| Gething - 1838 - 426 pages
...girdle cast O'er mountain, tower, and town, Or mirror'd in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down ! As fresh in yon horizon dark, As young thy beauties...faithful to its sacred page ; Heaven still rebuilds its span, Nor lets the type grow pale with age That first spoke peace to man. ifctter " I HEAR thee... | |
| 1838 - 348 pages
...eagle from the ark First sported in thy heam. For, faithful to ita saered page, Heaven stilt rehuilds thy span, Nor lets the type grow pale with age. That first spoke peace to man. THE COMMON LOT. J. MONTGOMERY. ONCE in the Ilight of ages past, There liv'da man; — and WHO TTAS... | |
| Samuel Carter Hall - 1838 - 336 pages
...mirror'd in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down ! As fresh in yon horizon dark, As young thy heauties seem, As when the eagle from the ark First sported in thy heam. For, faithful to its sacred page, Heaven still rehuilds thy span ; Nor lets the type grow pale... | |
| Jewel - 1839 - 352 pages
...girdle cast O'er mountain, tower, and town, Or mirror'd in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down. As fresh in yon horizon dark, As young thy beauties...with age, That first spoke peace to man. CAMPBELL. THE ANTHEM. TRANSLATED BY LORD FRANCIS LEVESON OOWER. THAT anthem's long-remember 'd strain Revives... | |
| Priscilla Maden Watts - 1839 - 286 pages
...glory cast O'er mountain, tower, and town, Or mirrored in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down ! As fresh in yon horizon dark, As young thy beauties...grow pale with age, That first spoke peace to man. THE WRECK. BY MBS. HEMANS. Her sails are draggled in the brine, That gladdened late the skies ; And... | |
| Emily Taylor - 1839 - 306 pages
...freshen'd fields The snowy mushroom springs. Or mirror'd in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down. As fresh in yon horizon dark, As young thy beauties...grow pale with age, That first spoke peace to man. THE WORM. TURN, turn thy hasty foot aside, Nor crush that helpless worm : The frame thy wayward looks... | |
| Henry Duncan - 1839 - 422 pages
...mountain, tower, and town, Or mirror'd in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down. " As fresh, in ypn horizon dark, As young thy beauties seem, As when...with age, That first spoke peace to man !" CAMPBELL. FOURTEENTH WEEK— SUNDAY. THE DELUGE A DIVINE JUDGEMENT. THE account which the Bible gives us of the... | |
| Samuel Griswold Goodrich - 1839 - 322 pages
...girdle cast O'er mountain, tower, and town, Or mirrored in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down ! 12. As fresh, in yon horizon dark, As young thy beauties...the eagle from the ark, First sported in thy beam. 13. For, faithful to its sacred page, Heaven still rebuilds its span, Nor lets the type grow pale with... | |
| 1840 - 378 pages
...girdle cast O'er mountain, tower, and town, Or mirror'd in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down ! As fresh in yon horizon dark, As young thy beauties...grow pale with age That first spoke peace to man. VALEDICTORY STANZAS TO 1. P. KEMBLE. PRIDE of the British stage, A long and last adieu ! Whose image... | |
| Christian - 1840 - 318 pages
...girdle cast O'er mountain, tower, and town, Or mirror'd in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down. As fresh in yon horizon dark, As young thy beauties...grow pale with age, That first spoke peace to man. THE CAST-AWAY. Cotoper. OBSCUREST night involved the sky, The Atlantic billows roar'd, When one who... | |
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