| William Shakespeare - 2011 - 706 pages
...Augur: prophet; fever's end: ie, death (See A Midsummer Night's Dream: "the screech-owl, screeching loud, / Puts the wretch that lies in woe / In remembrance of a shroud" [5.1.393-95].) 9. session: sitting (of the assembly of birds); interdict: forbid, prohibit 10. Every... | |
| William Shakespeare - 2007 - 297 pages
...at hand: and, by their show, You shall know all that you are like to know. ActV. Sc.I. FAIRIES Puck Now the hungry lion roars, And the wolf behowls the...the wasted brands do glow, Whilst the scritch-owl, scotching loud, Puts the wretch that lies in woe In remembrance of a shroud. Now it is the time of... | |
| William Shakespeare - 2007 - 1288 pages
...— A fortnight hold we this solemnity In nightly revels and new jollity. [Exeunt. Enter PUCK. PUCK. , I screech-owl, screeching loud Puts the wretch that lies in woe In remembrance of a shroud. Now it is... | |
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