the quarterly meeting conference, who may give him what relief they judge proper, after the allowance of the travelling preachers and of their wives, and all other regular allowances are discharged. SECTION IX. Of Slavery. Quest. What shall be done for the extirpation of the evil of slavery? Answ. 1. We declare that we are as much as ever convinced of the great evil of slavery: therefore no slave holder shall be eligible to any official station in our Church hereafter, where the laws of the State in which he lives will admit of emancipation, and permit the liberated slave to enjoy freedom. 2. When any travelling preacher becomes an owner of a slave or slaves, by any means, he shall forfeit his ministerial character in our church, unless he execute, if it be practicable, a legal emancipation of such slaves, conformably to the laws of the state in which he lives. 3. All our preachers shall prudently enforce upon our members, the necessity of teaching their slaves to read the word of God; and to allow them time to attend upon the public worship of Garon our regular days of divine service. 4. Our coloured preachers and official members shall have all the privileges which are usual to others in the district and quarterly conferences, where the usages of the country do not forbid it. And the presiding elder may hold for them a separate district conference, where the number of coloured local preachers will justify it. 5. The Annual Conferences may employ coloured preachers to travel and preach where their services are judged necessary; provided that no one shall be so employed without having been recommended according to the form of discipline. END. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. I. Sec. 1. Of the Origin of the Methodist Episcopal Church 5 Sec. 10. Of the Trial of those who think they are moved by the Holy Ghost to preach Sec. 13. Rules by which we should continue, or desist Sec. 14. Of visiting from house to house; guarding against those things that are so common to Professors, and enforcing Practical Religion Sec. 15. Of the instruction of Children Sec. 16. Of employing our time profitably when we are not travelling, or engaged in public exer- Sec. 17. Of the necessity of union among ourselves Sec. 18. Of the method by which immoral travelling Ministers or Preaches shall be brought to Trial, found guilty, and reproved or suspend- ed in the intervals of the Conferences Sec. 19. How to provide for the circuits in time of Conference, and to preserve and increase the CHAPTER II. Sec. 1. The nature, design, and general rules of our United Societies 75 Sec. 2. Of Class Meetings 80 Sec. 3. Of the Band Societies 83 Sec. 4. Of the privileges granted to serious persons Sec. 7. Of bringing to Trial, finding Guilty, ad re- proving, suspending, or excluding disorderly 89 Sec. 8. Of the sale and use of spirituous liquors 92 CHAPTER III. Sacramental Services, &c. Sec. 1. The Order for the administration of the Lord's Sec. 3. The form of solemnization of Matrimony 113 .120 CHAPTER IV. The form and manner of making and ordaining Bishops, Sec. 1. The form and manner of making of Deacons 123 Sec. 2. The form and manner of ordaining Elders 129 Sec. 3. The form of ordaining a Bishop 143 PART SECOND. Sec. 1. Of the Boundaries of the Annual Conferences, &c. 155 served therein 160 Sec. 3. Of the qualifications, appointment, and duty of the Stewards of circuits 169 Sec. 4. Of the allowance to the Ministers and Preach- ers, and to their Wives, Widows and Children 171 Sec. 5. Of raising annual supplies for the Propagation Sec. 6. Of the Chartered Fund 172 180 of the Profits arising therefrom 182 Sec. 8. Local Preachers to have an Allowance in given cases 1.88 Sec. 9. Of Slavery : : : : 189 |