| 1855 - 396 pages
...patience, labor, to their heart and hand, From thy hand, and thy heart, and thy brave cheer, And God.s grace fructify through thee to all. The least flower,...may stand And share its dew-drop with another near. E. BAREETT BROWNING. PUNCTUATION. — A country schoolmaster, who found it rather difficult to make... | |
 | 1855 - 396 pages
...and hand, From thy hand, and thy heart, and thy brave cheer, And God's grace fructify through thfee to all. The least flower, with a brimming cup, may stand And share its dew-drop with another near. E. BABBETT BBOWNING. PUNCTUATION.—A country schoolmaster, who found it rather difficult to make his... | |
 | Charles Williams - 1856 - 396 pages
...Take patience, labour, to their heart and hand, From thy hand, and thy heart, and thy brave cheer ; And God's grace fructify through thee to all. The...may stand, And share its dewdrop with another near." * ST. JOHN'S WOOD, December 6th, 1856. • £. B. Browning. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I.— THE PEN OF BIOGRAPHY.... | |
 | Elizabeth Barrett Browning - 1856 - 320 pages
...Take patience, labour, to their heart and hand, From thy hand, and thy heart, and thy brave cheer, And God's grace fructify through thee to all. The...may stand, And share its dew-drop with another near. FUTURITY. AND, O beloved voices, upon which Ours passionately call, because erelong Ye brake off in... | |
 | Matthew Simpson - 1856 - 254 pages
...Take patience, labour, to their heart and hands, From thy hands, and thy heart, and thy brave cheer, And God's grace fructify through thee to all. The...may stand, And share its dew-drop with another near. ]t (Brian's §ram of Christmas, IT was Christmas Eve — and lonely, By a garret-window high, Where... | |
 | Edward Hughes - 1856 - 494 pages
...Take patience, lahour, to their heart and hands, From thy hands, and thy heart, and thy hrave cheer, And God's grace fructify through thee to all. The least flower, with a hrimming* cup, may stand, And share its dew-drop with another * near. BARRETT. Give the full meaning... | |
 | Thulia Susannah Engall - 1859 - 412 pages
...them. Has God blessed you ? He wishes you to be a blessing to others. You are not too young : — " The least flower with a brimming cup may stand, And share its dew-drop with another near." It would be selfish to keep the blessing to ourselves. When Andrew was blessed, he went to fetch his... | |
 | Florence Wilford - 1860 - 456 pages
...shall Take patience, labour, to their heart and hand From thy hand and thy heart, and thy brave cheer, And GOD'S grace fructify through thee to all. The...may stand, And share its dewdrop with another near." ELIZABETH BABRETT IT is Christmas day, but there is no snow ; no glistening holly, no Christmas bells,... | |
 | 1862 - 610 pages
...reign ; to be patient with our own troubles, and ready to speak a word of cheer to others who suffer. ' The least flower with a brimming cup may stand, And share its dewdrop with another near.' It is this ground we choose for parting, because, if we ever meet again, it will be here. The poetess... | |
 | Elizabeth Barrett Browning - 1862 - 478 pages
...Take patience, labour, to their heart and hand, From thy hand, and thy heart, and thy hrave cheer, And God's grace fructify through thee to all. The...may stand, And share its dew-drop with another near. FUTURITY. AND, O beloved voices, upon which Ours passionately call, because erelong Ye brake off in... | |
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