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The song which seraphs love to hear,
And angels joy to sing.


2 Go, to the heart with sin opprest,
And dry the sorrowing tear;
Extract the thorn that wounds the breast,
The drooping spirit cheer.

3 Go, say to Zion, "Jesus reigns"-
By his resistless pow'r,
He binds his enemies with chains;
They fall to rise no more.
4 Tell how the Holy Spirit flies,
As he from heav'n descends-
Arrests his proudest enemies,
And changes them to friends.

HYMN 497. 6, 4.

1 SOUND, sound the truth abroad,

Bear ye the word of God

Thro' the wide world;
Tell what our Lord has done,
Tell how the day is won,
And from his lofty throne,
Satan is hurl'd.

2 Far over sea and land,
'Tis our Lord's own command,
Bear ye his name ;
Bear it to ev'ry shore,
Regions unknown explore,

Enter at ev'ry door-
Silence is shame.


3 Speed on the wings of love,
Jesus, who reigns above,

Bids us to fly:
They who his message bear,
Should neither doubt nor fear;
He will their friend appear;
He will be nigh.

4 When on the mighty deep,
He will their spirits keep,
Stay'd on his word;
When in a foreign land,
No other friend at hand,
Jesus will by them stand---
Jesus, their Lord.

5 Ye, who forsaking all,
At your lov'd Master's call,
Comforts resign;
Soon will your work be done;
Soon will the prize be won;
Brighter than yonder sun,

Then shall ye shine.

HYMN 498.




Mark. xvi. 15.

CO, ye messengers of God,

Like the beams of morning fly;

Take the wonder-working rod,

Wave the banner cross on high!

2 Go to many a tropic isle

On the bosom of the deep;

Where the skies forever smile,
And the blacks forever weep.

3 Where the golden gates of day
Open on the palmy East,
Wide the bleeding cross display,
Spread the gospel's richest feast.
4 Visit ev'ry heathen soil,
Ev'ry barren, burning strand,
Bid each dreary region smile,
Lovely as the promis'd land.
5 In yon wilds of stream and shade,
Many an Indian wigwam trace;
And with words of love persuade
Savages to sue for grace.
6 Circumnavigate the Ball-
Visit ev'ry soil and sea;
Preach the cross of Christ to all;
Jesus' love is full and free.

HYMN 499. 8, 7, 4.


Farewell to Missionaries.

1 O, ye heralds of salvation,



Publish to that barb'rous nation,
Peace and pardon from our God:
Tell the heathen,

None but Christ can do them good.

2 While the gospel trump you're sounding, May the Spirit seal the word,


And, thro' sov'reign grace abounding,
Heathen bow and own the Lord;
Idols leaving,

God alone shall be ador'd.

3 Distant tho' our souls are blending,
Still our hearts are warm and true;
In our pray'rs to heav'n ascending,
Brethren-we'll remember you;
Heav'n preserve you,
Safely all your journey through.

4 When your mission here is finish'd,
And your work on earth is done,
May your souls, by grace replenish'd,
Find acceptance thro' the Son;
Thence admitted,

Dwell forever near his throne.

5 Loud hosannas now resounding,
Make the heav'nly arches ring:
Grace to sinful men abounding,
Ransom'd millions sweetly sing;
While, with rapture,
All adore their heav'nly King.



HYMN 500. C. M.

The Missionaries' farewell.

INDRED, and friends, and native land, How shall we say farewell? How, when our swelling sails expand, How will our bosoms swell!

2 Yes, nature, all thy soft delights,
And tender ties we know;

But love, more strong than death, unite's
To Him that bids us go.

3 Thus, when our ev'ry passion mov'd,
The gushing tear-drop starts;
The cause of Jesus more belov'd,
Shall glow within our hearts.

4 The sighs we breathe for precious souls,
Where He is yet unknown,
Might waft us to the distant poles,
Or to the burning zone.

5 With the warm wish our bosoms swell,
Our glowing pow'rs expand;
Farewell, then we can say, Farewell,
Our friends, our native land!

HYMN 501. L. M.

1 FAREWELL! and what if next we


In yonder world to which we haste,
And join to cast at Jesus' feet

Our crowns, while we his love shall taste.

2 Should sorrow therefore fill our mind?
No; let that hope our bosoms swell,
Then may we smiling look behind
And say to friends and home-Farewell.

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