| Ezekiel Sanford, Robert Walsh - 1822 - 562 pages
...Supptucd lo be atrmen lty Alexander Selkirk, during kit Sdilary Abode in the bland of Juan Fernandtz, I. I AM monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute , From the centre all round to the seft, I am lord of the fowl and the brute. 0 Solitude ! where are the charms, That sages have seen... | |
| Allen Fisk - 1822 - 194 pages
...where is thy victory ? 0 death ! where is thy sting ? 1 AM monarch of all I survey, My right there ie none to dispute ; From the centre all round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the biate. 0 solitude ! where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face ? Better dwell in the midst... | |
| Sir Richard Phillips - 1822 - 678 pages
...the accent falls on every third syllable; as, 1 am monarch of all I survey, My right there is nune to dispute ; From the centre all round to the sea, I am lord of the fo-wl and the bnOe. Or, 'Tis night \ and the landscape is lovely no more ; I mmr •! ; | but ye woodlands | I mourn... | |
| William Banks - 1823 - 462 pages
...sometimes alternate rhymes. The following lines of Cowper, are an example of verses having three feet. " I am monarch of all I survey ; My right there is none...round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the brute. BB Oh solitude ! where are the charms, That sages have seen in thy face ? Better dwell in the midst... | |
| 1823 - 934 pages
...of our readers, we doubt not, will be gratified if we give the verses alluded to a place here. • I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute : From the centre all round to the seit, I am lord of the fowl and the brute. Oh, solitude ! where are the charms That sages have seen... | |
| William Cowper - 1824 - 446 pages
...Supposed to be written by Alexander Selkirk, during hi! tolitary abode in the island of Juan Fernandez. I. I AM monarch of all I survey, My right there is none...where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face T ' Better dwell in the midst of alarms, Than reign in this horrible place. II. I am oat of humanity's... | |
| John Lauris Blake - 1824 - 396 pages
...was mortal ' ALEXANDER SELKIRK. Lines supposed to have been written by Alexander Selkirk, during his solitary abode in the island of Juan Fernandez. \....all round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the bruteO solitude ! where are the charms, That sages have seen in thy face ? Better dwell in the midst... | |
| John Milton - 1824 - 502 pages
...Supposed to be written by Alexander Selkirk, during his ¡solitary abode in the Island of Juan Fer nandez. I AM monarch of all I survey, My right there is none...round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the brute. 0 solitude ! where are the charms, That sages have seen in thy face ? Better dwell in the midst of... | |
| 1824 - 588 pages
...during bis solitary abode in the desolate island of Juan Fernandez." r. I am monarch of all t saifey, My right there is none to dispute ; From the centre...round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the brute. Better dwell in the midst of alarms, Than reign in this horrible place. 0 solitude! where are the charms... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1824 - 308 pages
...have been written by Alexander Selkirk during his solitary abode in the Island of Juan Fernandez. 1. I AM monarch of all I survey, My right there is none...to dispute ; From the centre all round to the sea, 1 am lord oi the fowl and the brute. Oh solitude.' where are the charms, That sages have seen in tby... | |
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