This true catholic faith, out of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess, and truly hold, I, N. promise, vow and swear most constantly to hold and profess the same whole and entire, with God's assistance, to the end of my life... Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Page 1071825Full view - About this book
| 1828 - 594 pages
...things contrary thereto, and all heresies whatsoever, condemned and anathematized by the church. " This true Catholic faith, out of which none can be...with God's assistance, to the end of my life. Amen." From Faber's " Difficulties of Romanian'" POPERY. Some modern protestantt are wont, very innocently... | |
| Discourse - 1825 - 58 pages the tounu and cabani nf Ireland. in Mr. Charles Butler's Book of his Church, ends as follows : " This true catholic faith, out of which none can "...God's assistance, to the end of my life. Amen." THE END. Ibnlson and Palmer, Prinlers, Savoy Street, Strand. 6000007 ... | |
| Charles Butler - 1825 - 376 pages
...things contrary thereto, and all heresies what" soever condemned and anathematized by the " church. " This true catholic faith, out of which none " can...God's assistance, to the end of " my life. Amen." Observations on such of the Articles of Faith, contained in the Creed of Pope Pius IV. as are expressed... | |
| Charles Butler - 1825 - 372 pages
...things contrary thereto, and all heresies what" soever condemned and anathematized by the " church. " This true catholic faith, out of which none " can...God's assistance, to the end of " my life. Amen." ill. Observations on such of the Articles of Faith, contained in the Creed of Pope Pius IV. as are... | |
| John Jewel (bp. of Salisbury.) - 1825 - 536 pages
...things contrary thereto, and all " Heresies whatsoever condemned and anathe" matized by the Church. " This true Catholic Faith, out of which none " can...entire, with God's Assistance, to the " End of my Life. " [And that I will take care, as far as in me " lies, that the same be holden, kept, and " preached... | |
| Joseph Blanco White - 1825 - 414 pages
...that poor and degrading exemption of ignorance? Will the learned conviction of a Melancthon, a * " This true Catholic faith, OUT of WHICH NONE CAN BE...promise, vow, and swear, most constantly to hold," &c. &c. Creed o/Pius IV. Calvin, a Grotius, an Usher, and the innumerable host of Protestant luminaries,... | |
| Joseph Blanco White - 1825 - 148 pages
...declaration of the Romanist Faith, ends in words, which, translated into English, are as follow : " This true Catholic Faith, out of which none can be...saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, I promise, vow, and swear, to retain (with God's assist* ance) whole and entire to my life's end, and... | |
| Charles Butler - 1825 - 788 pages
...of my translation of Pope Pius's Creed with the original. My Translation is thus expressed : — " This true Catholic faith, out " of which none can...saved, which I now freely " profess and truly hold, /. N. promise, vow and " swear, most constantly to hold and profess the " same, whole and entire to... | |
| Joseph Blanco White - 1825 - 570 pages
...that poor and degrading exemption of ignorance ? Will the learned conviction of a Melancthon, a * " This true Catholic faith, OUT of WHICH NONE CAN BE SAVED, which I now freely profess and truly hold, IN promise, vow, and swear, most constantly to hold," &c. &c. Creed of Plus IV. Calvin, a Grotius,... | |
| 1825 - 556 pages
...contrary thereto, and all heresies whatsoever condemned and anathematized by the Church. This is the true Catholic faith, out of which none can be saved ; which I now freely profess and truly hold," &c. The oath of the priest declares—" Ye receive and confess all things delivered, defined, and confessed... | |
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