. STEWARD. A Sin and misery connected. H, wretched souls are they, who hear With scorn, the sound of gospel grace; For sorrow walks along with sin, Although they keep not equal pace. 2 How blindly sinners grasp their chains, And yet of freedom vainly boast; They look for happiness and peace, Nor think by sin their peace is lost. 3 Approaching vice is deck'd in charms, And smiles with promises of gain ; No sooner past-its joys are fled, And all its pleasures chang'd to pain. 4 Sinners may for a time rejoiceTill storms of threaten'd wrath ariseTill justice grasp th' avenging sword; And then the wretch, the sinner dies. H HYMN 150. 7s. EARTS of stone, relent, relent, See his body, mangled-rent, Sinful soul, what hast thou done! 2 Yes, our sins have done the deed, 3 Will you let him die in vain, HYMN 151. 11, 8. Κ. 1 Election. Jer. xxxi. 3. 1 Cor. iv. 7. IN N songs of sublime adoration and praise; Ye pilgrims, for Zion who press, Break forth and extol the great Ancient of days, His rich and distinguishing grace. 2 His love from eternity fix'd upon you,Broke forth and discover'd its flame, When each with the cords of his kindness he drew, And brought you to love his great name. 30, had not he pity'd the state you were in, Your bosoms his love had ne'er felt: |