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Chiefly of England,










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Theodorus, archbishop of Canterbury's letter to Ethelred, king of the Mercians, 1.-

De libertate capellarum domini regis, 2.-King Ethelwolf's grant of the tithes of

the kingdom to the Church, 3.- Ealdulph, archbishop of York's profession of

canonical obedience to Ethelred, archbishop of Canterbury, 3.-Epistola Albini sive

Alcuini canonici Ecclesiæ Eboracensis et magistri Caroli magni imperatoris ad regem

Northumbrorum Adelredum, 5.-Wulston, bishop of Worcester's summons to the

council at Winchester; by which he is ordered to bring only the abbots of the diocese

along with him, 12.-Thomas, archbishop of York's profession of canonical obedience

to Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury. 12. - Charta regis Willielmi Primi, quæ

secernit placita ecclesiastica a causis civilibus, 14.-Charta Willielmi regis Primi de

restitutione ablatorum in episcopatibus et abbatiis totius Angliæ, 14.-The Con-

queror's charter to St. Paul's, 15.-The Conqueror's charter to Battle-abbey, 16.-

King Henry I.'s letter to invite Anselm into England to his archbishopric, 18.—A

letter of several English bishops to archbishop Anselm, in Normandy, 19.-King

Henry's Letter to acquaint Anselm with his victory in Normandy, 20.—The pope's

letter to Anselm, in which he dispenses, with respect to benefices, in the case of the

sons of priests, 21.-Queen Maud's letter to Anselm, 21.—Alexander king of Scot-

land's letter to Ralph, archbishop of Canterbury, 22.-William, archbishop of Can-

terbury's summons to Urban, bishop of Llandaff, 22.-King Stephen's charter to

the Church, 23.-King Henry II.'s confirmation of the charter of privileges, &c.

granted by king Henry I., 24.-Has literas misit Henricus rex Angliæ singulis vice-

comitibus Angliæ in principio persecutionis beatæ Thomæ, 24.-King Henry II.'s

expostulatory letter to the pope upon the difference between his highness and

the archbishop of Canterbury, 25.-King Henry II.'s letter to his son king Henry,

to signify the agreement between him and archbishop Becket, &c., 27. Pope

Alexander's bull for the canonization of archbishop Becket, 28.-Geoffrey elect

of Lincoln's resignation of his see into the hands of the archbishop of Canterbury,

29.- Alexander papa clericis per archidiaconat. Berkesire constitutis indulget ne

canes vel accipitres archidiacono exhibeant, 30.-Pope Clement III's bull of ex-

emption of the Church of Scotland, directed to king William, 30. The king's

offer of satisfaction to the pope in the case of Stephen Langton, archbishop of

Canterbury, 31.-King John's oath of homage to pope Innocent III., 32.- King

John's charter for constituting a Jewish patriarch or high priest, 32.-King John's

charter to the Church for the liberty of elections of bishops and abbots, 33.-

King John's writ for the restitution of the bishop of Winchester's temporalities after

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the general seizure upon the Interdict, 34.—The form of a bond, or obligation, made

to the Caursins, for the repayment of money upon loan, 34.-An order of king

Henry III. to the abbot of St. Alban's, not to pay any tax to the pope, 36.--Pope

Innocent IV.'s bull to the bishop of Lincoln, for the augmenting and erecting vi-

carages, 36.-Pope Innocent IV.'s letter to the prelates of France, England, &c. for

the regulation of the studies of the clergy, 37.-The bishop of Lichfield and Coven-

try's letter to the archdeacon of Stafford, to summon them to the synod, or convoca-

tion, at Merton, 39-King Edward I.'s writ to the bishops, to send their quota of

men into the field to suppress the insurrection of the Welsh, 39.-The statute of

Circumspecte Agatis," as it stands in the record, 40.-The competitors of the

kingdom of Scotland's submission of their claim to the decision of king Edward I.,

and their acknowledgment of his being the supreme lord of the kingdom of Scot-

land, 41.-John, archbishop of York's licence to the Judges, for holding the Assizes

from Septuagesima to the beginning of Lent, 42.-The English barons' letter to the

pope, in which they deny that the realm of Scotland is a fee of the see of Rome, or

that the pope has any manner of jurisdiction in temporals, 42.-William, bishop

of Worcester, fined for receiving the pope's bull containing a clause derogatory to the

