cussed, and the institution proved to be neither unnecessary, nor defective, nor pernicious, 260, 272
Biblical criticism, utility of, 795 Bloomfield Robert. See Banks of the Wye Birds grazing, peculiarities in the structures of their gizzards, 132,3
Blenheim, Prince Eugene's account of the battle of, 448
Bonaparte, Sarrazin's Confession of, 902; his character and resources, 903 Botany, Darwin's introduction to, 638 Brain, influence of the, in the action of the heart, 1099
Britain, Richard of Cirencester's descrip-
tion of, 421; account of the author; 421- 3; origin and manners of ancient Britons, 423,5; political divisions of the island, 426, 431
British institution, Shee's letter to the pre- sident and directors of, 152; his system of prizes visionary and useless, 153 Buchan's domestic medicine, indebted to Mr. Smellie for its popularity, 803-4 Burke's criticism on the phrase chartered rights, 9
Burnet's (Bishop) history of the changes in English theology, 98-9
Burns, his appearance at the printing-office,
Business, dangerous to religion, 440
Cæsar, life of Sir Julius, 359
Cæsar's account of the inhabitants of Gaul, vague, 1100
Calculus urinary, Dr. Wollaston on cystic oxide, a new species of, 137 Calcutta, a poem, character of and extracts from,' 822-28; new comers, 824; plea- sures of the table, 824; sudden wealth, 825; smoking tobacco, 826; propagation of Chris- tianity, 827; return to England, 828 Calvinism, historical sketch of the fate of, in this country,688-9; Bishop of Lincoln's refutation of, 689; a great proportion of his Lordship's work irrelevant and futile, if not disingenuous, 690-2; his reasoning sometimes inconsistent, his statements unfair, and his sentiments contradictory, 693-6; Calvinism not at variance with the doctrines of the church, 606, 702; nor with scripture, 702
Cambridge account of the mode of con- ducting the studies, granting degrees, and allotting honours at that university, 281; studies preparatory to B. A. 282; method of taking the degree of B.A. 283-5; mathema- tical problems, 286-8; metaphysical and mo- ral questions, 289; good effect of the exa- minations, 290-2; lectures on chemistry, 293; important modification in the ma- triculation oath, 296
Cape of Good Hope described by Abu Taleb, 19 Carisbrook,stanzas from Miss Holford's poem of, 461
Catharine, empress of Russia, description of her visit to the Crimea, 141
Causation, Scott's inquiry into the nature of, 515; objections to Mr. Scott's doc- trine, 512, 20
Cecil, Wilson's two sermons on the death of, 168; Mr. Cecil's character as a man, 169; as a minister, 170
Celts, their probable origin, 111 Ceylon-state of Christianity in that island, 732-4
Charge primary, of the Bishop of London, 400; his Lordship's ignorance of the his- tory and actual state of religious seets, 401-2; and confused account of them, 403; the clamour raised against them, on what account to be deprecated, 404-6; the bishop's defaults as a writer, 406-7 Christ, Cappe's life of, 146; the virulence of theo- logical controversy condemned,147; the points of difference between the orthodox and their adversaries not merely speculative, 148-9, Mrs. C.'s reflections, original and engaging, 149; use of our Saviour's mira- clés, 150
contrasted with earthly conquerors, 151; religious homage paid to, 837 Christian, the, a privileged character, 816. Christina, Miss Mitford's poem of, 548; why narrative poetry is so popular, 548- 9; outline of the story, 549, 553; obser- vations on it, 553; extracts from the poem, &c. 554 6
Compilations, estimate of their real value,87 Consolation, religious, sometimes lessened
by excessive anxiety for obtaining it, 171 Cornwall, Warner's tour through, 317, nu- merous mistakes of this traveller, 31, 22; from what originating, 323; moral state of the Cornish miners, 323 Continuity law of, defence of the, 36, 37, and objections to, 38-40; many cases in pure mathematics, in regard to which it does not obtain, 36; its tendency pernicious, ib. Cowper-his excellence as a satirist, 90 Cullen's theory of ether, remarks on, 805 Curse of Kehama, 186; abstract of the fa- ble, with extracts, 185. 205; funeral pro- cession, 187; Kehama curses Ladurlad, 188- 9; efficacy of the curse, 189; two things in which no poet surpasses Mr. Southey, 190; Kailyal deserted by her father encounters Ar valan, 192; palace of the elements, 196; Mr. Southey's mythology defective in point of keeping, 194, 201; birth of the Ganges, 202; Lorrinite's magic globe, 204; farther progress of the story, 334-43; the fable objected to as absurd, 343-7; this
