| T. Drummond - 1812 - 112 pages
...should be convinced that these doctrines are not true, you commit no breach in your obedience; for " it is not lawful for the Church to ordain anything...neither may it so expound one place of Scripture that it le repugnant of another." Thus equity and candour inducing us to plead the consistency of the Articles,... | |
| 1813 - 684 pages
...and Authority in Controvertid of Faith | and yet it is not lawful lor the Church to ordain any thing that is contrary to God's word written, neither may it so expound one place of Scripture that Pope Pius fiOMHH ARTICLES. ENGLISĀ« AtrrtClES Of K FI.IGION-. it be repugnant to soother. Wherefore... | |
| William Smith - 1814 - 330 pages
...and Authority in controversies of Faith: And yet it is not lawful for the Church to ordain any thing that is contrary to God's word written ; neither may...place of scripture* that it be repugnant to another. Wherefore, although the Church be a Witness and a Keeper* of Holy Writ, yet as it ought not to decree... | |
| 1815 - 876 pages
...and authority in controversies of faith: 'and yet it b not lawful for the church to ordain any thing that is contrary to God's word written, neither may...place of scripture that it be repugnant to another. Wherefore, although the church be a witness and a keeper of holy writ, yet as it ought not to decree... | |
| Church of England - 1815 - 450 pages
...and authority in Controversies of Faith : And yet it is not lawful for the Church to ordain any thing that is contrary to God's Word written, neither may...place of Scripture, that it be repugnant to another. Wherefore, although the Church be a witness and a keeper of holy Writ, yet, as it ought not to decree... | |
| Gamaliel Smith Olds - 1815 - 216 pages
...by the qualifying clause in the article: " Yet it is not lawful for the church to ordain any thing that is contrary to GOD'S word written; neither may...place of scripture, that it be repugnant to another." For, " of this repugnance and conerariety, the church alone," as it has been well observed, " and not... | |
| 1815 - 880 pages
...and authority hi controversies of faith : and yet it is not lawful for the church to ordain any thing that is contrary to God's word written, neither may it so expound one place of scripture that ft be repugnant to another. Wherefore, although the church be a witness and a keeper of holy writ,... | |
| Daniel Neal - 1817 - 506 pages
...of Rome. 75. It is not lawful for the church to ordain any thing that is contrary to (Mill's word ; neither may it so expound one place of scripture, that it be repugnant to another. Wherefore, although the church be a witness, and a keeper of holy writ, yet as it ought not to decree... | |
| Daniel Neal - 1817 - 508 pages
...Bisliop of Rome. 15. It is not lawful for the chureh to ordain any thing that is contrary to God's word; neither may it so expound one place of scripture, that it be repugnant to another. Wherefore, although the church be a witness, and a keeper of holy writ, yet as it ought not to decree... | |
| 1817 - 264 pages
...justly claim ; but it immediately declares, that ' it is not lawful for ' the church to ordain any thing that is contrary ' to God's word written; neither...place of scripture, that it be repugnant to ' another. Wherefore, although the church be a .' witness and a keeper of holy writ, yet it ought ' not to decree... | |
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