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Removed to Trinity College, Cambridge. Keeps a bear in his rooms. Quits
college. At the age of nineteen, publishes a volume of poems, entitled Hours
of Idleness. On leaving Newstead Abbey. Epitaph on a Friend. A Fragment
The Tear. Prologue to the Wheel of Fortune. Stanzas to a Lady, with the
poems of Cameons. To M***. To Woman. To M. S. G. Song, When I roved
a young Highlander.' To-. To Mary, on receiving her picture. Damætus
To Marion. Oscar and Alva, a tale. To the Duke of D--. Translations

d Imitations. Adrian's address to his Soul when dying. From Catullus,
ad Lesbian. The Epitaph on Virgil and Tibullus, by Domitus Marsus. From
Catullus; Luctus de mortis passeris.
From Catullus; to Ellen. From
Anacreon; to his Lyre-Ode III. Fragments of School Exercises. From the
Promotheus Vinctus of Æschylus. The Episode of Nisus and Euryalus, a
paraphrase from the Æneid, lib. 9. From the Medea of Euripedes. Fugitive
Pieces; Thoughts suggested by a college examination. To the Earl of
Granta; a medley. Lachin Y. Gair. To Romance. Childish recollections.
The death of Calmar and Orla, in imitation of Macpherson's Ossian. To E. Ν.
L. Esq. To--. 'Oh! had my fate been joined with thine.' 'I wish I were
a Highland child.' Lines written beneath an elm, in the churchyard a
Harrow on the Hill. Criticism on Hours of Idleness, from the Edinburgh
Review. Animadversions thereon. Disposition of Lord Byron on his
entrance into life. His fondness for a Newfoundland dog. Lines inscribed
upon a cup formed from a skull. His amours. Becomes enamoured of a fair
relative, who, however, marries another. Resolves on quitting England in
consequence. Becomes a great favorite among the fair sex. The authoress of

Glenarvon falls in love with him. Repels the attacks of the Edinburgh

Reviewers, by publishing English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a satire.

Remarks on the satire. Curran's reply to Lady A--11. Lord Byron quits

England in company with Mr. Hobhouse. They proceed to Lisbon. Travel

through Spain to the Mediterranean.

Commences his poem of Childe

Harold's Pilgrimage. The poem described, accompanied with extracts.

Frequency of assassination in the streets of Lisbon. The heroine of

Saragoza. The travellers proceed to Greece. Description of Albania.-

Attachment of his Albanian servants. Visits Ali Pacha in his palace

at Tepalen. Anecdote of Ali Pacha's barbarity. A note to Lady Mor-

gan, on Ida of Athens. Lord Byron's partiality for Athens. On travel-

ling in Turkey. Remarks on Childe Harold. Opinions of the Quarterly and

Edinburgh Reviewers. Lyrical pieces subjoined to Childe Harold. Swims

across the Hellespont with Lieutenant Ekenhead. The possibility of this

exploit doubted by Mr. Turner in his Travels. Letter from Lord Byron to

Mr. Murray on the subject.

Lord Byron returns to London. Lives a retired life, and devotes his time to
literary pursuits. The Giaour. The Bride of Abydos. The Corsair.
Curious particulars respecting Bishop Blackbourne. Lara. Ode to Napoleon

Lord Byron enters into all the profligacies of Venice. Becomes enamoured of a
baker's wife, whom he called his Fornarina. Her excessive attachment and
jealousy. On the exaggerations of Lord Byron's aversion to English visitors.
Trait of his generosity. Anecdotes of Fletcher, his Lordship's valet. With-
drawn from the degradations of Venice by the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Shelley.
Shelley's delineation of his noble friend, under the appellation of Count Maddalo.
Extracts from Shelley's Julian and Maddalo. His picture of Lord Byron's
child, Allegra. Lord Byron annoyed by the Austrian government, who pro-
scribe his works. Quits Venice. Stanzas descriptive of the Countess
Guiccioli. Remarks on Captain Medwin's Journal of the conversations of Lord
Byron. Sonnet to the Countess Guiccioli. Remarks on his Lordship's con-
nexion with the Countess. Lady Morgan's description of the deplorable state
of society at Venice. Causes of its present degraded state. Particulars of the
Countess Guiccioli. Address to the Po. Lord Byron removes to Ravenna.
Becomes the cavaliere servante of the Countess. Manfred. Lord Byron visits
the hospital of St. Anua, at Ferrara. Lament of Tasso. Extract from some of
Tasso's letters. Evidence of Lord Byron's friendship for Mr. Hobhouse.


Mr. Leigh Hunt leaves England, and joins Lord Byron and Mr. Shelley at Pisa.
Mr. Medwin's account of Lord Byron's opinion of Mr. Hunt. The Liberal,
No. I. The Vision of Judgment. Mr. J. Hunt fined 100l. for publishing the
Vision of Judgment. Heaven and Earth. Translation of Pulci's Morgante



Age of Bronze. The Island. Mutiny of the crew of the Bounty. The Deformed
Transformed. Letter from Goethe to Mr. Medwin on the genius of Lord Byron.
Letter by Sir Walter Scott on the death of Lord Byron.



Italy becomes irksome to Lord Byron, and he resolves on quitting it. Determines
on visiting Greece, and aiding their cause. Embarks from Leghorn, and arrives
in Cephalonia. Count Gamba's account of an excursion from Cephalonia
to Ithaca. Hospitality of an Italian, resident in Greece. The party visit
Captain Knox at Vathi. Lord Byron relieves numerous fugitive families in
Ithaca. Arrangement of his occupations at Metaxata. Dreadful catastrophe,
and indignation of Lord Byron at the apathy of the by-standers. Lord Byron
becomes melancholy on hearing of his daughter Ada's illness. Visited by
Lord Sydney Osborne. Reasons for his staying at Metaxata. Party dissen-
sions among the Greeks previous to the arrival of Lord Byron at Cephalonia.
Death of Marco Bozzari. Extract from a letter of Marco Bozzari's, urging the
speedy arrival of Lord Byron. His Lordship offers two thousand dollars a
month for the succour of Missolonghi and the Suliotes. Narrative of the daring
enterprise of Marco Bozzari. Lord Byron's caution to prevent falling into the
hands of a party. Dr. Kennedy refuted by Lord Byron on points of religion.
Differences between the Greek chiefs, Coloctronis and Mavrocordatos. Pro-
ceedings of the Congress at Salamis. Lord Byron resolves on relieving Misso-
longhi. Extracts from letters by Mavrocordatos and Lord Byron on the critical
state of Greek affairs. Devotedness of his Lordship to the cause. His difficulty
and anxiety in procuring supplies. Sails for Missolonghi with Count Gamba,
in two Ionian vessels. The Count's vessel taken by a Turkish frigate. The
Count escapes by his admirable presence of mind, and arrives at Missolonghi.
Dangers attending Lord Byron's voyage. Enthusiastic reception of Lord
Byron at Missolonghi. Simplicity of his mode of living. Rescues a Turk from
the hands of some Greek sailors, and sends him to Patras. Lines on com
pleting his thirty-sixth year. Letter to the Turkish chief, on liberating four
Turkish prisoners. Lord Byron appointed to the command of three thousand
troops for the attack of Lepanto. Lancasterian schools and dispensaries for
the preservation of public health established at Missolonghi by Colonel
Stanhope. Two newspapers established at Missolonghi. Difference of opinion
between Lord Byron and Colonel Stanhope. Stanhope's defence of Mr.
Bentham against the attacks of Lord Byron. Colonel Stanhope accuses Lord
Byron of being an enemy to the liberty of the press. Prospectus of the Greek

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