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ty, two or three paragraphs of remark may be nearly as well bestowed on any one part as on any other. What the writer is pleased to bring forward first, and evidently with no ordinary exultation, is the following extract from one of the recent reports of the Society for promoting Christian knowledge.

• The last accounts from the Danish missionaries were by no means satisfactory; a spirit of insubordination appears to have arisen in the Malabar congregations, both at Veppey and Tranquebar, which, at the former place seems to have given much trouble and uneasiness to Mr. Paegold, and at Tranquebar to have occasioned the departure of the Danish missionaries from their stations, and from that territory. The documents before the mission committee of the society, are quite insufficient to enable them to form a judgement of the true ground of these disastrous circumstances. It appears, however, that certain missionaries sent out by an anabaptist society, and by that called the London missionary society, had received a degree of countenance, at least from the Danish missionaries, if not also from some of those more immediately connected with the society, which tended to produce disorder in the established missions, and could not but be very dissatisfactory to the Church of England society for promoting Christian knowledge.' p. 4.

Here is a remarkable exemplification of the maxim, that bigotry plays into the hands of irreligion. It was impossible the Major should not instantly and eagerly accept the assistance of a representation, written so perfectly in his own spirit and manner, in point of logic and equity, and tending to the object for which he has avowedly laboured. The immediate, and we may fairly say the intended, effect, of this insinuated crimination of the missionaries of the two societies here named, would be to subject them to suspicion and aversion among the members of the established church, and also to the official disapprobation of the government, if its members should be of opinion, that the disturbers of religious communities might become injurious to the peace and good order of the general community, and if they should credit this venerable society's intimation that these missionaries are such disturbers. The next consequence must naturally have been, authoritative interposition to restrain, repress, or expel the delinquents. Would the persons who drew up, and the persons who sanctioned the report, from which the above passage is quoted, have been sorry if this had been the consequence? Would they have regretted to hear, that through the influence of their report it had been decided irrevocably, that men, with whom the slightest friendly acquaintance cannot be held but at the expense of disorder and almost ruin to some of the most excellent Christian institutions in the East, are not fit to be permitted in the country? But this is what the Major has ex

plicitly demanded from the first, only on a wider ground of accusation; and he is very reasonably delighted to find the venerable society' working somewhat more indirectly toward the same point. He does not care that the passage which he quotes, and which we have quoted, is a piece of the grossest illiberality. He likes its tendency; and it is not his concern, whether the venerable society forgot the plainest dictates of justice and sense, in first acknowledging themselves wholly unable to explain the causes of the disastrous circumstances which had befallen the mission under their patronage in India, and in the very next sentence contriving to have the mischief imputed to the sectarian missionaries,-a conduct quite worthy to engage the friendship of the Major. We have not heard of any free and full retraction of this part of the report. The London missionary society, we recollect, applied for an explanation of it as far as concerned their missionaries, and received from the secretary of the venerable society a sulky sort of reply, amounting to an acquittal of those missionaries, but signifying a desire not to be incommoded by any further questions, and not indicating any degree of solicitous promptitude to obviate the unfavourable impressions that must have been made respecting the missionaries. We do not know that the anabaptist society (as it is called with equal politeness and logical propriety) ever remonstrated, or ever received from the venerable society in question one word of explanation or apology. What is certain is, that no such retraction has ever been made in justice to the missionaries of either of the societies, as to deny this unfortunate writer the full satisfaction of citing the 'venerable society for promoting Christian knowledge,' in company with Dr. Barrow, as his allies in intolerance. In his intoxication of delight to find himself so abetted, he falls into the blunder of assuming even Mr. Wrangham as one of the party; but Mr. Wrangham is not the proper man; he has utterly rejected the honour thus attempted to be imposed on him. We should really think there could need no stronger admonition against indulging, or at least publicly displaying, the arrogance and injustice of bigotry, than to see that there are such persons as Major Scott Waring in readiness instantly to reward that bigotry by a claim of alliance and fraternity.

We are not competent to judge whether, from the confident and highly applausive appeals which this writer continues to make to the wisdom and piety of the established church, it is to be inferred that he has found himself extensively successful in his former addresses, on behalf of the object to which he is dedicating the latter years of his life, to the reason, the religion, and the benovolence, of the most respectable and powerful members of the establishment. However that may

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be, he does certainly express the most emphatic complacency in anticipating the turn which the whole concern must take, according to his account, when it shall be committed to their exclusive management, and all sectarian agency is swept out of the way; for he is perfectly confident that they will do nothing at all. We are assured by him that they have always been free from the mania of conversion, and the rage of prose. lyting: they have, it is true, been misled to the trifling extent of lending, through the medium of the abovementioned venerable society, some assistance to the Danish mission; but he is positive they have never once lost their senses in any dream of converting the perishing millions of Hindostan," and be will answer for them they never will. He does not attempt to disguise, that it is chiefly on this account he is so violently urgent for all things relating to Christianity in India to be instantly put under the sole direction of the established church, as controuled by the government, Now and then, indeed, in order to pique the church into this assumption, he will have some expression, which seems for a moment to let it be supposed that something may and will be done in India; and will enlarge on the indecency of its being permitted to be attempt. ed by sectaries, who are thus defrauding the church of something that belongs to its office and its priviliges if the attempt is to be made, the church alone has the right to make it. But no pains are taken to conceal that this is a mere expedient of instigation; all he wants is to get the matter made safe, by being entirely committed to an authority, in behalf of which he takes upon him to promise to the hideous superstitions of India a lasting inviolability, a perpetual impunity, from all attempts at Christian illumination. While the members of the church hear him loudly applauding the conduct which he thus most confidently predicts, they may perhaps feel some hesitation to appropriate the man and his principles, and some difficulty in resolving to fulfil his predictions and merit his applauses, from reflecting who will have cause to join the Major in gratefully extolling the conduct that should verify his anticipations. Most of the mere idolaters of gain and trathe, who prefer a guinea to the welfare of mankind,' will cordially applaud it. The whole school of Voltaire will applaud it. The most savage zealots of Mahometanism, and the priests and votaries of the Hindoo pantheon, and indeed of every superstition that has blasted any part of the earth, would vehemently join in the praise, if they could be duly informed of the merit. The chorus would be completed by another personage whom we need not name.