absurdity is also pagan, 347; observations on the characters and diction, 350 Cystic oxide. See Calculus
Davy, Professor, anecdote of, 500 Diabetes, Wollaston's experiments on, 1066 Discourses, Mr. Jay's, for the use of families, 1013; character of with extracts, 1013- 20
Dissenters not chargeable with an antipathy to learning, 17
Divines, English, singular excellence of, im- mediately after the reformation, 97 Domingo, St. See Hispaniola
East India Company, Bruce's annals of the, from 1600 to 1708-9; character of this work as a history; its extreme diffuseness; plan on which it ought to have been un- dertaken, 1-5; its main object to afford pleas for the prolongation of the powers of the hon. company, 51; the company's property in India not perpetual,10; experi- ence is against the monopoly, 12, 16; the question of compensation discussed, 17; the grant of sovereignty exactly of the nature of a lease, 18
Elements of art. See Art
English invasions of France, remarks on the,
Encyclopædia Britannica, originally arrang- ed by Mr. Smellie, 804
Erskine, baron of Dun, sketch of the life of, 1066-7
Essays Smith's, on the first principles of religion, 451; this writer's hatred of fa- naticism and Calvinism, 452-6; sensible remarks on the trinity, 457
-Aikin's literary and miscellaneous,797 -Finch's on mau, 817 Euclid's elements, errors in the most popular editions of, 619,23
Europe, formerly peopled by two distinct nations, 110
Eugene, prince, memoirs of, 444; descrip-
tion of his person, by Sir R. Steele, ib. ; extracts, and reflections suggested by them, 445-450
Evangelical, proper use and distinction of the term, 933
Evening amusements, Frend's, 416; account
of Mr. F.'s associates in this work, 417; nice distinction between globes and stew pans, 418; various other beauties and curiosities, 418-420
Evil, bishop Hamilton's essay on the per- mission of, 316
Evils may be productive of important good, 611 Eylau, remarks on the battle of, 826
Faith, remarks on justification by, 358 Fame, poetical, the difficulty of acquiring
it, 201; to be lasting must be founded on the basis of virtue, 21 Ferguson's astronomy, injudiciously repub- lished by Dr. Brewster, 781
Figtree, parable of the, reflections on, by bishop Horsley, and Mr. Jay, 1986, 1017 Fluids, on the circulation of, 1071 Fluxions, objections to the method of, an- swered, 390,4; Mr. Dealtry's princi- ples of 394; useful remarks on maxima and minima, 395-7; in what particulars this work is deficient, 398-400 Foote, anecdotes of, 759
Fossils, extraneous, requisites for the proper illustration of, 52; Martin's outlines of, &c. ib.; plan of this work, 53; the de- luge not the cause of all the strata abounding in petrifactions, 54; distinctive character of fossil reliquiæ, 55; principles of ar- rangement, 56; the Derbyshire fossils for the most part very happily represented by Mr. M.'s pencil
Forces, mechanics considered as the theory of, 23
Fox's historical work, Heywood's vindication of. See Vindication
Frederic of Prussia, anecdotes of his humanity
French nation, historical remarks on, 351 French revolution, mischiefs of the, made use of, to render all attempts at improvement opprobrious, 16
Friedland, battle of, remarks on, 527 Friend, the, a literary, moral, and political weekly paper, by Mr. Coleridge, 912; difficulties of periodical writing, 915; peculiar qualities which distinguish Mr. Coleridge's manner of thinking-his sym- pathy with nature, extreme subtlety and abstractedness, illustrations, and language, 918, 926; subjects of the essays, 915, 926; Luther's skirmish with Satan in the Wartburg, 929-31
Fulneck, description of, 897
Fuseli's estimate of Michael Angelo, 109%
