| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 392 pages
...Pafllon, all confus'd ; Still by himfelf abus'd or difabus'd ; Created half to rife, and half to fall ; 15 Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all ; Sole...hurl'd : The glory, jeft, and riddle of the world ! Go, wondrous creature ! mount where Science guides, Go, meafure earth, weigh air, and ftate the tides... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 414 pages
...Paflion, all confus'd ; Still by himfelf abus'd or dilabus'd ; Created half to rife, and half to fall ; 15 Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all ; Sole...judge of Truth, in endlefs Error hurl'd : The glory, je:t, and riddle of the world ! Go, wondrous creature! mount where Science guides, Go, meafure earth,... | |
| 1800 - 552 pages
..." Still by hinifelf abus'd or ilifabufed. " Created halt to rile, and hilf to fall, " Great Lord ol all things, yet a prey to all. " Sole judge of truth,...hurl'd, • " The glory, jeft, and riddle of the world." ElTay on Man, Ep. ii. V. 13. " What a chimera then is Man ! what a confufed chaos ! what a fubjeil... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1783 - 322 pages
...little, or too much : Chaos of Thought and Paffion, all confus'd ; Still by himfelf abus'd or difabus'd; Created half to rife, and half to fall ; Great lord...Error hurl'd: The glory, jeft, and riddle of the world ! Go, wond'rous creature ! mount where Science guides f ('. Go, meafure earth, weigh air, and ftate... | |
| 1785 - 772 pages
...of thought and paflbn all confut'd, Still by himfelf abus'd, or difabus'd; Créât» half to life, and half to fall, Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judje of truth, in endtefs error hurl'd, Th: g'cry, jeir, aud ridíl« of Л: world. POP!. What a chimera... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1787 - 396 pages
...Paffion, all confus'd ; Still by himfelf abus'd or difabus'd ; Created half to rife, and half to fall ; IJ Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all ; Sole...hurl'd : The glory, jeft, and riddle of the world ! Go, wond'rous creature! mount where Science guides, Go, meafure earth, weigh air, and ftate the tides... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 398 pages
...abus'd or difabus'd ; Created half to rife, and half to fall ; 15 Great lord of all things, yet a pray to all ; Sole judge of Truth, in endlefs Error hurl'd : The glory, jeft, and riddle of the world ! Go, wondrous creature ! mount where Science guides, Go, meafure earth, weigh air, and ftate the tides... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 pages
...little, or too much : Chaos of Thought and Paffion, all confus'dt Still by himfelf abus'd or difabus'd ; he foreft's verdant limits ftray'd, Pan faw and lov'd ; and burning with dciire, Purfued her flight; Tnlth, in endlefs Error hurl'd ; The glory, jeft, and riddle of the world ! Go, wondrous creature !... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 pages
...of Thought and Paifion, all coiifub'd ; Still by himfelf abus'd or difabus'd ; Crcaud half to tile, and half to fall ; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all ; Sole jud^c of Truth, in cndlefs Error hurl'd: The glory, ¡ей, and riddle of the world ! Go, wond'roas... | |
| 1793 - 310 pages
...deliverance ?" WoLLAWoN. Chaos of thought and paffion all confus'd, Still by himfelf abus'd, or difabus'd ; Created half to rife, and half to fall", Great lord...hurl'd, The glory, jeft, and riddle of the world. PoPE. " What a chimera then is man ! what a confufed " chaos ! what a fubje<Et of contradiction ! a... | |
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