| General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States - 1884 - 526 pages
...watch Thou daily o'er their souls, That they may watch for Thee. A BLESSED CALLING. 198 (351). SM "OW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill...salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal. H< 2 How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are ! " Zion, behold Thy Saviour King ; He... | |
 | Presbyterian Church of England - 1885 - 584 pages
...• — r — _U ]^ 5/ HPon tb* niounlains are the feet of him thai triiigeth good tiding}." 1 »if HOW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill,...salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! 2 mf How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are ! £TAî"Zion, behold thy Saviour King,... | |
 | Presbyterian Church of England - 1885 - 804 pages
...— A - men. G d1 :d' ld':s 1 :f ln:d s :s Is »r d:d lf:f f :-ln .— t :s, Id u I*"~I~~ 157 I mf HOW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill,...salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! 3 mf How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are ! '.rti "Zion, behold thy Saviour King,... | |
 | Hymns, John Rylands - 1885 - 612 pages
...lowly, Go forth to meet thy Lord. BFNJAMIN COUGH. 444.—The Messengers of Peace. ISAIAH lii. 7. SM HOW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill...salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal. How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are !— " Zion, behold thy Saviour King ; He reigns... | |
 | Universalist Publishing House - 1885 - 352 pages
...These saddening thoughts shall trouble This holy hour 01 prayer. Oo The Alestenger Welcomed. WITTS 1 How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill ! Who bring salvation on their tcagues And words of peace reveal ! How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings arc ! "Zion,... | |
 | Reformed Episcopal Church - 1885 - 520 pages
...*—&. L., 1 How beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Sion's hill ; Who bring salvation on tlieir tongues, And words of peace reveal ! 2 How charming is their voice : How sweet their tidings are ! — "Sion, behold thy Saviour-King, He reigns and triumphs here." 3 How happy are... | |
 | Presbyterian Church of England - 1885 - 366 pages
...empire all mankind ' Aoa "How leant i f«t vpo. mountains are the /& of him that bringcthg* tidings" 1 HOW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill ! Who bring salvation on theirtongae And words of peace reveal ! 2 How charming is their voice, How sweet the tidings are !... | |
 | Presbyterian Church of England - 1886 - 788 pages
...-r— L j L^£=l 1 K *J " How beautiful apart the mountains are the feet of him that Mngcth good 1 mf HOW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill,...salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! 2 JK/HOW charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are 1 (res "Zion, behold thy Saviour King, He... | |
 | Henry Allon, Henry John Gauntlett, William Henry Monk - 1886 - 632 pages
...Ifoiu beautiful Vie feet of him '"/ 9 R 1 TTOW beauteous are their feet £t{Jl Ji WhostandonZion'shilll Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of...charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are ! — cr Zion, behold thy Saviour-King ; He reigns and triumphs here. mf 3 How happy are our ears That... | |
 | Theodore Appel - 1886 - 362 pages
...Glessner. 9. English Address, by Rev. HL Rice. 10. Collection, and Hymn beginning with the words : How beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Zion's...salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal! A brief history of the origin, progress and rise of the Seminary was then read by the Rev. John Casper... | |
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