Hindoos, a Christian congregation of, 730-1 Hispaniola, Walton's report of, 246; writ- ten hastily and in bad taste, 247, 254; object and plan of the work, 247-8; his- tory and present state of Hispaniola, 250; city of St. Domino, 25; commerce, &c. 252; remarks on the Spanish colonies,253 Histories,secret,seldom any truth in them,92 Hopkins, bishop, works of, edited by Mr. Pratt, 97; outline of the history of divi- nity in England from the time of the re- formation, 97-99; abridged account of the life of bishop Hopkins, 99, 100; his exemplary discharge of ministerial duties, 100, 1; as a divine he is evangelical, moral, laborious, discrimi- nating, and intimately acquainted with, the human heart, 101-4; fine passage on the detection of the besetting sin, 104-5; as a writer his imagination is unusually fertile, and his diction intense and masculine," 106-7; extracts from his sermon on the re- surrection, 107,8; his defects, 108-9; remarks on the present edition, 109 Horsley's, bishop, sermons,862.876; parable of the fig-tree, 864; solemn reflections on the Lord's coming, 865; beauty of the Saviour's person and gracefulness of his speech, 869; exposition of Psal. x. 5, 8, 870; the water and the blood, 871; sympathy with the poor, 873; remarks on the bishop's notion of miraculous agency, 873-877; Christ's new commandment, 976; St. Peter's keys, 978; the nature and design of prophe- cy, 979 81; descent of Christ into hell, 982; sanctity and obligation of the Sab- bath, 983; concluding observations on the discourses, 984-86
Hyperbola, on the rectification of the, 1069 Huggins, a slave owner, detestable barbarity of, 1001
Inconsistencies, human, examples of, 48 India, Malcolm's political history of, 473; two opposite systems of policy with regard to India, 474; remarkable inconsistency of the British government, 475-6; object of Colonel M's book, 478; administrations of Lord Cornwallis, Sir John Shore, Lord Wellesley, Sir G. Barlow, and Lord Min- to, 479-483; absurdity of the avowed system of government in taking no part in the affairs of India, exposed, 483-87; India, as a dependency, must always be a burden on Great Britain, 487-9; the dif- fusion of Christianity must be carried on chiefly by native converts, 491 India Company. See East India Indian history, why so uninteresting in its nature, 629-635
Indians, American. See North America
Inquisition at Goa, Dr. Buchanan's account of, 926; pernicious effects of the, 1032 Irish peasantry, Leadbeater's cottage dia- logues, among the, 557; the pig, 557; Sunday, 558 Isoperimetrical problems, historical sketch of, 584-871; Woodhouse's treatise on, 587; object and plan of the work, 588-9; extracts, 588-593; remarks on the au- thor's notation, 593-5
Job, historical sketch of the critics and com- mentators on the book of, 657,8; Miss Smith's translation of, 658; extracts from Dr. Randolph's preface, 659, 661; the version, highly beautiful as it is in other respects, unsettled and inaccurate, 662- 65; examination of, ch. xxvi. vii. as trans. lated by Miss S. 665, 670; a new version proposed, 671; Dr. R.'s assertion that Miss S. never saw any other version but that of our bible, hazarded rather too hastily, 768-771; remarks on some of the principal peculiarities of rendering, 771, 780
Joseph II., prince de Lignes,character of, 144 Juggernaut, description of the temple and worship of, 576-583
Jupiter's family traced up to Aemon, 111; - satellites, La Place's theorems concerning their motions, 783
Juries, the best safeguard of a free press, 800
Kehama, curse of. See Curse Knox, outline of the life of, 1060-5
Language, the radical distinctions of, afford the best criterion for deciding on the ori- gin of nations, 110
Last Judgement, Michael Angelo's, great picture of the, 1090
Learning, advantages which religion may derive from, 175
Lectures, Marsh's course of, on the several branches of divinity, 192 Letters to a sister, 824
Miss Seward's, 959 Lindsay, W. posthumous, sermons of, with prayers annexed, 785
Ligne, letters and reflections of the prince de, 138; sketch of his life, 138-9; con- versational anecdotes of Frederic, 140-1; accompanies the Empress of Russia in her visit to the Crimea, 141; character of Po- temkin, 143; of the Turks, 144; estimate of the letters and reflections, 145; sketches of Rousseau and Voltaire, 146
Lord Sidmouth, Belsham's letter to, 1096 Luther, one of his skirmishes with Satan in the Wartburg, 929-31
Lyræ, the parallax of an annual orbit of that star, 135
Mahometan catechism, extract from a, 44 Mathematics, Hutton's course of, Vol. III. abtracts of the contents, 963-5; Dr. Gre- gory's theory of solid angles, 968, 970; fall of water in the arches of a bridge, 973-5 Martin, Mr. W. short biographical sketch of, 52
