morial to the electors of the Fever. Genuine copies of the love-let- amour, of, (a firft) to the duke of to the author of the De- 65 139 to the right hon. lord to the Baptist church in to Dr. Adams, occafioned 18 of baron Bielfeld, vol. III. lope; condemned, 234 between an English lady On Macaulay's Observations Thoughts on the cause of the prefent difcontents; fubstance of, and character, 386 Maid of quality, 49 Marriage ceremonies of the Welth defcribed. 245 Memoirs of Mrs. Williams, 294 Middlefix (the) election confidered on the principles of the conflitution, 232 Millar's (Dr.) Obfervations on the prevailing difeafes in Great Britain; with copious extracts, animadverfions, and cenfure, 332, 408 Mifcellaneous thoughts of a univerfal free-thinker; character, and fpecimen of, 76 Monchy's (Dr.) Remarks upon the mortality among the horned cattle, &c. 398 Monro's (Dr.) Treatife on mineral waters; extracts from, and recommendation, 268 N. upon the report made by the board of trade against the Granada laws, 234 -on modern gardening; plan of, with extracts, and commendation, 427 Ode to Palinurus, 233 Ogden's (Dr.) Sermons on the efficacy of prayer and interceffion; with extracts and character, 130 72 Ogilvie's Poems, Old women weatherwise, an interlude, 393 Oratio anniverfaria a Gul. Harveio inftituta in Theatro Col. Med. Lond. habita fefto S. Lucæ, Oct. 18, 1769; account of, with animadverfions, and extracts, 155 Orton's Religious Exercises; recommended, P. 77 Pally of the lower limbs cured by warm-bathing, 15 Paffion (the), an oratorio, 480 Fatriots of Jerufalem petitioning Artaxerxes for a redrefs of grievances, &c. 468 |