Crown, 44.-The form of the papal indulgence to those who undertook an expedition

against the anti-pope Clement VII., 45. The regalities of the County Palatine of

Durham allowed by the king and Parliament, 45. — Archbishop Islip's letter to

Wickliffe, upon his preferring him to the wardenship of Canterbury-college in Ox-

ford, 47.—Wickliff's Bileve, 47.—Courtney, archbishop of Canterbury's protestation

in the parliament-house, for the saving the privilege of himself and his suffragans, 49.

-Sir George Braybroke and his lady Elizabeth's indulgence, granted by pope Boni-

face IX., 50.-Pope Martin V.'s expostulatory letter upon the occasion of the statutes

of "Præmunire," 51.-A counterfeit letter in honour of Wickliff's memory, pre-

tended to be written by the University of Oxford, 52-King Henry IV.'s decision,

by virtue of which archbishop Arundel and his successors are declared to have a

power for visiting the university of Oxford, 53.-Charta Edvardi Quarti de libertati-

bus clericorum, et ne ipsi clerici per laicos arrestentur, aut in aliquo per breve de præ-

munire facere vexantur, &c., 55. - Exemplar bullæ apostolicæ sanctissimi domini

nostri Julii papæ Secundi, illustrissimo regi Henrico Angliæ illius nominis Septimo,

pro expeditione in Turcam transmissæ, 58.-Literæ responsivæ ad breve summi pon-

tificis, 61.

Pope Julius II.'s bull for dispensing with prince Henry's marrying Catharine of Spain,

64.-Prince Henry's protestation against his marriage with Catharine of Spain, 66.-

Sententiæ quædam responsionis Lutherianæ adversus Henricum Octavum Angliæ

regem, 68. Bulla Leonis Decimi papæ, qua Henricum Octavum Angliæ regem

titulo "Fidei Defensoris" ornavit, 69. — Epistola Lutheri, 72.-Fisher, bishop of

Rochester's opinion of king Henry VIII.'s marriage, in a letter to cardinal Wolsey,

74.-Pope Clement VII.'s commission to the cardinals Wolsey and Campegio, for

trying the cause of the divorce, 75.-A decretal bull drawn up in England, and

transmitted to Rome: the purport of it is, to prevent a reversal of the legate's sen-

tence in the business of the divorce, 77.—Pope Julius II.'s brief to dispense with

Henry prince of Wales for marrying Catharine, relict to his brother prince Arthur,

82.-Articuli pardonationis Reverendissimi Patris Thomæ Cardinalis, &c.; or the

articles in Cardinal Wolsey's pardon, 21 Hen. VIII. Feb. 12, 83.—King Henry VIII.'s

letter to cardinal Wolsey to sign a commission for conveying the disposal of several

benefices in his gift to the king, 83.-Bishop Tunstall's monition to the archdeacon

of London to bring in Tyndall's translation of the New Testament, 84.--The decree

of the university of Oxford against the lawfulness of the marriage of king Henry VIII.

with Catharine of Spain, 85.-An address of the lords spiritual and temporal to the

pope upon the subject of the king's marriage, 86.-The pope's answer to the remon-

strance of the lords spiritual and temporal, &c., 89. — Sir Gregory Cassali's letter

to the king, mentioning a dispensation of the pope, seeming to import an indulgence

for the having two wives, 93.-The clergy's grant of an hundred thousand pounds to

the king for release of the præmunire, 94.-The king's confirmation of the Act for

the extinguishing the payment of the annates, 97.-The last form of submission re-

quired by the king, of the clergy, and to which the lower house only consented, 97.

-The last submission of the clergy to king Henry VIII. The Latin title runs thus:

"Instrumentum super submissione Cleri, coram Domino Rege, quoad celebratio-

nem Conciliorum Provincialium," 98.-King Henry VIII.'s letter to the college of

cardinals, for a cardinal's cap for Hierom, bishop of Worcester, 101.-Cranmer's

protestation made in the chapter house at Westminster, before his consecration, 101.

