GENERAL INDEX TO VOL. IX. ABJURATIO GALILEI. Astronomische Gesellschaft Zone, -9° 50' to -14° 10' (note) AMES, KATE, Unusual Lunar Halo, August 5, 1897. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, By-Laws of . BRUCE Medal of, 104, 168; Comet-Medal of, 170; Corresponding Astrographic Charts. Astronomical Telegrams. PAGE 30 40 240 195 14 163 116 102 47, 155, 246 Astronomy and Astronomers in Their Relations to the Public, by W. J. HUSSEY.. Atlas der Himmelskunde. Awards of the DONOHOE Comet-Medal BABCOCK, A. H., Earthquake at Oakland, January 17, 1897 Earthquake of June 20, 1897 . . . CHABOT Observatory Eclipse Expedition. BARNARD, E. E., Honor Conferred on (note) BOND, W. C. and G. P., Memorials of (note) W. C., Portrait of, to face 89; note. BRUCE, Gift to Prague Observatory . Medal for Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 104, 168; Pho- BURTON-BROWN, A. Col., Total Eclipse of Sun, January 22, 1898. . 93 189 109 14 CHABOT Observatory Eclipse Expedition. PAGE 245 CLARK, ALVAN G., Death of (note) 152 Coast and Geodetic Survey, Longitude Net of, 242; Change in (note) 241 190 42 Photograph of the Solar Surface, with C. D. PERRINE, Frontispiece 203 g 1896, PERRINE, Discovery, 39; Elements by SEARES and CRAW- 47, 48 Comet b, 1897 (PERRINE), Elements by W. J. HUSSEY and R. G. Note on, by C. D. PERRINE, 232; Telegrams on Comstock, George C., The WASHBURN Observatory. . 155 246 246 170 31 Corresponding Institutions of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Double Stars, Measures of, See AITKEN, LEHMAN; Procyon, Sirius. 188 Observations of, by R. G. AITKEN, 195; Predictions for, by C. D. 85 131 January 22, 1898, by E. W. MAUNDER By Col. A. BURTON-BROWN, 189; Expedition to, from Lick At Oakland, January 17, 1897, by A. H. BABCOCK, 45; Of June 37 Errata in Publications Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Gravitation, The Cause of, by V. WELLMAN HADDEN, DAVID E., Eclipse of Sun, January 29, 1897. Review of Solar Observations for 1895-96 HAGEN, J. G., A New Observatory. . 238 47.90 13 190 188 77 121 Heliocentric Theory and the University of Cambridge in 1669 (note) 43 ALBERT MARTH (biographical notice), 202; Appointments in the 145 CROCKER (note), 160; Experiments with the Moving Floor of the Howe's Astronomy (review) Hussey, W. J., Astronomy and Astronomers in Their Relations to . Elements of Comet 6, 1897, with R. G. AITKEN, 246; Elements Instrument Making at Alleghany (note). Jupiter, Photographs of, by J. M. SCHAEBERLE Köhl, TorvalD, Astronomical Observations in 1896 LADD Observatory, The (note).. . LEHMAN, D. A., Measures of Double Stars . Leonids, See Meteors. Lick Observatory, Appointments in PAGE 151, 160, 235 BRUCE Photometers of, 184; Eclipse Expedition to India, 155, 196 Light Absorption as a Factor in Determining the Size of Objectives. 98 135 Longitude Net of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 242 105 Luminous Appearances in the Sky, Some, by W. H. S. MONCK Ephemeris for Physical Observations of the Moon PAGE . 76, 108 MAUNDER, E. W., English Preparations for Total Eclipse of January 131 24, 70, 136, 174, 226 I 92 41 MCNEILL, MALCOLM, Planetary Phenomena . 2=3 A Brilliant (note), 44; Of January 24, 1897 (note), 91; Of January Metric System (note) MONCK, W. H. S., Some Luminous Appearances in the Sky The Spectra and Proper Motions of Stars. Moon, Atlas of . . . 90 33 123 202 Ephemeris for the Physical Observations of, by A. Marth, 76, 108 MOSES, WM. S., A Brilliant Meteor (note) Nebula, Lowe Observatory Catalogues of, by Lewis Swift. 156 44 186, 223 Notice to Members of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. . 41, 108 148 LADD, 47; WASHBURN, 31; Royal, at Greenwich, 152; The 209 Observations, Astronomical, in 1896, by TORVALD KÖHL . 65 86 232 PERRINE, C. D., Comet b, 1897. Discovery of Comet g, 1896, 39; Elements of Comet g, 1896, 40; Photograph of Solar Surface (note). Frontispiece, by A. L. COLTON and C. D. PERRINE PRICHETT, H. S., Appointed Superintendent of United States Coast Observations of the Companion of Sirius. Reflector and Portrait Lens in Celestial Photography (note). 147 Royal Astronomical Society, American Foreign Associates SCHAEBERLE, J. M., Measures of the Companion to Procyon. Meteor of May 5, 1897, 146; Observations of the Companions of SEARLE, ARTHUR, A. G., Zone, -9° 50′ to — 14° 10′,(note) PAGE 45 45 244 173 40 36 46, 101, 104, 238 Solar Observations, by DAVID E. HADDEN. 77 Spectra and Proper Motion of Stars, by W. H. S. MONCK. 123 166 Probable Errors of Catalogues of, 107; Spectra and Proper 123 Sun, Photograph of (note), 39. Frontispiece Eclipse of July 29, 1897 188 Reversing Layer of Corona (note), 100; The Great Sun-Spot Telescope for Sale (note). . TUCKER, R. H., Latitude of Lick Observatory . UPHAM, Mrs. F. K., Meteors of November 15, 1896 (note) Venus and Mercury, LOWELL'S Observations of YATES, WILLIAM, The Leonid Meteors (note) YERKES Observatory, The, by W. J. HUSSEY 42 47 160 ΙΟΙ 41 122 86 92 31 156 190 90 41 209 |