| Demosthenes - 1883 - 192 pages
...PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Prelector of St. John's College, Cambridge. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. Sixth Edition, revised. Crown 8vo, cloth. g*. 6d. A TREATISE ON OPTICS. New Edition, revised and enlarged.... | |
| Charlotte Mary Yonge - 1883 - 544 pages
...PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Prelector of St. John's College, Cambridge. AN ELEMENTAL Y TREA TISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. Sixth Edition, revised. Crown 8vo, cloth, gs. dd. PEDLEY— EXERCISES IN ARITHMETIC for the Use of... | |
| Homerus - 1883 - 238 pages
...PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Prselector of St. John's College, Cambridge. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. Sixth Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth, gs. 6J. A TREATISE ON OPTICS. New Edition, revised and enlarged.... | |
| Thomas Alexander (civil engineer.) - 1883 - 456 pages
...PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Prelector of St. John's College, Cambridge. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. Sixth Edition, revised. Crown 8vo, cloth, gs. fid. A TREATISE ON OPTICS. New Edition, revised and enlarged.... | |
| Euripides - 1883 - 236 pages
...PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Prelector of St. John's College, Cambridge. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. Sixth Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. 9*. 6d. A TREATISE ON OPTICS. New Edition, revised and enlarged.... | |
| George Eugène Fasnacht - 1883 - 332 pages
...PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Prselector of St. John's College, Cambridge. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. Sixth Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. 9*. &£ A TREATISE ON OPTICS. New Edition, revised and enlarged.... | |
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...Mathematical Master in the High School of Glasgow. Crown 8vo. Js. <xt. Parkinson.— AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the University and the Higher Classes in Schools. By S. PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Prelector of St. John's College, Cambridge. With a Collection of... | |
| John Richard Blakiston - 1883 - 224 pages
...Mathematical Master in the High School of Glasgow. Crown 8vo. -js. 6d. Parkinson.—AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the University and the Higher Classes in Schools. By S. PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Prelector of St. John's College, Cambridge. With a Collection of... | |
| Samuel Butler - 1883 - 426 pages
...Mathematical Master in the High School of Glasgow. Crown Svo. fs. 6d. Parkinson.— AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the University and the Higher Classes in Schools. By S. PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and Frselector of St. John's College, Cambridge. With a Collection... | |
| Sallust - 1883 - 268 pages
...Master in the High School of Glasgow. Crown 8vo. 7.?. (xi. Parkinson.— AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the University and the Higher Classes in Schools. By S. PARKINSON', DD, FRS, Tutor and Fnclcctor of St. John'.': College, Cambridge. With a Collection... | |
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