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" He grasp'd the mane with both his hands, And eke with all his might. His horse, who never in that sort Had handled been before, What thing upon his back had got Did wonder more and more. "
Poems. With an introductory essay by J. Montgomery - Page 439
by William Cowper - 1826
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Poems, Volume 1

William Cowper - 1810 - 422 pages
...rinding soon a smoother road Beneath his well-shod feet, The snorting beast began to trot, Which gall'd him in his seat. So, Fair and softly, John he cried,...down, as needs he must, Who cannot sit upright, He grasp 'd the mane with both his hands, And eke with all his might. His horse, who never in that sort...
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Poems, Volume 1

William Cowper - 1810 - 390 pages
...finding soon a smoother road Beneath his well-shod feet, The snorting beast began to trot, Which gall'd him in his seat. So, Fair and softly, John he cried,...down, as needs he must, Who cannot sit upright, He grasp'd the mane with both his hands, And eke with all his might. His horse, who never in that sort...
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Poems, Volume 1

William Cowper - 1812 - 396 pages
...finding soon a smoother road Beneath his well-shod feet, The snorting beast began to trot, Which gall'd him in his seat. So, Fair and softly^ John he cried,...down, as needs he must, Who cannot sit upright, He grasp'd the mane with both his hands, And eke with all his might. His horse, who never in that sort...
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The young woman's companion; or, Female instructor [by J.A. Stewart].

J A. Stewart - 1814 - 792 pages
...and good heed. But finding soon a smoother road Beneath his well-shod feet, The snorting beast began to trot, Which galled him in his seat. So, Fair and...trot became a gallop soon, In spite of curb and rein. v So stooping down, as needs he must Who cannot sit upright, He grasped the mane with both his hands,...
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The young woman's companion; or, Female instructor [by J.A. Stewart].

J A. Stewart - 1814 - 798 pages
...snorting beast began to trot, Which gulled him in his seat. i -So, Fair and softly, John he cried, v.."'.I But John he cried in vain ; That trot became a gallop...curb and rein. So stooping down, as needs he must Wno cannot sit upright, He grasped the mane with both his hands, And eke with all his might. His horse,...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1814 - 424 pages
...Which gall'd him in his seat. So, " fair and softly," John he cried j But John he cried in vain ; The trot became a gallop soon, In spite of curb and rein. So stooping down as needs he must, 3 cannot sit upright ; .•.B..isp'd the mane with both his harm-,, And eke with all Uis might. \way...
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Elegant extracts in poetry, Volume 2

Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 pages
...finding soon a smoother road Beneath his well-shod feet, The snorting beast began to trot, Which gall'd him in his seat. So, fair and softly, John he cried,...down, as needs he must Who cannot sit upright, He grasp'd the mane with both his hands, And eke with all his might. His horsej who never in that sort...
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Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions &c

1819 - 490 pages" The s.milarity between the heroes, now they are fairly started, becomes much more striking: " ' So, fair and softly !' John he cried, But John vain ; That trot became a gallop soon, In spite ot' curb or rein. " So stooping down, as needs he must Who canuot sit upright, He grasp'd his rein...
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Poems, Volume 1

William Cowper - 1817 - 252 pages
...caution and good heed. But finding soon a smoother road Beneath his well-shod feet, The suorting heast hegan to trot, Which galled him in his seat. So, fair...John he cried, But John he cried in vain ; That trot hecame a gallop soon, In spite of curh and rein. So stooping down, as needs he must Who caunot sit...
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Lessons in Elocution: Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse, for the ...

William Scott - 1817 - 416 pages
...soon a smoother road • Beneath his well shod feet, The snorting beast began to trot, Which gall'd him in, his seat. So, " fair and softly," John he cried ; But John he cried in vain ; The trot became a gallop soon ; In spite of curb and rein. So stooping down, as needs he must, Who...
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