Our counsels aid-and Oh! impart 5 Forth with thy chosen heralds_come, 1 HYMN 489. L. M. 'B VOKE. EHOLD th' expected time draw near, Behold the wilderness assume The beauteous tints of Eden's bloom. 2 The untaught heathen waits to know 3 Come, let us with a grateful heart 4 Invite the world to come and prove HYMN 490. L. M. 1 INDULGENT God of love and pow'r, Smile on our souls; our plans approve, L T T 2 Let each discordant thought be gone, To forward objects so divine. DODDRIDGE. HYMN 491. с. м. 1HE Lord on mortal worms looks down T From his celestial throne; And, when the wicked swarm around, 2 He sees the tender hearts that mourn 1 HYMN 492. 7,6. F BP. HEBER. ROM Greenland's icy mountains, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 369 2 What tho' the spicy breezes It spreads from pole to pole; HYMN 493. S. M. VOKE. Ordination and departure of Missionaries. 1VE Messengers of Christ, His sov'reign voice obey; Arise! and follow where he leads, Y And peace attend your way. 2 The Master, whom you serve, Depending on his promis'd aid, 4 Go, spread a Saviour's fame: 5 We wish you in his name, 1 HYMN 494. L. M. CO, much lov'd brethren, haste and rear The gospel standard, void of fear : Go, seek with joy your destin'd shore, To view your native land no more. 2 Yes-Christian Heroes! go, proclaim Salvation thro' Immanuel's name; To barren climes the tidings bear, And plant the Rose of Sharon there. 3 He'll shield you with a wall of fire, With flaming zeal your breasts inspire, Bid raging winds their fury cease, And hush the tempests into peace. 4 And when our labors all are o'er, 1 Then we shall meet to part no more; Meet with the blood bought throng to fall And crown our Jesus Lord of all! Go, and the Saviour's grace proclaim, Ye messengers God; 2 What tho' your arduous track may lie 3 Yet, with determin'd courage, go, 4 He who has call'd you to the war 5 Shrink not tho' earth and hell oppose, 1 HYMN 496. С. М. 1 B. O, messenger of love, and bear, |