-King Henry VIII.'s warrant to the abbot of Evesham to excuse his attendance in

Parliament, 103.-King Henry VIII.'s letter to archbishop Cranmer, authorizing

him to give a final determination concerning the marriage between the king and

Catharine of Spain, 103.-The archbishop of York and the bishop of Durham's letter

to the king: in which they report their message delivered to the queen; and her

answer upon the sentence of divorce, pronounced May 20, 1533, 105.-Protestatio

sive confessio facta per quosdam episcopos, decanos, et magistros ecclesiarum cathe-

dralium, quod episcopus Romanus non habet majorem aliquam jurisdictionem a Deo

sibi collatam in hoc regno Angliæ quam quivis alius externus episcopus, 108.-Pro-

testatio, &c. universitatis Oxon. Quod Romanus episcopus non habet majorem ali-

quam jurisdictionem sibi a Deo collatam in hoc regno Angliæ quam quivis alius

externus episcopus, 110.—A letter from the university of Cambridge to king Henry

VIII. congratulating his majesty for throwing off the pope's supremacy, and suppress-

ing superstition, 112.-A petition of the clergy of Canterbury to king Henry VIII.

for relief against a statute passed in the 21st year of his reign, 117.-A commission

to inquire into the yearly value of the revenues belonging to the clergy and religious

houses, &c., pursuant to certain instructions, 118.-King Henry VIII.'s commission

in allowance of the deputation made by Cromwell, vicar-general, 119.-The arch-

bishop of Canterbury's mandate, to inhibit the provincial bishops the exercise of any

jurisdiction during the king's visitation, 123.-The founder of an abbey or hospital's

letter to the bishop, to confirm the election of the head of the house, 124.-The

prior of St. Austin's, London, oath of canonical obedience to bishop Tunstal, 124.—

A form for installing or consecrating an abbess; composed by Theodorus, archbishop

of Canterbury, 125.-The opinion of Gardiner, bishop of Winchester, concerning the

articles presented to the king's highness by the princes of Germany at the con-

ference at Smalcald, where the articles were proposed to the king's agents, the

bishop of Hereford, &c., 131.-Propositions laid before the council about the pope's

pretended authority, 134.-An instrument of Francis I., king of France, for the

justification of the marriage of king Henry VIII. with queen Anne, and against the

validity of the former marriage with queen Catharine, notwithstanding the pope's

dispensation, 136.-The opinion of certain of the bishops and clergy touching a

general council, in the reign of king Henry VIII., 139.-Henricus Octavus Dei

gratia Angliæ et Francis rex, fidei defensor, dominus Hyberniæ, ac in terris sub

Christo Ecclesiæ Anglicana supremum caput. Pio et Christiano lectori, 141.—

King Henry VIII.'s letter to some of the bishops, reprimanding them for not reading

the articles lately set forth, and for speaking against some of the ceremonies of the

Church, 150.-The form of the beads in Ireland, 153.—Relaxation of the regal

suspension of episcopal jurisdiction, or Licentia Domini regis ad exercendam

jurisdictionem, 155.-The abbot and convent of St. Edmondsbury's grant of an

annuity to Thomas Cromwell and his son, 157.-King Henry VIII.'s patent for

creating the abbot of Tavestocke, in Devonshire, a lord of parliament, 158.—The

valuation of twenty-seven of the mitred abbeys, extracted from Speed, 159.—A copy

of the monks' patents for the payment of their pensions, 159.-A commission granted

to archbishop Cranmer and others against the Anabaptists, 161.-A declaration of

the faith, and a justification of the proceedings of king Henry VIII. in matters of

religion, or a summary declaration of the faith, uses, and observations in England,

162. The judgment of the convocation for annulling the marriage between the king

and Anne of Cleve, 174.-The resolutions of several bishops and divines upon some

questions concerning the sacraments, 175.-A copy of the letters-patent which were

to be signed by king Henry VIII. for giving authority to a book entitled "Reforma-

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