| 1842 - 600 pages
...Literature, und Art : comprising the History, Description, and /Scientific Principles of every Hranch of Human Knowledge ; with the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general use. Edited by WT BHANDE, FRSLand E. Of Her .Majesty's Mint; Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution... | |
 | 1842 - 514 pages
...New-York, are preparing for immediate republication, "A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Arts; comprising the history, description, and scientific principles of every branch of human knowledge," etc., illustrated with engravings. Edited by WT Brande, FRS and Joseph Cauvin, Esq. It will appear... | |
 | Richard Whately - 1842 - 312 pages
...British Mail Steamers to Boston, and thence by US Mail to any part of the United States. A DICTIONARY OP SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART. * coMPRISING THE HISTORY, DESCRIPTION, AND SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF S3 ben.) Urancl) of Jijiimnn Knotolcfinrjc; WITH THE DERIVATIoN AND DEFINITION oF ALL THE TERMS IN... | |
 | 1842 - 1046 pages
...presence of the throne, and thereto behold with our eyes the seraph, the altar, the sacrifice. 14. — A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. Comprising -the History, Description, and Scientific Principle* of every branch of Human Knowledge ; with the derivation and definition of ail the terms... | |
 | 1842 - 620 pages
...£llen F itz Arthur," &c. Also Mr. Sorrow's work, " Zincali," or the Gipsies of Spain, &c. ; und a Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art ; comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Principlet* of every branch of human knowledge: with ihe Derivation and Definition ol all the Terms... | |
 | Edward Robinson - 1842 - 518 pages
...presence of the throne, and there to behold with our eyes the seraph, the altar, the sacrifice. 14.—A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. Comprising, the History, Description, and Scientific Principle* of every branch of Human Knowledge; with the derivation and dffinition of ail the terms... | |
 | 1842 - 508 pages
...presence of the throne, and there to behold with our eyes the seraph, the altar, the sacrifice. 14. — A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. Comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Principle* of every branch of Human Knowledge ; with the derivation and definition of ail the terms... | |
 | Richard Owen - 1843 - 440 pages
...America, with various Ms additions communicated directly to the Publishers by the Authors. BRANDE.-A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE. and ART; comprising...Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL & E. assisted by JOSEPH CAUVIN, Esq. The various Departments are by gentlemen... | |
 | London Institution. Library - 1843 - 870 pages
...INCLUDING ANALYSES OF ENCYCLOP/EDIAS. (CATALOGUE VOLUME I. PAGE 178.) BKANDE (William Thomas, FRS) A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art : comprising...derivation and definition of all the terms in general use. (Alphabetically arranged.) 8vo. Land. 1841. CONVERSATIONS LEXICON. The popular Encyclopaedia, or "... | |
 | Jonathan Pereira - 1843 - 158 pages
...Boyhood and Youth. 19th Edition, square 12mo. with many Engravings on Wood, 8s. 6d. boards. BRANDE.-A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART; comprising...Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT BRANDS, FRSL & E. ; assisted by JOSBPH CAUVIN, Esq. The various departments are by Gentlemen... | |
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