| Basil Montagu - 1837 - 400 pages
...with an English Translation, Notes, and a Verbal Index, by BENJAMIN THORPE, FSA royal 8vo. l/. Is. THE POETICAL ROMANCES OF TRISTAN, IN FRENCH, IN ANGLO-NORMAN,...in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Edited by FRANCISQUB MICHEL. 2vols. fscap. Svo. 11. 10s. CHARLEMAGNE'S TRAVELS to CONSTANTINOPLE and JERUSALEM,... | |
 | John Gibson Lockhart - 1837 - 610 pages
...reader will find all the learning on the subject brought together with tnnch ability in the Preface to " The Poetical Romances of Tristan, in French, in AngloNorman,...the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries — Edited by Frnncisque Michel," 2 voK London, 1835. t See the Minstrelay (Edition 1833), vol. iv. p. 110. CHAPTER... | |
 | John Gibson Lockhart - 1837 - 452 pages
...reader will find all the learning on the subject brought'together with much ability in the Preface to " The Poetical Romances of Tristan, in French, in Anglo-Norman,...and in Greek, composed in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries—Edited by Francisque Michel," 2 vols. London, 1835. t See the Minstrelsy (Edition 1833),... | |
 | 1837 - 598 pages
...the subject brought together with much ability in the Preface to "The Poetical Romances ofTristan, in French, in Anglo-Norman, and in Greek, composed in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries—Edited by Francisque Michel," 3 vols. London, 1835. vOL. n. 3 Poetry ; but the argument... | |
 | Thomas Burbidge - 1838 - 436 pages
...an Introductory Letter, by JP KEMBLE, Esq. (only 10U qppies printed), royal Svo. 15s, Paris, 1937. THE POETICAL ROMANCES OF TRISTAN, IN FRENCH, IN ANGLO-NORMAN,...in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Edited by FRANCISQUK MICHEL. In 2 vols. fcap Svo. I/. 109. CHARLEMAGNE'S TRAVELS to CONSTANTINOPLE and JERUSALEM,... | |
 | James Gillman - 1838 - 396 pages
...gold, H. 1s. EARLY FRENCH AND ANGLO-NORMAN POEMS AND ROMANCES. i. In two vols. foolscap Sro. price \l. 10s. THE POETICAL ROMANCES OF TRISTAN, in FRENCH, in ANGLO-NORMAN, and in GREEK. Composed in the xiith and xiiith Centuries. Edited by FRANCISQUE MICHEL. II. CHARLEMAGNE, an ANGLO-NORMAN POEM of the... | |
 | James Gillman - 1838 - 446 pages
...WALTON and COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER, ti-illt cuts, 48mo. cloth, 6s. MILTON'S PARADISE LOST. 48mo. 5s. THE POETICAL ROMANCES OF TRISTAN, in FRENCH, in ANGLONORMAN, and in GREEK. Composed in the xiith and xiiith Centuries. Edited by FRANCISQUE MICHEL. In two vols. foolscap Svo. 12. 10s. CHARLEMAGNE,... | |
 | George Herbert - 1838 - 420 pages
...printed), royal Svo. 15s Paris, 1S3T. THE POETICAL ROMANCES OF TRISTAN, IN FRENCH, IN A.IGLO-NORMAN, and in GREEK. Composed in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Edited by FRANCISQUR MICHEL. In 2 vols. fcap. 8to. I/. 10s. CHARLEMAGNE'S TRAVELS to CONSTANTINOPLE and JERUfll,EM,... | |
 | John Gibson Lockhart - 1839 - 354 pages
...reader will find all tne learning on the subject brought together with much ability in the Preface to " The Poetical Romances of Tristan, in French, in Anglo-Norman,...Thirteenth Centuries — Edited by Francisque Michel," 2 vols. London, 1835. think, be no doubt that it had been told in verse, with such success as to obtain... | |
 | John Gibson Lockhart - 1839 - 348 pages
...reader will find all the learning on the subject brought together with much ability in the Preface to " The Poetical Romances of Tristan, in French, in Anglo-Norman,...Thirteenth Centuries — Edited by Francisque Michel," 2 vols. London, 1835. think, be no doubt that it had been told in verse, with such success as to obtain... | |
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