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Thy Scorn derides their feeble Rage,
And with an awful Frown
Flings vaft Confufion on their Plots,
And shakes their Babel down.

Almighty Grace defends our Land
From their malicious Pow'r;
Let Britain with united Songs
Almighty Grace adore.


A Song of Praife to GoD from Great



"ATURE with all her Pow'rs fhall fing
God the Creator and the King;

Nor Air, nor Earth, ner Skies, nor Seas,
Deny the Tribute of their Praise.

Begin to make his Glories known,
Ye Seraphs that fit near his Throne ;
Tune your Harps high, and spread the Sound
To the Creation's utmoft Bound.

All mortal Things of meaner Frame
Exert your Force, and own his Name;
Whilft with our Souls and with our Voice
We fing his Honours and our Joys.

He builds and guards the British Throne,
And makes it gracious like his own;
Makes our fucceffive Princes kind,
And gives our Dangers to the Wind.
Raife monumental Praises high
To him that thunders thro' the Sky;
The strongest Notes that Angels raife
Faint in the Worship and the Praise.


At Difmiffion.

O farther go To-night, but ftay,
Dear Saviour, till the Break of Day:
Turn in, dear Lord, with me;

And in the Morning when I wake,
Me in thine Arms, my Jefus, take,
And I'll go on with thee.


The fame.

Will lay me down to fleep, And fafely take my Reft; Me commend to Jefu's Grace. And as upon his Breaft,

So, if Jefus pleafe, I'll fleep,

While Troops of Angels are my Guard, O, my Shepherd, love and keep,

And be my great Reward.

The fame.

NONE but Jefus will we fing,

None else will we adore;

He our Prophet, Prieft, and King,

Shall be for evermore.
None among the heav'nly Pow'rs,

Nor one on Earth, our Praise may claim;

None but Jefus call we ours,

None but the bleeding Lamb!


Gloria Patri.

RAISE God, from whom all Bleffings flow,
Praise him all Creatures here below;


Praife him above, ye heav'nly Hoft,

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


O Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft,
One God whom we adore;

Be Glory as it was, is now,
And fhall be evermore.


ATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One God whom we adore;

Join we with the heav'nly Hoft

To praife thee evermore.
Live by Heav'n and Earth ador'd,

Three in one, and one in three,

Holy, holy, holy Lord,

All Glory be to thee.


ING we to our God above, Praife, eternal as his Love: Praise him, all ye heav'nly Hoft, Father, Son, and holy Ghost.


O God who reigns enthron'd on high,
To his dear Son, who deign'd to die,
Our Guilt and Mifery to remove,
To that bleft Sp'rit who Life imparts,
Who rules in all believing Hearts,
Be endless Glory, Praife, and Love.


O Father, Son, and holy Ghoft,


Be Praise amidst the heav'nly Hoft,
And in the Church below;

From whom all Creatures drew their Birth,
By whom Redemption bleft the Earth,
From whom all Comforts flow.


IVE to the Father Praise, T Give Glory to the Son, And to the Spirit of his Grace Be equal Honour done.


O God the Father's Throne,
Perpetual Honours raise;

Glory to God the Son,
To God the Spirit Praife:
With all our Pow'rs,
Eternal King,
Thy Name we fing,
While Faith adores.





SOCIETY, and Perfons meeting in Chriftian-Fellowship.




HO can have greater Caufe to fing,
Who greater Caufe to bless,

Than we the Children of the King,

Than we who Chrift poffefs,
Than we who Chrift poffefs,

Than we who Chrift poffefs?

With Angel-Hofts, dear Lamb, we join
To praise thy Love and Pow'r,
To magnify thy Grace divine,

Thou mighty Counsellor,

Thou mighty Counsellor,
Thou mighty Counsellor!


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