We have dwelt particularly on the circumstance of the Major's eager assumption of the Society for promoting Christian

knowledge, and of Dr. Barrow, as his allies in the promotion of one main object, that is, the exciting of a general odium in the established church against the persons whom he always takes care with an ill-intentioned justice to describe as the most active missionaries that ever were seen in India; and on his full confidence that he shall find the church in general quite accordant to his views,-because we discover nothing else in the present pamphlet half so deserving of notice. It cannot well fail, we should think, to be an instructive lesson to all who are really anxious for the extension of Christianity, and who, in prosecuting this great object, have piety enough to spurn the petty considerations of aggrandizing a particular party or church, to have so striking an instance held up to them to shew what cause and party is to be the gainer by the bigotry and obstructive proceedings of one denomination of Christians against another. And as to those advocates and projectors of missionary and other Christianizing undertakings, whose motives are not of so noble a quality, and whose schemes for converting heathens must be carefully adjusted also to the purpose of promoting the consequence of their party or themselves, we must again put it to their consciences, and we add to their pride, (a strange appeal, we confess, on such a subject) whether the ultimate success of their hostility, against other classes of Christians benevolently and earnestly labouring for the illumination of India, would be the more gratifying to them because such a man as this would most warmly join them in celebrating their victory.

This pamphlet leaves every point in the controversy just where it was before, except that the argument on the antichristian side appears to retrograde through the very imbecility with which it is maintained, as we have sometimes seen a vicious horse getting further and further back during all the bustle and violence of a puny and clumsy driver to force him on. A specimen or too will shew the manner in which the Major meets the arguments of his opponents. In asserting against him the possibility of inducing the Hindoos to aban don their superstitions, or, as he would express it, change their religion, Lord Teignmouth, in company with several other writers, alledged the instance of the Seeks, whose ancestors a few centuries back renounced, in spite of the im possibility of doing so, the whole Brahminical system, at the persuasion of an apostate and reformer of the name of Naneek, and who, with a theological, moral, and ritual institution, wonderfully simple and rational in comparison of that which has been abandoned, maintain, according to the information of Mr. Wilkins, the unity, the omnipresence, and the omnipotence of the deity' that they worship. How does the Major I i


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dispose of this fact, which gives so uncivil a contradiction to his hundred times repeated assertion? We will transcribe every word of his refutation, which we believe he considers as most decisive; he intimates as much by the typographical mark at the conclusion.

He (Lord T.) assigns two reasons for supposing it practicable at some future period to convert the population of Hindostan to Christianity. The first is the apostacy of the Seics four hundred and fifty years ago. A nation that can bring one hundred thousand cavalry into the field, and is composed of apostate Hindoos and Mahomedans. This nation can scarcely be said to belong to India at all. But dangerous indeed will be our situation, if we take measures to convert the population of British India, because a people, at the very extremity of Hindostan, formed a new religion four hundred and fifty years ago!' p. 64.

This is the reply, on the strength of which the Major deems himself authorised, as far as the proof against him arising from this fact is concerned, to go on with his re-assertions of impracticability. And it gives a pretty fair exposition, we think, of both his intellectual and moral qualifications for the controversy. There is, however, a still better illustration. The accounts of the baptist missionaries in Bengal have mentioned their having obtained eight or nine converts of the Brahmin caste. This they would themselves readily acknowledge, with regret, is not quite so triumphant a result, in point of numbers, as they would gladly have anticipated from their zealous labours. But it is, notwithstanding, a very inconvenient fact, in the way of a man who finds it his duty to insist that no such conversions can be effected. The inconvenience is obviated in the following manner.

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• But shall any man possessing common sense, believe upon the ipse dixit of the baptist missionaries, that a single Brahmin, or a Mahomedan of fair character has been converted, unless proof of the fact is adduced by a reference to the Bengal government, or by the evidence of a respectable clergyman appointed by the prelates of the church of England, to inquire into, and to report the facts. Those who know any thing of India, cannot possibly give credit to the baptist statement.

The deceptions that have been practised are indeed of a most scandalous nature. It would be an idle waste of time to expose them, were I not convinced that unless they are exposed, we shall place a force in the hands of Bonaparte, more efficacious than any French army that may hereafter arrive on the banks of the Indus.' p. 19.

The reference here suggested would easily have been made, if the enemies of the missions had thought it worth while; we fancy, however, but few of them would have been willing to make it in a way that should publicly stake their characters on the result being a proof of falshood against the missionaries. But if the accounts of the missionaries had been false, all such

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