Martinico, some particulars respecting the island of, 536
Masoretic Hebrew text, authority of the, 796 Mechanics, two general methods of contem- plating the theoretical principles of,31; Mar- rat's introduction to, 32; plan of the work, 33-4; estimate of its merits, 35; instances of inaccurate definition, &c. 6; Mr. M.'s account and defence of the law of continuity, 37; reasons for not granting it to be a law-and mischievous consequences of the supposition, 38, 40; uncertainty of our knowledge respecting the nature of many things, of which it is the professed object of science to determine the mutual rela- tions, an argument in favour of mysteries in theology, 42
Medea and Octavia of Seneca, Mr. Wheel- wright's translation of the, 715; Medea's preparations for revenge, 716; and soliloquy before the murder, 717
Military policy, Pasley's. See Policy Milner, Jos. biographical memoir of, 125; singular strength of his memory, ib.; enters at Catharine Hall, Cambridge, 126; be- comes curate at Thorp-arch, ib. ; is elect- ed vicar of Trinity church, Hull, ib.; an important revolution takes place in his religious sentiments, 126-7; the beneficial influence of this on his character, 128; estimate of his practical sermons, 129-30; on the character and faith of David, 130 Ministers, Lawson's considerations on the death of, 609
Miracles of Christ, their use, 150
Motions, mechanics regarded as theory of,23 Multinomials, on the expansion of, 1011 Murphy, Foot's, life of, 753; reflections suggested by the complexion of the work, 753-58; character and manners of Mr. Mur- phy's friend and contemporary, Foote, 759; sketch of Mr. Murphy's life, 761, 767 Music, singular anecdote of the power of, 25 Mysteries, religious, unsusceptible of expla- nation, 40, 41; illustrated by a reference to the science of mechanics, ib.
National crimes, how punished, 91 Nations, Pezron's, antiquities of. Sec Pezron Nepaul, Kirkpatrick's account of, 407; ob. servations on the work, 407-8; occasion of the author's visit, 409; traffic in tim- ber, 411; prospect from the eminence of
Cheesapany, 414; modes of cultivation, 415; view of the valley, 505; scarcity of pro- vision, 506; tenure of property, and its dif- ferent kinds, 507-8; temples, 510; in- troduction of the deputation to the king, 510-11; population, religion, climate, and boundaries, 511, 515
Nervous affection, singular case of, 1011 Nomenclature, lithographie, remarks on, 57 North America, Pike's explanatory travels in, 296 reflections suggested by this au thor's epithet, 96-7; account of the party; encampments of the Sioux Indians, 299; state of human society in the countries of the Upper Missisippi, 302; Chippeway Indians, 304; approach to the Spanish settlements, 306; anecdotes of the savage tribes, 307; magicians, 308; encounter with the Pawnee Indians, 310; route of the party on their return, 311
Orthodoxy, the doctrines of not merely spe-
culative, 148; should be advocated with earnestness but with meekness, ib. Oudenarde, description of the battle of, 448-9 Owen, Dr. his prejudiced attack on the Lon- don Polyglott, 793
Oxygene and oxymuriatic gas-their combi- nations, 1003
Painting, the importance of, exaggerated by Mr. Shee, 151-2
Periodical writing, inconveniences of, 915 Personifications, poetical, natural, emblema- tical, and mixed, 798
Pezron's antiquities of nations, 110; ancient Europe inhabited by two distinct nations, 111; mythological compromises, 112; M. Pezron, mistaken in deriving the Celts from Gomer, 113-14; Scythia, what country in the time of Josephus, and by whom inhabited, 115; the radical dis- tinctions of language the best criterion for deciding on their origin, 116; assist- ance afforded to the study of glossology by Christian missionaries, 117, Philosophical Transactions, See Transactions Playfair, professor, errors in his edition of Euclid, 620-8
Poetry, narrative, causes of its popularity, 548-9
Poisons, experiments on vegetable, 1072 Policy and Institutions of the British em- pire, Pasley's essay on, 377; outline of the work, 378, 390; force and resources of France and England compared, 380, 386-7; colonies, 381; expeditions, 383; observations on the work and objections, 387, 390
Popularity, mischiefs of, to a divine, 440
