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God has open'd there a fountain;
This supplies the plains below:
They are blessed,

Who its sov'reign virtues know.
2 Thro' ten thousand channels flowing,
Streams of mercy find their way;
Life, and health, and joy bestowing,
Making all around look gay,
O, ye nations!

Hail the long expected day.

3 Gladden'd by the flowing treasure,
All enriching as it goes:
Lo, the desert smiles with pleasure,
Buds and blossoms as the rose,
Ev'ry object

Sings for joy where'er it flows.
4. Trees of life the banks adorning,
Yield their fruit to all around;
Those who eat are sav'd from mourning,
Pleasure comes and hopes abound:
Fair their portion!


Endless life with glory crown'd.


HYMN 444. Η. Μ.

ARK! hark!- the notes of joy
Roll o'er the heav'nly plains,

And seraphs find employ

For their sublimest strains;

Some new delight in heav'n is known; Loud sing the harps around the throne.

2 Hark! hark!- the sounds draw nigh,

The joyful hosts descend;
Jesus forsakes the sky,

To earth his footsteps bend;
He comes to bless our fallen race;
He comes with messages of grace.
3 Bear, bear the tidings round;
Let every mortal know
What love in God is found,
What pity he can show;
Ye winds that blow, ye waves that roll,
Bear the glad news from pole to pole.
4 Strike, strike the harps again,
To great Immanuel's name;
Arise, ye sons of men,
And all his grace proclaim;
Angels and men, wake ev'ry string,
'Tis God, the Saviour's praise we sing.

HYMN 445.




the Lord's anointed!

Great David's greater Son;

Hail in the time appointed,

His reign on earth begun!
He comes to break oppression,
To set the captive free;
To take away transgression,
And rule in equity.

2 He comes, with succor speedy,

To those who suffer wrong;

To help the poor and needy, And bid the weak be strong; To give them songs for sighing, Their darkness turn to light, Whose souls condemn'd and dying, Were precious in his sight. 3 He shall come down, like showers Upon the fruitful earth, And love and joy, like flowers, Spring in his path to birth: Before him, on the mountains, Shall peace the herald go, And righteousness in fountains From hill to valley flow. 4 For Him shall pray'r unceasing, And daily vows ascend; His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end : The tide of time shall never His covenant remove; His name shall stand forever; That name to us is Love.



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OBEDIENT to our Zion's King,

We to his holy laver bring

These happy converts, who have known
And trusted in his grace alone.

2 Lord, in thy house they seek thy face;
Oh, bless them with peculiar grace;
Refresh their souls with love divine;
Let beams of glory round them shine.
3 Ye, who your native vileness mourn,
And to the great Redeemer turn,
Arise, his gracious call obey,
And be baptiz'd without delay.


HYMN 447.

L. M.

Household Baptism.


UNITED pray'rs ascend to thee,

Parent of mankind;

Smile on this waiting family-
Thy face they seek, and let them find.
2 Let the dear pledges of their love,
Like tender plants around them grow;
Thy present grace, and joys above,
Upon their little ones bestow.

3 Receive, at their believing hand,
The charge which they devote as thine,
Obedient to their Lord's command-
And seal with pow'r the rite divine.
4 To ev'ry member of their house,
Thy grace impart, thy love extend ;
Grant ev'ry good that time allows,
With heav'nly joys that never end.

HYMN 448.

С. М.


Mark x. 14.



EE Israel's gentle Shepherd stand
With all engaging charms;
Hark, how he calls the tender Lambs,
And folds them in his arms.

2 "Permit them to approach," he cries,
"Nor scorn their humble name;
"For 'twas to bless such souls as these,
"The Lord of angels came."

3 We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands,
And yield them up to thee;
Joyful that we ourselves are thine,
Thine let our offspring be.
4 Ye little flock, with pleasure hear
Ye children seek his face;
And fly with transports to receive
The blessings of his grace.
5 If orphans they are left behind,
Thy guardian care we trust;
That care shall heal our bleeding heart,
If weeping o'er their dust.


HYMN 449. С. м.



HEPHERD, who lead'st with tender care, The feeble of thy fold,Who dost regard the weakest there, And all their steps uphold;

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