J'ay seulement faict icy un amas de fleurs, n'y ayant fourny du mien "THESE pieces commonly go under the title of poetical amusements; but these amusements have sometimes gained as much reputation to their authors, as works of a more serious nature. "It is surprising how much the mind is entertained and enlivened by these little poetical compositions, as they turn upon subjects of gallantry, satire, tenderness, politeness, and everything, in short, that concerns life, and the affairs of the world." PLINY TO Tuscus. DEDICATION. TO THE VERY REVEREND THE DEAN OF ST. PAUL'S. DEAR MR. DEAN, You have given me great pleasure in allowing me to dedicate this little work to yourself. I hesitated to ask the favour, because the book might seem to be of too trifling a character, to be connected with so venerable a name; but then I remembered your universal appreciation of every branch of our literature, and also the kindly interest which you took in the scheme when I first mentioned it to you. I trust that the principle of my selection will meet your approval, I feel sure you will make allowance for many shortcomings, and will charitably believe that the Editor tried to do his best. I am, Dear Mr. Dean, Yours very faithfully, FREDERICK LOCKER. |