| Robert Southey - 1849 - 756 pages
...Where he that now hath it payeth sixteen pound by the year, or more, and is not able to do anything for his prince, for himself, nor for his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor." — LATJMER'S First Sermon preached before King Edward the Sixth. LATIMER. 297 \lMt\mer looks to the... | |
| Robert Southey - 1849 - 710 pages
...Where he that now hath it payeth sixteen pound by the year, or more, and is not able to do anything for his prince, for himself, nor for his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor." — LATIMEB'S First Sermon preached before King Edward the Sixth. 296 297 [Latimer looks to the Example... | |
| Walter Farquhar Hook - 1850 - 678 pages
...where he that now hath it payeth sixteen pounds by the year, or more, and is not able to do anything for his prince, for himself, nor for his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor." This statement reduces the age of Latimer considerably below the ordinary accounts ; and it agrees... | |
| 1859 - 748 pages
...up in godliness and fear of God. He kept hospitality for his poor neighbours, and some alms he gave to the poor. In my time my poor father was as diligent to teach me to shoot as to leam me any other thing, and so I think other men did their children : he taught me how to draw, how... | |
| William Gresley - 1852 - 344 pages
...he of the same farm, where he that now hath it payeth sixteen pound by the year, or more, and is not able to do any thing for his prince, for himself,...his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor." Such was the account given by Latimer of his birth and parentage, in a sermon which he preached before... | |
| 1853 - 428 pages
...justices of peace ; for they do not their duty, they be negligent in executing these laws of shooting. In my time, my poor father was as diligent to teach me to shoot as to learn me any other tiling, and so I think other men did their children. He taught me how to draw, how to lay my body in... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1853 - 716 pages
...year, or more, and is not able to '¡••any thing for his prince, for himself, nor fur his iLHdren, or give a cup of drink to the poor In my time my poor father was as diligent to teach rut to shoot, as to learn me any other thing, and so I think other men did their children : he taught... | |
| Society for promoting Christian knowledge - 1853 - 644 pages
...same farm ; where he that now hath it, payeth 16/. by the year or more, and is not able to do anything for his prince, for himself, nor for his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor. STRANGE GAME AT SHUTTLECOCK. THE Siamese are very expert at this game, but they play it without battledores,... | |
| Governess - 1855 - 884 pages
...said farm. Where he that now hath it payeth 1 61. by the year, or more, and is not able to do anything for his prince, for himself, nor for his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor. — Bishop Lalimers Sermons. [ .Wo 29, 15.] Dramatic Performance. 36. In the reign of Henry VII., 1487,... | |
| 1857 - 330 pages
...farm. Where [as] he that now hath it, payeth .£16 by the year or more, and is not able to do anything for his prince, for himself, nor for his children, or give a cup of drink to the poor." (Latimer't Sermons.) As to the husbandry of this country, nn Elizabethan writer says : — The soil... | |
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