Defcend, celeftial Dove F. F AR from our Thoughts, &c. Father, , our Hearts we lift From all that dwell below the Skies Father, Son, and Spirit, hear G. Glory be to God on high Give Thanks to God most high Giver of Concord, Prince of Peace H. H' Ither ye Poor, ye Sick, ye Blind How heavy is the Night Hail the Day that fees him rife How fad our State by Nature is 50 60 How glorious is the Lamb 56 68 Hofanna to our conquering King 58 71 Hark! dull Soul, how ev'ry Thing 65 83 Holy Lamb, who thee receive Happy he who e'er believes Ho, Pilgrims! if ye Pilgrims be How many Years have we been driv'n 5 37 Lord and God of heav'nly Powers Lord of the Worlds above Lift up your Eyes to th' heav'nly Seat Lord, what a Heav'n of faving Grace Long have we fat beneath the Sound 72 92 Let them neglect thy Glory, Lord Lord, we adore thy vaft Designs Lord, we are vile, conceiv'd in Sin Lord, we wou'd spread our fore Distress 100 126 Loving Saviour, Prince of Peace 114 6 Let us the Sheep by Jefus nam'd N. YOW may the Spirit's holy Fire Now for a Tune of lofty Praise Now to the Lord a noble Song Not all the Blood of Beasts None but Jefus will we fing 0. Lord, how many are our Foes O Lord, our Lord, how wond'rous great P. Raife ye the Lord, exalt his Name ye Plung'd in a Gulph of dark Defpair R. R Ife our Souls to praise the Care Rife my Soul, and ftretch thy Wings Rejoice the Lord is King Salvation, O the Joyful Sound TH T. HE Lord fupplies his People's Need The Sun of Righteoufnefs appears To him that chofe us firft The Lord the fovereign King 'Tis finish'd, the Redeemer faid 53 64 To God the only wife Thy Favours, Lord, furprize our Souls. To praise Redeeming Love The Lord of Earth and Sky Thus did the Sons of Abrah'm pafs Teach me the Measure of my Days Page Hymn 120 Tell us, O Women, we wou'd know UP U. to the Lord that reigns on high W. Welcome, fweet Day of Reft 25 32 29 35 33 38 992 2000 31 Why fhould the Children of a King 23 37 44 46 55 |