Population, theorem on the subject of, 155-7 Portugal, sketch of the campaign in, 173 Potemkin, full length portrait of, 143 Practical Piety. Miss More's, 435; the po- pularity of this writer an admission fa- vourable to her cause, ib.; subjects of the work, 437; quotations, 437, 442; concluding remarks, 443-4 Prayer, hints on, 438
Preachers, considerations on the death of, 909 Preserving animal and vegetable substances, Appert's method of, 368
Prophecy, Scripture, Collyer's lectures on, 157; the subject opens a field for many kinds of intellectual labour, 157-8; illus- tration by means of ideal painting, one of Dr. C.'s chief excellencies, 159; remarks on the commencement of the introductory lecture, 160,1; estimate of the merits and defects of the work 162-5
Bishop Horsley on the nature and de- sign of, 978-81 Providence, particular, denial of, by an har- dened infidel, 49; to be traced in ordinary events, 439
Pus, observations and experiments on, 286
Quercus, different species of, 640
Ramayuna of Valmeeki, Carey and Marsh- man's translation of, 946; abstract of the fable with extracts, 947-962 Randolph's, Dr., letter to the editor of the Ecl. Rev. and reply to, 1033-40 Register, imperial and county annual, for 1809, 242, for 1810, 720 Reflectionists, the, censured, 155
Reformers-some of them exalted at the ex- pence of others, 1058; their common excellencies, 1059; Cook's lives of those in Scotland, 1060; sketches of the lives of Knox and Erskine, with extracts, 1060-6
Refraction, atmospherical, remarks on, as it affects astronomical observations, 133 Religion, its influence on conduct-motives
for zeal and decision in, 352-3. Essays on the first principles of. See Essays Religious world, Adam's display of, 421; remarks on his account of the Jews, Pagans, Mahometans, Greek and Eastern churches and Catholics, 43-45; how far the method of allowing each sect to tell its own story is likely to arrive at truth, 45
Researches, Buchanan's. See Asia Resurrection, admirable passages from Bishop Hopkins on the, 106 7 Reynold's, Sir J. animated tribute to the memo- ry of, 615
Rose's observations on Mr. Fox's history, completely answered, by Serjeant Hey- wood, 104
Russian army,Sir R.Wilson on the character and composition of the, 520; infantry, 521; Suwarrow, 522; cavalry, 521; artil. lery, ib.; cossacks, 522; singular instance of their intrepidity, 525; remarks on the battles of Eylau and Friedland, 526-7
Sarrazin, general, publications of, 901 Scotch reformers. See Reformers Scythia, the limits of, as defined by Hero- dotus, 115; allusions to, by Ovid, ib.; its situation and inhabitants in the time of Josephus, 115
Separatists, the folly and danger of treating then with abuse, 404-6
Sermons and extracts, Outram's, 205; this writer confounds Sectarian peculiarities with the essential doctrines of Christianity, 406-7; dreadful confederacy among the sepa- ratists, 208; their usefulness should shield them from obloquy, 211; insulated quo- tations unfair and disingenuous, 211, 12; instances of Dr. O.'s doctrinal heterodoxy, 213-4
Sermons, Lavington's, and other discourses, 351; character of, with extracts, 351-6 Seward's, Miss, poetical works, 19; her ea- gerness for fame, 21; models on which her taste was formed, 23; description of her person, 23; anecdote of the power of music, 25; her elegy on Captain Cook vigorous and brilliant, 26; successful imitation of Darwin's style, 26; extracts from the monody on Major André, 27-28; her sonnets-sonnet written after rain, 29; beautiful specimen of her lyrical powers, 30; her ridiculous strictures on Southey, 30, and Cowper, 31
letters, 849; remarks on correspondence, 849-50; state of Miss S.'s affections, 851,2; subjects of the letters, 853; Walter Scott, 855; Miltonic sonnets, ib.; paraphrases of Horace, 856; criti- cisms, 857; sermonizing, 858-9; portrait of Miss S., 60; humourous anecdote, 861; youthful friendship, 862
Shark, oviparous, its mode of breeding, 135 Sibbes, Dr., character of his writing, 365 Sicily, Vaughan and Leckie, on the state of,
878; deficiency of information respect- ing,870,9; subjects of the two books, 880; Mr. Leckie's statements corroborated by Mr. V., 881; Mr. L.'s picture of Sicily, division of property, tribunal of patrimony, corn laws, revenue, parliament, education and cha- racler of the nobility, character of the middling
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