MA Fellow of King's College, Cambridge ; and Assistant Master at Eton College. CICERONIS ORATIONES, Edited by CHARLES EDWARD GRAVES, MA Classical Lecturer and late Fellow of St. Elementary Hydrostatics - Page 100by James Hamblin Smith - 1870 - 136 pagesFull view - About this book
| Mrs. Frances Emily Awdry - 1880 - 198 pages
...College, Oxford, and AssistantMaster at Eton College. THUCYDIDES— Books IV. and V. Edited by Rev. C. E. GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. XENOPHON— MEMORABILIA,' Edited by AR CT.IIKR, BA Balliol College, Oxford. Other volumes fiviil follow.... | |
| Edward Augustus Freeman - 1880 - 528 pages
...Assistant-Master at Harrow. [Ready. THUCYDIDES, Book IV. Ch. 1-41. THE CAPTURE OF SPHACTERIA. Edited by CE GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. HERODOTUS. Selections from Boobs VII. and VIII. THE EXPEDITION OF XERXES. Edited by AH COOKE,... | |
| Sir John Budd Phear - 1880 - 428 pages
...of Exeter College, Oxford, and AssistantMaster at Eton College. Books III. IV. and V. Edited by CE GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. (To be published separately.) [Book IV. in the press. TIBUH.US. SELECTIONS. Edited by JP POSTDATE,... | |
| Thomas Alexander, Arthur Watson Thomson - 1880 - 200 pages
...School, [Ready 20jOOO 9.80. a THUCYDIDES, Book IV. Ch. 1-41. THE CAPTURE OF SPHACTERIA. Edited by CE GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. {Ready. HERODOTUS. Selections from Books VII. and VIII. THE EXPEDITION OF XERXES. Edited by AH COOKE,... | |
| Isaac Todhunter - 1880 - 208 pages
...School, [Ready 20,000.9.80. THUCYDIDES, Book IV. Ch. 1-41. THE CAPTURE OF SPHACTERIA. Edited by CE GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. HERODOTUS. Selections from Books VII. and VIII. THE EXPEDITION OF XERXES. Edited by AH CoOKE,... | |
| Richard Morris - 1880 - 348 pages
...Assistant-Master at Harrow. [Ready. THUCYDIDES. Book IV. Oh. 1-41. THE CAPTURE OF SPHACTERIA. Edited by CE GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. HERODOTUS. Selections from Books VII. and VIII. THE EXPEDITION OF XERXES. Edited by AH COOKE,... | |
| John Williams White - 1880 - 366 pages
...Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, and AssistantMaster at Eton College. Books IV. and V. Edited by CE GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. VIRGIL— JENEID, II. and III. The Narrative of Edited by EW HOWSON, BA, FeUow of King's College, Cambridge.... | |
| Francis Jones - 1880 - 262 pages
...College, Cambridge. [Ready. THUCYDIDBS, Book IV. Ch. 1-41. THE CAPTURE OF SPHACTERIA. Edited by CE GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. THE RISE OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE. Book I., cc. 89-118 and 128-138. Edited by FH COLSON, BA,... | |
| George Eugène Fasnacht - 1880 - 310 pages
...MACMILLAN'S EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. THUCYDIDES, Book IV. Ch. 1-41. THE CAPTURE OF SPHACTERIA. Edited by CE GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. [Ready. HERODOTUS. Selections from Books VII. and VIII. THE EXPEDITION OF XERXES. Edited by AH COOKE,... | |
| Herbert Kynaston - 1880 - 216 pages
...College, Oxford, and AssistantMaster at Eton College. THUCYDIDES— Book* IV. and V. Edited by Rev. C. E. GRAVES, MA, Classical Lecturer, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. XENOPHON-MEMORABILIA.' Edited by AR CLUER. Balliol College, Oxford. Other vflumet will follow. CLASSICAL.... | |
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