| John Mason Neale, Richard Frederick Littledale - 1879 - 662 pages
...sheep and goats ; repentant ones, because goats were the victims Origenused in sin-offerings. 14 O come hither, and hearken, all ye that fear GOD : and I will tell you what he hath done for my soul. He calls not only the living, but the Patriarchs and Pro- Theod. Mopphets of old time, who longed... | |
 | William Blackley - 1879 - 498 pages
...felt and enjoyed by great numbers. They could say to one another, as David once said : ' Come, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul.' They eminently rejoiced, rejoiced in hope, and that because the love of God was shed abroad... | |
 | David Logan Shirres - 1879 - 768 pages
...heard me, aud delivered me from all my fears." 324 THEY LOOKED TO HBI ANT) WERE LIGHTENED. " Come all ye that fear God. and I will tell you what he hath done for my soul," " I sought him, and he heard and delivered me from all my fears ;" and why are we informed of... | |
 | David Thomas K. Drummond - 1879 - 688 pages
...is the inner work of the soul here. My soul shall make her boast in His work. ' Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul.' Good cause for boasting truly! Such a Lord, and such a Master ! Our Prophet, Priest, and King... | |
 | William Magan Campion - 1880 - 480 pages
...trouble. I will offer unto thee fat burnt-sacrlflces. with the incense of rama : I will offer bullock» and goats. 0 come hither, and hearken, all ye that...God : and I will tell you what he hath done for my soul. 1 called unto him with my mouth : and gave him praises with my tongue. If Hncline unto wickedness... | |
 | Samuel Lilckendey Warren - 1880 - 240 pages
...offer unto Thee fat burntsacrifices, with the incense of rams : I will offer bullocks and goats. 14 0 come hither, and hearken, all ye that fear God : and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul. 15I called unto Him with my mouth : and gave Him praises with my tongue. 16 If I incline unto... | |
 | Chester cathedral - 1880 - 254 pages
...wickedness the Lord will not hear me. But God hath heard me, and considered the voice of my prayer. 0 come hither and hearken, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul. I called unto Him with my mouth, and gave Him praises with my tongue. 377 Psalm cxvii., 1, 2.... | |
 | William Lewery Blackley - 1880 - 498 pages
...felt and enjoyed by great numbers. They could say to one another, as David once said : ' Come, all ye that fear God, and •I will tell you •what He hath done for my soul.' They eminently rejoiced, rejoiced in hope, and that because the love of God was shed abroad... | |
 | Septimus Sears - 1880 - 272 pages
...salvation of souls, and nothing so much delighted him as hearing new converts say, ' Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul.' He would often, on such occasions, pour out the feelings of his heart in expressions of overflowing... | |
 | Henry Bleby - 1880 - 234 pages
...new. Filled with peace and joy unspeakable, he was ready to say to all around, " Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul." From the time when the great moral change took place by which he was translated out of the kingdom... | |
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